Trump has signed a decree on sanctions for interfering in elections

Trump has signed a decree on sanctions for interfering in elections WASHINGTON, September 12 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump has signed the decree about responsibility for intervention in the elections, said his adviser for homeland security John Bolton. Upstairs The document will be published in the near future. The decree will provide for the imposition of sanctions against foreign individuals and entities that US intelligence agencies will suspect meddling in the elections by “cyber-attacks or otherwise”. Earlier, US intelligence agencies, who accuse Russia of meddling in the presidential election of 2016, said that see the same threat, and in 2018 in congressional elections that will be held November 6. Trump, in turn, promised to take all necessary measures to prevent such interference. Russia has repeatedly denied accusations of meddling in elections, press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov called them “completely unfounded”. See also: Vladimir Putin: more

Terrorists intend to use chlorine during the staging himataki in Idlib

Terrorists intend to use chlorine during the staging himataki in Idlib MOSCOW, 12 Sep — RIA Novosti. The terrorists are preparing to use toxic substances based on chlorine against the participants of the staged shooting in Idlib province, said at the Russian Centre for reconciliation of the warring parties. Upstairs It is noted that in the preparation of provocations are also involved “Belorusochka”. For filming in the North-Eastern part of Khan shaykhun is specifically deployed the field medical facility. The planned chemical attack to blame the Syrian army. “From September 9 activists of the “White helmets”, in the village of Khan shaykhun every evening conduct rehearsals staged video “himataki” with up to 30 civilians, including about a dozen children from eight to 12 years”, — told in the center. Also, there is evidence that staged himataki prepare in the same city — Kafer-Go. To mock the militants seized in the

Kremlin: Putin did not communicate with the suspects in the “case Skrypalia”

Kremlin: Putin did not communicate with the suspects in the “case Skrypalia” Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Putin talked with Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan by Bocharovym suspected by the British authorities in the assassination of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Mr. Sands noted, “he could not give more details, something he said the President,” and proposed to wait until these people themselves will make a statement. “London’s not had any queries in respect of these persons did not commit any actions”, — said Dmitry Peskov. The correspondent of “Russia 24” was associated with Alexander Petrov, but he said that later they will be able to comment on the case. “Maybe later. Next week, I think,” he said. The niece of former Colonel GRU of Victoria Skripal said Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov “a simple people” and

As jetlag prevent officials from Moscow to manage the Far East

As jetlag prevent officials from Moscow to manage the Far East Vladivostok is sometimes called the Eastern capital of Russia. But for the capital he has little independence, because important issues are in Moscow. Big time difference complicates this process: officials fly a lot and suffer from getlegal. Upstairs East economic forum, which takes place in Vladivostok, the fourth year to discuss the development of the Far East and Russia’s cooperation with countries in the Asia-Pacific region. And on every forum speakers, mainly from Moscow, with discontent recall how far from the capital centre of decision — making- is the far East. From Moscow to Vladivostok, more than 9 thousand kilometers. The time difference with Moscow is seven hours. Deputy Minister of economic development Sergey Gorkov called on the forum to change the attitude of the region to the far East to Russia became neighbours. “God forbid” — sadly joked

The UK authorities responded to Putin’s statement on the “case Skrypalia”

The UK authorities responded to Putin’s statement on the “case Skrypalia” The attempts of great Britain to the explanation in the case of the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the English Salisbury Russia has always responded with deception and lies, and that Moscow’s position has not changed, said the representative of the Prime Minister Theresa may. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow knows the real identity of the two men, whom Britain has accused of the poisoning Skrobala. According to him, we are talking about civilians. “There is nothing special and is no crime”, — said the President. Putin about Petrov and Bashirova: We certainly looked at what these people are. We know who they are, we found them. I hope that they will themselves and about themselves tell. There is nothing special and criminal, they are civil — Dmitry

Step to the side. That will give Russia a peace Treaty with Japan?

Step to the side. That will give Russia a peace Treaty with Japan? Russia proposed to Japan to sign a peace Treaty before the end of this year. Upstairs East economic forum the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has invited Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to sign a peace Treaty between the two countries before the end of the year without any conditions. For many years all negotiations and meetings of representatives of the two countries, was held in the absence of a signed peace Treaty after the Second world war. Moscow and Tokyo since 1945 cannot come to this agreement because of a dispute about the ownership of the four Kuril Islands — Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai, which became part of Russia in the Second world war. In 1956 the USSR and Japan signed a Joint Declaration in which Moscow was ready to consider the possibility of transfer of

Shulgin called the possible motive of the incident organizers with Kripalani

Shulgin called the possible motive of the incident organizers with Kripalani MOSCOW, 12 Sep — RIA Novosti. The organizers of the incident with the poisoning in Salisbury tried to influence the presidential elections held in March this year, believes Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons Alexander Shulgin. Upstairs “It was clearly to influence the presidential elections in Russia in the spring of this year,” he told the TV channel Ruptly. According to him, the British side, in turn, argues that the attack on Skrobala was beneficial to Russia, as allegedly invested in its state policy to exterminate the traitors. “We have shown that this thesis is utterly false, nothing,” said Shulgin. There are lots of other inconsistencies, gaps, inconsistencies, we all paid attention, raised this issue with the British at the time.Alexander Shulgin, Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical

The problem of concluding a peace Treaty between Russia and Japan

The problem of concluding a peace Treaty between Russia and Japan The peculiarity of Russia’s relations with Japan is the existence in them of the problem of concluding a peace Treaty that would include the issue of border demarcation. Upstairs The main obstacle to agreement is the extension of Japan’s unreasonable territorial claims to the southern Kuril Islands (Iturup island, Kunashir island and the Small Kuril ridge). Kuril Islands — an archipelago of volcanic Islands on the border of the sea of Okhotsk and the Pacific ocean, between the island of Hokkaido and the Kamchatka Peninsula. Consist of two parallel ridges of the Islands — Greater and lesser Kuril Kuril. The first information about the Kuril Islands was announced by Russian Explorer Vladimir Atlasov. In 1745, a large part of the Kuril Islands was mapped. In parallel with the development of the Kuril Islands by Russia, was the advance of

Japan recalled the conditions for the conclusion of a peace Treaty

Japan recalled the conditions for the conclusion of a peace Treaty Japan has not yet commented on the proposal of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the conclusion of a peace Treaty between the States until the end of the year. The chief Secretary of the Japanese government Yoshihide Suga has said that while it would not comment on the proposal of the Russian leader. Наверх21фотография21фотография21фотография While Suga recalled Tokyo’s position, which is that the question of the so-called Northern territories (four Kuril Islands) must be resolved prior to the signing of any peace agreement, reports Reuters. Press Secretary of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov also said that Putin has not yet received a response from the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe on his offer to sign a peace Treaty before the end of this year “without any preconditions”. “While not (response. — Ed.). The President continues working arrangements”

Putin said that he, in contrast to Lavrov, the removal of visa barriers

Putin said that he, in contrast to Lavrov, the removal of visa barriers Moscow. September 12. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin called for facilitating the process of obtaining Russian visas for citizens of other countries, the removal of visa barriers, but on the basis of reciprocity, particularly with Japan. Upstairs “I — “for”. Lavrov against. And I have to listen to the experts. According to employees of Ministry of foreign Affairs, such issues are solved mostly, mainly, on the basis of reciprocity”, — Putin said at a plenary session at the Eastern economic forum on Wednesday. He added that “we will stay in this format the solution of these questions, but will strive to remove all visa barriers”. “Shinzo (Abe, Prime Minister of Japan — if) if forced every time to get a visa, give him the five – or 10-year visa,” he said. Earlier during the talks with