Individual the European Union has extended sanctions against Russia

Individual the European Union has extended sanctions against Russia BRUSSELS, September 13 — RIA Novosti. The European Union has extended individual sanctions against Russia, reported the press service of the EU Council. Upstairs Sanctions will be in effect until March 15, 2019. They include the freezing of assets and travel restrictions. In Moscow, commenting on this step, noted that Russia is following its own way and to ignore sanctions will not. In March 2014 the EU imposed restrictions against individual Russians and Ukrainians, whom he accused of “undermining the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.” Since then, they have regularly extended for six months. While the sanctions list is constantly expanded at the expense of citizens of Ukraine, the leaders of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and representatives of the militia, and by Russian politicians, public figures and legal entities. Now, the list includes 155 people and 44

Prime Minister of Japan declared intention to promote peace Treaty with Russia

Prime Minister of Japan declared intention to promote peace Treaty with Russia Japanese authorities intend to improve the conditions for resolving the longstanding territorial dispute with Russia and conclude a peace Treaty with broad public support of the peoples of the two countries. This was stated by Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe at a meeting with businessmen at the Eastern economic forum, reports the Agency Kyodo. Upstairs Abe announced his “firm intention” to promote the peace agreement “based on mutual recognition that cooperation between Japan and Russia will bring great results and improve the lives of people.” For the solution of the territorial issue, it is important to leave behind the mutual suspicions. “I decided to overcome mutually hidden suspicions and make a step forward” (quoted by TASS), he said. Abe also said that a peace Treaty is necessary to “promote the understanding of residents of both countries on

Putin noted that the Russian army can confront the serious threats

Putin noted that the Russian army can confront the serious threats The LANDFILL TSUGOL (Zabaykalsky Krai), September 13 — RIA Novosti. Exercises “Vostok-2018” shows that the Russian army could withstand a serious military threats, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “You have demonstrated military skill, has demonstrated its ability to successfully withstand a potential military threats,” Putin said during the exercise. Maneuvers “Vostok-2018” began on 11 September and will last for 7 days. They are under the leadership of defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to the Far East and adjacent waters of the Pacific ocean. During the maneuvers “works on the application of interspecies military groups in the interests of ensuring military security of the Russian Federation. Only to the maneuvers involved about 300 thousand Russian troops, more than 1 thousand aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles, to 36 thousand tanks, armored personnel carriers, other vehicles, up to 80 ships and

In Poland, explained the dismissal of the MGIMO graduates from the MFA

In Poland, explained the dismissal of the MGIMO graduates from the MFA The dismissal of the Polish foreign Ministry MGIMO graduates is a long — standing practice, said the Ambassador of Poland in Russia Wlodzimierz Marciniak. According to him, in Warsaw it is considered obvious, and most likely will continue in the future. He told RIA Novosti. Upstairs “It is believed that once they were trained in the Soviet Union, it is undesirable that they held senior posts in the foreign Ministry. This practice, which happened many years ago,” — said the diplomat. He noted that the media convey this information as news, although it is no longer news. “I think (…) it was taken from an interview with our Minister of foreign Affairs, who said that they had already been dismissed,” said Marciniak. On 10 September the head of the Polish MFA Jacek Czaputowicz reported that graduates of Moscow

Hayley advises not to test the resolve of the trump again to use force in Syria

Hayley advises not to test the resolve of the trump again to use force in Syria NEW YORK, September 13. /TASS/. It is not necessary to test the resolve of U.S. President Donald trump to use force again in the case of the use of chemical weapons in Syria. With such a warning made on Wednesday on air of TV channel Fox News, U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley. Upstairs “We’ve been very clear to the Syrians, Russians and Iranians to think carefully before you use chemical weapons. We were warned that they twice used chemical weapons, and President of the trump has twice taken action. Do not test us again, because chances are, from my point of view, are formed against them (Syria, Iran and the Russian Federation),” said Haley. It also recalled that the theme of the alleged impending strike by Syrian government forces on the

Haley: Iran can’t be fixed, until he corrected himself

Haley: Iran can’t be fixed, until he corrected himself NEW YORK, September 13. /TASS/. Iran ultimately cannot be forced against his will to change course and abandon the expansion of its influence in the middle East. This opinion was expressed on Wednesday on air of TV channel Fox News, U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley. Upstairs She recalled that the United States 7 August resumed the action of certain sanctions against Tehran, canceled earlier due to a Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD). “On 7 August we resumed part of the sanctions, November 5, we will strike at their oil and foreign banks. I believe they [Iran] will start to really feel the impact of such steps,” says the American diplomat. “However, in the end, nothing will fix Iran, until he corrected himself,” admitted Hayley. “The President [of the USA Donald] trump at least says that we [USA]

The U.S. house of representatives approved a ban on the consumption of meat of dogs and cats

The U.S. house of representatives approved a ban on the consumption of meat of dogs and cats MOSCOW, September 13 — RIA Novosti. The U.S. house of representatives adopted a law prohibiting slaughter, transport, sale and possession of dogs and cats in order to use it, reports channel CBS. Upstairs The initiators of the “Law on the prohibition of the meat trade of dogs and cats” became a Republican Vern Buchanan and Democrat Alcee Hastings. The measure provides for a fine of 5 thousand dollars. “I am proud to have fought in Congress to totally ban the killing and consumption of dogs and cats in the United States,” — said in a statement of Hastings, published after the adoption of the law. Politician urges U.S. Senate to accept this setting. However, the law has an exception. It applies to Indian tribes that are allowed to eat meat of these animals

Vladimir Zhirinovsky: “not one vote for the Communists!”

Vladimir Zhirinovsky: “not one vote for the Communists!” Moscow, September 12, 2018 — REGNUM. In the Single voting day on September 9 in 80 Russian regions have passed elections of various level, including in 22 subjects, elections were held for governors, in 16 regions — members of the legislative Assembly, 12 — city councils of regional centers. Upstairs Additional elections to the state Duma were held in seven single-mandate constituencies. In four regions through the second round of gubernatorial elections is Khakassia, Vladimir oblast, Primorsky Krai and Khabarovsk Krai. In the First channel to the voters, asked the leader of the liberal democratic party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky. “To you I have one request: you don’t have to support candidates from the Communist party, from the Communists — no credibility can not be — neither candidate in the second round, in any other election that we will have many more.

Transparency International has included Russia in the list is not fighting corruption countries

Transparency International has included Russia in the list is not fighting corruption countries The Russian authorities do not take adequate measures to combat bribery of foreign officials. this is stated in the report of the international anti-corruption organization Transparency International, “Exporting corruption” (Exporting Corruption). Upstairs In Russia from 2014 to 2017, was not initiated any criminal case on bribery of foreign officials. the Russian legislation does not provide penalties for a promise or offer of a bribe to such person, said the organization’s experts. In their opinion, in Russia is a lack of cooperation between government agencies responsible for investigating corruption. In particular, we are talking about the interaction of the interior Ministry and the Investigative Committee of Russia. “Russia has serious achievements in the field of transparency of justice (the majority of countries report not even publish court decisions on the Internet)” — presented in the words of the

Turkey has supplied weapons to enemies of Russia and Syria

Turkey has supplied weapons to enemies of Russia and Syria Turkey has stepped up arms supplies to Syrian rebels in Idlib province, to help them fight off the impending attack of the Syrian army supported by Russia and Iran. About it writes Reuters with reference to sources in the armed opposition. Upstairs According to them, Ankara sent military aid, because at the tripartite summit Russia — Iran — Turkey has not reached an agreement on the prevention of the onset of the Syrian army. “They promised full military support from Turkey for a long, protracted battle,” — said a senior member of the “free Syrian army” (FSA), one of the largest associations of armed groups. As noted, the delivered to the rebels weapons — ammunition and missiles for Soviet self-propelled rocket system of volley fire “Grad”. The sources said that this will help to ensure that stocks do not run