Prime Minister of Moldova demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops

Prime Minister of Moldova demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops Prime Minister of Moldova Pavel Filip during his speech at the UN General Assembly demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria. Upstairs “We urge the Russian Federation to cease this illegal and provocative activities and unconditionally and without delay to resume the process of withdrawal of its armed forces and armaments in conformity with the commitments undertaken at the OSCE summit in Istanbul in 1999, and obligations arising from international law and the UN Charter,” — quoted Prime Minister’s press service of the Moldovan government. According to Mr. Philip, the complete withdrawal of Russian troops will contribute to a “settlement process of the Transnistrian conflict and reintegration of the country.” “Despite the difficulties that hinder the settlement process, the Moldovan authorities intend to define the format of negotiations “5+2″ political solution to this prolonged conflict that arose from outside

The army of Serbia brought to combat readiness due to an incident on the border with Kosovo

The army of Serbia brought to combat readiness due to an incident on the border with Kosovo Moscow. September 29. INTERFAX.RU — the Army of Serbia by order of the President of the country Alexander Vucic given on Saturday in a state of full combat readiness because of the situation on the administrative border of Serbia and the Autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohija, said the Serbian TV channel RTS. Upstairs According to him, the situation was complicated after 60 Kosovo special forces entered the territory adjacent to the lake, water Sabaudia HPP “Gazivode” on the administrative border of Serbia and Kosovo. Busy and the Centre for ecology and sports in the village of Zubin Potok. Thus, according to the Serbian Ministry of police, was detained Serbs, “who have not committed any offences.” In view of the tense situation in a state of high readiness of all units of the

The US has threatened to impose sanctions against Syria in circumvention of UN security Council

The US has threatened to impose sanctions against Syria in circumvention of UN security Council USA along with its allies prepared to initiate more stringent sanctions against Syria if its government refuses to work on the new draft Constitution, said in an interview with Reuters, the US special envoy on Syria, James Jeffrey. Upstairs “If the regime (of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.— “Y”) will do it, we believe that we will be able to do the same as I had done with Iran until 2015 to introduce really tough international sanctions,” said Mr Jeffrey. The diplomat noted that the United States can choose a “strategy of isolation” against Syria. “Even if the UN security Council will not approve their (sanctions.— “Kommersant”), we just put them through the EU, via our allies in Asia… We set as our aim to make the most miserable existence that a dying regime,” added James

Greek party demands to annul the agreement on the renaming of Macedonia

Greek party demands to annul the agreement on the renaming of Macedonia ATHENS, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Member of the Greek Parliament party “centrist Union” demands to cancel Prespan agreement on renaming the Republic of Macedonia and to judge the politicians who signed it. Upstairs “Centrist Union”, said that after the referendum in Skopje “suffocating pressure” will be exerted on Greece so that she ratified the agreement. The Greek government in June signed an agreement with the Republic of Macedonia, which solves a longstanding dispute about the name of Skopje and opens the path to NATO and the EU, but criticized in Greece and in Macedonia itself. In the former Yugoslav Republic of 30 September, a referendum on its renaming to the Republic of Northern Macedonia, in the framework of the agreement. “With the referendum on 30 August in Skopje, which, of course, will vote “Yes”, and constitutional change

Volodin has opposed the allocation of hospitality expenses

Volodin has opposed the allocation of hospitality expenses MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin does not support the allocation of expenses to the members of the lower house. So he responded to the statement of his colleagues of Faith Ghanzi, saying that it lacks parliamentary salary 380 thousand rubles. Upstairs She explained that “because hospitality is not, then this salary remains nothing”. According to the Chairman of the state Duma, for the solution of point problems, problems of individual village or city there are state programs, national projects. He stressed that the MP should ensure that these programs and projects included issues of interest to voters. As an example, he, in particular, has led the development of medicine, construction of schools, rural development, road maintenance and infrastructure. Volodin added that the deputies can and should defend the interests of their constituents in the

Russia has begun the delivery of s-300 to Syria

Russia has begun the delivery of s-300 to Syria Russia has started deliveries of anti-aircraft missile systems s-300 to Syria. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, reports “Interfax”. Upstairs “The s-300 have already begun to arrive in Syria,” — said the head of Russian diplomacy. According to him, deliveries could begin “immediately after the incident” with the Russian reconnaissance aircraft Il-20 in Syria. On 24 September the Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu said that Moscow in the next two weeks will resume deliveries of s-300 to Damascus. This process was frozen in 2013 at the request of Israel. Moscow’s decision to transfer to Damascus of an effective air defense was made after the Russian reconnaissance aircraft Il-20 was shot down in the night of September 18, near the Mediterranean coast. The disaster killed 15 Russian soldiers. The defense Ministry laid the blame

Alyssa Milano shamed for cleavage at the hearing on harassment

Alyssa Milano shamed for cleavage at the hearing on harassment MOSCOW, September 28 — RIA Novosti. Social media users condemned the outfit Hollywood actress Alyssa Milano, who came to the hearings in the U.S. Senate, where he handled a sexual harassment lawsuit for Brett Cavanaugh in relation to Christine Blazey Ford. Upstairs Christine Ford has previously accused the Supreme court nominee U.S. harassment, which, she said, took place over 30 years ago while training at the University. Alyssa Milano was among the first Hollywood stars who started the sexual harassment. It has launched a flash mob #MeToo in which women talked about how they faced harassment. Twitter users considered the outfit of the actress too geeky. “How can we take seriously how dressed Alyssa Milano at the hearing? How much disrespect with this open neckline,” wrote @kimpoises. “She needs to show more deep cleavage,” said @MikeJBarnes. “That’s so Hollywood with

The legal Committee of the U.S. Senate voted in favor of the candidacy Cavanaugh

The legal Committee of the U.S. Senate voted in favor of the candidacy Cavanaugh Moscow. September 28. INTERFAX.RU — candidature for the post of judge of the Supreme court of the United States Brett Cavanaugh was supported by the members of the legal Committee of the U.S. Senate. About it reports on Friday the American TV channel CBS. Upstairs According to him, in favor of the approval of the candidacy Cavanaugh voted 11 members of the Committee, voted against 10. While Republican Senator Jeff Flake voted for Cavanaugh, with the proviso that the charges against the applicant will be investigated with the participation of the FBI. According to the American media, in connection with the investigation of the final vote in the U.S. Senate on the nomination Cavanaugh may not pass next week, and one week later. Before Cavanaugh addressed the Committee of the Senate with a speech in which

Trump: Venezuela is “a mess and it must be removed”

Trump: Venezuela is “a mess and it must be removed” WASHINGTON, September 28. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump called Venezuela a “mess” that “need to clean”. With these words he spoke Friday in the White house before meeting with Chilean President Sebastian Pinera. Upstairs “We will discuss Venezuela. Venezuela is a mess and needs clean up, need to take care of the people (Republic),” said trump. Answering the journalists ‘ question whether he is going to meet with President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro, the us leader said: “I know he wants to meet. Let’s see what happens.” Earlier, Maduro spoke about his willingness to meet with the head of the White house and expressed hope that this meeting will bring positive results. On Wednesday, the US President said he was willing to meet with Venezuelan leader if he would ask. Trump also reiterated that the United States consider all

Lavrov called on Western countries to warn Kiev

Lavrov called on Western countries to warn Kiev UN 28 September — RIA Novosti. Kiev illusions about the introduction of the occupying forces in Donbass, Russia urged Western countries to warn the Ukrainian authorities, said the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Upstairs “We support the work of the OSCE mission in Ukraine is ready to give its observers of the UN security. However, instead of fulfilling the Minsk agreements, instead of dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk, Kiev illusions about the introduction of Donbass occupation forces, with the support of the West and increasingly threatens the security scenarios. Those who takes care of the current Kiev authorities must instruct his players to force them to end the blockade of Donbass and discrimination against national minorities on the territory of Ukraine”, — said Lavrov, speaking at the UN General Assembly.