In Kiev called for the lifting of martial law

In Kiev called for the lifting of martial law Moscow. 27 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Military situation in Ukraine may be canceled at any time, said Secretary of national security Council and defense of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov. Upstairs On Monday evening, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait has approved the introduction 30 days in some areas of the country martial law, declared by the decree of the President of Petro Poroshenko. As reported previously in the center of public relations of FSB of the Russian Federation, on the morning of 25 November, three ships of the Navy Ukraine “Berdyansk”, “Nikopol” and “Yana Kapu” crossed the state border of the Russian Federation and “wrongfully went to the temporarily closed waters of the territorial sea of the Russian Federation”. The evening of the same day the Ukrainian ships “has made another attempt of illegal

Trump responded to the incident in the Kerch Strait

Trump responded to the incident in the Kerch Strait The President of the United States Donald Trump is not like the incident between the ships of Russia and Ukraine. He stated this on Monday, November 26. Upstairs “We, anyway, do not like what is going on. And I hope it will be fixed”, — quotes Reuters trump. The White house added that the European leaders are also not happy with the situation and willing to work on this issue together. November 25 three ships of naval forces of Ukraine “Berdyansk”, “Nikopol” and “Yana Kapu” — violated the Russian border in the Black sea. They did not respond to the demands of accompanying the ships of the border service of the FSB and the black sea fleet to a stop and made dangerous manoeuvres. All three Ukrainian boats were detained. Helpthe Azov crisis As Russia and Ukraine brought the situation to

In the Verkhovna Rada said region of introduction of martial law

In the Verkhovna Rada said region of introduction of martial law KIEV, November 27. /TASS/ — the Donetsk and Zaporizhia region has not been previously mentioned. Upstairs In the Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions of Ukraine also will be introduced martial law. On Monday it became known from the updated explanatory note to the revised draft law on the introduction of martial law, published on the website of the Verkhovna Rada. “Martial law is introduced in Vinnytsia, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson regions and the internal waters of Ukraine the Azov-Kerch water area,” — said in the explanatory note. Monday, November 26, speaking in the Parliament, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has listed the regions where there is martial law, however, the Donetsk and Zaporizhia region was not mentioned.

Putin and Merkel discussed by telephone the incident in the Black sea

Putin and Merkel discussed by telephone the incident in the Black sea MOSCOW, 27 Nov — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin held at the initiative of the German side of a telephone conversation with Chancellor Angela Merkel, discussed the incident in the Black sea, reported the press service of the President of Russia. Upstairs “They discussed the threat the incident that occurred on 25 November in Azovo-the black sea water area. Vladimir Putin gave an assessment of the provocative actions of the Ukrainian side, the gross violation of international law by its military ships, deliberately ignoring the rule of innocent passage in the territorial sea of the Russian Federation”, — stated in the message. Added that “expressed serious concern in respect of decisions of Kiev on the reduction of its armed forces in full combat readiness and the Declaration of martial law”. In addition, accented that the Ukrainian leadership bears full

Klimkin said about the uselessness of diplomatic relations with Russia

Klimkin said about the uselessness of diplomatic relations with Russia The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said that diplomatic relations with Russia, his country does not need, however, Kiev is not yet ready to terminate them. Upstairs So the Minister commented on the incident in the Black sea, the introduction of martial law in Ukraine and the impact of these incidents on bilateral relations. On 25 November the ship “Berdyansk”, “Yana Kapu” and “Nikopol”, a Ukrainian Navy invaded the historic territorial waters of Russia in the Black sea. The requirements of the FSB border guards stop Ukrainian court did not react and continued to make dangerous maneuvers. The Russian military had to use force to stop and detain ships. To date, a criminal case under article “Illegal crossing of the state border”. On the background of the incident, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced the introduction of martial

Rada appealed to international organizations in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait

Rada appealed to international organizations in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait KIEV, November 26. /TASS/ — For such a decision voted by 272 deputies. Upstairs The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the resolution on the appeal to the UN, the European Parliament, the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, OSCE parliamentary Assembly, NATO parliamentary Assembly, the GUAM and the national parliaments of the States of the world in connection with the situation that took place on 25 November in the Kerch Strait. For a decision voted by 272 deputies at 226 necessary. According to the head of the Parliament Committee on international policy, Anna hopko, “the decision of Rada asks international organizations to provide assistance to the detainees Russian Ukrainian sailors to strengthen sanctions against Russia, to send observers to the region of the Kerch Strait, to prevent the escalation of the conflict and to provide

Rada has appointed date of elections of the President of Ukraine

Rada has appointed date of elections of the President of Ukraine KIEV, November 26 — RIA Novosti. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed a regular presidential elections on March 31, 2019, the resolution Parliament adopted on Monday. For a decision voted 298 MPs. Upstairs The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed a regular presidential elections on March 31, 2019, the resolution Parliament adopted on Monday. For a decision voted 298 MPs. “We decided,” — said after the vote, the speaker of Parliament Andriy Parubiy. “In accordance with paragraph seventh of article 85, part five of article 103 of the Constitution of Ukraine the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine decides: to appoint presidential elections Ukraine on Sunday, 31 March, 2019”, — stated in the text of the decision published on the Council website. According to the decision, the decision shall enter into force from the day of its adoption. The explanatory note says

The Verkhovna Rada approved the introduction of martial law for 30 days in the border areas

The Verkhovna Rada approved the introduction of martial law for 30 days in the border areas KIEV, November 26. /TASS/ — martial law will be introduced in all border regions of Ukraine and in the waters of the Black and Azov seas. Upstairs The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the decree of the President of Petro Poroshenko on the introduction of martial law for a period of 30 days. It will take effect November 28. For a decision voted 276 deputies in the 226 necessary. Before the vote became known that the President Petro Poroshenko introduced a draft law on the introduction of martial law, instead of what was proposed earlier on Monday. The document suggested that the validity of martial law will last 60 days. So he seized the starting date of the electoral campaign for the presidential election, which is due to begin on 31 December of the

The FSB has interrogated the Ukrainian military personnel detained in Kerch Strait

The FSB has interrogated the Ukrainian military personnel detained in Kerch Strait MOSCOW, November 26. /TASS/ — the Agency has confirmed that the coordinators of the provocations were two employees of SBU, is located directly on the Ukrainian ships. Upstairs The FSB interrogated Ukrainian servicemen detained in the Kerch Strait. About TASS reported the public relations Center of the FSB, which has distributed a video questioning. In particular, the interviewed officer of the 7th Department of the Main Directorate of military counterintelligence of SBU senior Lieutenant Andriy Drach (was on the boat “Nikopol”), gunnery signalman, sailor of the boat “Nikopol” Sergey Tsybizov, the commander of the division support vessels of the naval base South of the naval forces of Ukraine (military unit A-1728), captain of the 3rd rank Vladimir Lesovoy. While marching to the Crimean bridge the ships of the Ukrainian Navy initially claimed that they did not plan a

Austrian foreign Ministry: the military situation may have a negative impact on free elections in Ukraine

Austrian foreign Ministry: the military situation may have a negative impact on free elections in Ukraine VIENNA, 26 Nov. /TASS/ — Earlier, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree on the introduction of martial law in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait. Upstairs The introduction of martial law in Ukraine may negatively affect the upcoming elections in the country. This was stated on Monday the Minister of foreign Affairs of Austria Karin Kneissl. Just in view of the upcoming elections in Ukraine should not take measures which could have an adverse effect on the conduct of free and fair democratic electoral process.Karin Cruisliner foreign Affairs of Austria On 26 November the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed a decree on the introduction of martial law in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait. Sunday, November 25, three ships of naval forces of Ukraine in violation of