The meeting with trump Merkel and XI Jinping at the G20 canceled

The meeting with trump Merkel and XI Jinping at the G20 canceled BERLIN, 30 Nov — RIA Novosti. Scheduled for the day on Friday on the sidelines of the G20 summit meeting of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Donald trump and Chinese President XI Jinping cancelled, told RIA Novosti press-service of the government of Germany. Upstairs “Meetings cancelled due to the absence of the Chancellor, which has not yet arrived at the summit,” — said the press service, adding that currently there is a revision of Merkel’s programme in Buenos Aires and maybe a meeting with trump and XI Jinping will take place later. Previously, the DPA news Agency reported that the plane of German Chancellor Angela Merkel made an emergency landing in Cologne on the way to the summit of “twenty” in Buenos Aires due to a technical fault. The press service of the Cabinet of Germany

Ukraine bans entry to Russian men aged from 16 to 60 years old

Ukraine bans entry to Russian men aged from 16 to 60 years old The Ukrainian state border service said that at checkpoints tightened control. Upstairs KIEV, November 30. /TASS/. The state border service of Ukraine banned entry to the territory of the country citizens of Russia male aged 16 to 60 years. On Friday the head of Department Peter Cigital. “At the checkpoints they take extra measures of control. Today restricted the entry of foreigners, first and foremost, for citizens of the Russian Federation. Prohibited permit citizens of the Russian Federation aged 16 to 60 years male persons”, — he said at a Council with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. HelpPoroshenko imposed martial law Than it threatens Russia and Ukraine? Read more

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine announced the gap 40 contracts with Russia

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine announced the gap 40 contracts with Russia Ukraine unilaterally stopped the action 48 international treaties with Russia. About it on air of TV channel 1+1 said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin. Soon Kiev is preparing a gap of 40 contracts. Upstairs “We recently “killed” 48 bilateral treaties… the Next batch will be very soon, about 40 contracts. We thoroughly review our contractual base,” he was quoted by TSN. Very Klimkin advocated the severance of diplomatic relations with Russia. “I personally and emotionally believe that we don’t need diplomatic relations with Russia. I even negotiated with some countries on the possibility of our representation, but they clearly said that considering the scale, we can only be formal mailbox”, — quotes the statement of the Ukrainian Minister in the same talk show “Interfax”. A new round of deterioration in relations between

Elected President of Georgia refused to cooperate with Russia

Elected President of Georgia refused to cooperate with Russia Victorious in the second round of elections of the President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili believes that the right time for cooperation between Tbilisi and Moscow has not come yet. She stated “the Russian service Bi-bi-si” on Thursday, November 29. Upstairs “I don’t think, as long as Russia behaves the way now, given what is happening on the line of occupation (Tbilisi considers Abkhazia and South Ossetia, whose independence Moscow recognized occupied by Russia territories — approx. “Of the”), where kidnappings, and this line is moving deeper into our territory, closer to Tbilisi, given how Russia is behaving towards Ukraine, I don’t think all of this means that we can now turn to cooperation”, — said the politician. Zurabishvili said that Georgia is a Pro-European stance. If the Western partners of Georgia — Europe and the U.S. will start a dialogue

State Department: Iran conducted a missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads and reach Europe

State Department: Iran conducted a missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads and reach Europe WASHINGTON, 29 Nov. /TASS/. Iran had in January 2017 launch medium-range missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads and reach European capitals. With such a statement was made on Thursday special envoy of the US state Department on Iran Brian hook. Upstairs “According to our estimates, in January 2017 Iran launched a medium-range missile”, he said. “It has a payload of over 500 kg and can be used to carry nuclear warheads. Its estimated range of more than 1.2 million miles (about 2000 km — approx. TASS). This is enough to reach some European capitals,” added hook. “The ongoing development of the Iranian missile program leads to the fact that Europe is in range of [Iran’s missiles],” added the special envoy of the state Department. He also added that Tehran supports radical movement “Taliban” (banned in Russia)

Vice-speaker of the state Duma explained why he is resting in Miami during the regional weeks

Vice-speaker of the state Duma explained why he is resting in Miami during the regional weeks The son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Vice-speaker of the state Duma Igor Lebedev to the question about why he during the regional weeks in Miami, said that the city is attached to one of the electoral districts of deputies of the LDPR. Upstairs Earlier today, Mr. Lebedev has published in Facebook photos from vacation in Miami with their signature “Miami, only to fall in love!” The post was commented by the head of the faction “United Russia” Sergey Neverov: “Igor, is regional week, Miami is not our region, it is far from Khabarovsk, Vladimir and Smolensk. You are here with Vladimir Zhirinovsky need.” “Miami, as a constituency, attached to one of the districts of the members of our group. Sin you do not know)))),” — said Mr. Lebedev (punctuation preserved). State Duma deputies during the

Poroshenko wants to impose restrictions for Russians in connection with the military situation

Poroshenko wants to impose restrictions for Russians in connection with the military situation MOSCOW, November 29 — RIA Novosti. Restrictions on travel abroad or foreign exchange transactions for the Ukrainians in connection with the imposition of martial law in Ukraine will not, they will affect the citizens of Russia, said on Thursday the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Upstairs Thursday after the incident in the Black sea, further exacerbating relations between Kiev and Moscow came into force the law on the introduction of martial law in ten regions of Ukraine, and internal waters of the Azov-Kerch water area for 30 days. This mode provides the possibility of temporary restriction of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, including the right to participate in elections, to freedom of thought and speech. “No need to run to the store and buy matches and salt. No restrictions on withdrawal of deposits, operations on currency

Merkel explained the necessity of sanctions against Russia

Merkel explained the necessity of sanctions against Russia Western countries have to exert on Russia sanctions pressure to uphold the principles of international law, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the opening of the German-Ukrainian economic forum (her words gave Reuters). Upstairs “We do not introduce sanctions against Russia for the sake of sanctions, but we imposed sanctions to make it clear that the country is geographically close to Russia, have the right to develop how they want,” said Merkel. The European Union and the United States began to impose sanctions against Russia in 2014 in connection with the annexation of Crimea and the situation in the South-East of Ukraine. The Chancellor noted that he plans to discuss with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the upcoming G20 summit in Argentina occurred a conflict with Ukraine in the Black sea. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the Kerch проливе08:14 (GMT)of

Medical errors are investigators

Medical errors are investigators The Investigative Committee will create a special unit to investigate medical errors. On Thursday, November 29, according to RBC. Upstairs According to the newspaper, 26 November, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin signed a decree on the establishment of departments for the investigation of iatrogenic crimes, that is, medical errors. The order says about modification to the state posts of the Central apparatus of the TFR, the staff of the Main investigation Department of the TFR in Moscow and the Main investigation Department of the Moscow region. News5 simple operations that ended tragically It is known that to investigate crimes in the field of medicine will be more than 20 people. In particular, nine of them will be part of the new Department, which will appear in the Central apparatus of the Main investigation Department of the TFR. In addition, departments for the investigation

Poroshenko called Putin the Emperor

Poroshenko called Putin the Emperor The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has accused Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intention to revive the Russian Empire and the desire to seize the Ukraine. He stated this in an interview with German newspaper Bild. Upstairs “Putin wants to restore the former Russian Empire. Crimea, Donbass, he wants the whole country. He sees himself as the Russian Emperor, whose Empire cannot function without Ukraine. He sees us colony,” — said Poroshenko. Since then, Poroshenko headed the country in 2014, according to the President, Ukraine has ceased to be a colony of Russia. Poroshenko explained that the need to protect Ukraine. For this reason, according to him, he imposed martial law after the incident in the Kerch Strait. “As in 2014, Putin wants to Annex another part of Ukraine, it behaves the same as then,” added the President. Newsthe Worsening of relations between Russia and Ukraine