“This decision caught the Kremlin by surprise”

“This decision caught the Kremlin by surprise” Foreign media about the cancellation of the meeting Donald trump and Vladimir Putin. Upstairs On Thursday, the President of the United States Donald trump has canceled a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which was held on 1 December in the framework of the G20 summit. Mr. trump explained that the reason was the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the Kerch Strait. Write about the foreign media — in the compilation of “y”. The New York Times (USA, new York) Cancel meetings at the last moment underlined just how tense became the Russian-American relationship, despite the simultaneous efforts of the President to make friends — while the Kremlin is increasingly asserting itself abroad, Washington is immersed in an investigation about the relations of the entourage of Mr. trump with Moscow. Session in Buenos Aires, which was scheduled for Saturday on the sidelines of the G20

Lavrov about the cancellation of the meeting between Putin and trump: love can not be

Lavrov about the cancellation of the meeting between Putin and trump: love can not be Undoing the President of the United States Donald trump meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Argentina will not contribute to the solution of international problems, Moscow will have to wait for another occasion. Upstairs As transfers TV channel “Russia 24”, this was announced by the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the summit of “Big twenty” in Buenos Aires. He stressed that the cancellation of the bilateral meeting will contribute to solving very important international problems, but “can not be forced”. NewsCompany trump was going to give Putin a penthouse for $ 50 million The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia considers that the decision of trump influenced by Russophobes in Ukraine and its sponsors, and in this situation, Moscow will have to wait for another

Poroshenko gave Putin “two bad news”

Poroshenko gave Putin “two bad news” The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in an interview with British TV channel Sky News conveyed to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, two bad news. The words of the head of state quotes the press service Poroshenko. Upstairs “First: the Russian President will never decide who will be President of Ukraine. It is the decision of the Ukrainian people”, — said Poroshenko, speaking on the topic of the upcoming presidential elections, scheduled for March 31. The Ukrainian leader stressed that he fully trusts the people, and of canceling or postponing the elections of the President in connection with the introduction in some regions, the military situation can be expected. The second [bad news]: if martial law we will cancel the elections, in this situation, only one wins. Know who this is? This Is Putin.Peter Presenteraient Ukraine NewsPutin for the first time commented on the

American journalists accidentally called the President of Russia Vladimir trump

American journalists accidentally called the President of Russia Vladimir trump Journalists of the American edition of The Wall Street Journal mistook the name of the President of Russia, calling it Mr trump. It is reported The Hill. Upstairs An error appeared in the material Trump Canceling Planned Meeting With Russia’s Putin Over Ukraine Situation (“trump has canceled a planned meeting with Putin because of the situation in Ukraine”), which was published on 29 November on the newspaper’s website. Many netizens quickly responded to the wrong name of the President of Russia: they laughed at the mistake of the journalists. This is amazing. pic.twitter.com/XcMYzwYvmQ — David Gura (@davidgura) 29 Nov 2018 Newstrump was disappointed in the translation and threw the receiver “This is the best thing I’ve seen all day. Thank you,” wrote one of the readers of the newspaper. “Only don’t need to change anything, thank you”, — joked the

The “big seven” adopted a statement on the incident in the Kerch Strait

The “big seven” adopted a statement on the incident in the Kerch Strait MOSCOW, 30 Nov — RIA Novosti. G7 countries adopted a statement on the incident in the Kerch Strait, called for restraint and prevent further escalation. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий The foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the USA and the EU high representative expressed deep concern about Russia’s actions in the Kerch Strait, “danger heightened tension”. “We urge restraint, and due respect for international law and prevent any further escalation of the situation”, — said in a statement. In addition, the Ministers urged Russia to release detained Ukrainian ships and sailors, and to “refrain from obstructing the legitimate passage through the Kerch Strait”.Provocation in the Black sea On the morning of 25 November, the boats of the Ukrainian Navy “Berdyansk” and “Nikopol” and the tug “Yana Kapu” violated the state border of Russia and a

The EU decided to allocate Ukraine half a billion euros

The EU decided to allocate Ukraine half a billion euros The European Commission (EC) has approved the allocation to Ukraine of macro-financial assistance package worth about €500 million On 30 November, reports Reuters with reference to the press service of the EC. Upstairs Thus, Ukraine in 2014 has received €3.3 billion of the assistance provided by the EU. In mid-November, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Vladimir Groisman said that Ukraine expects a new loan from the IMF before the end of 2018. The condition under which Kiev will receive the money until January, was the approval of the budget by 2019. November 24, the Ukrainian media reported that the first tranche for Ukraine from the International monetary Fund (IMF) will amount to $1.5 billion according to the publication, the size of the second and third tranche of $1.2 billion.

Trump was disappointed in the translation and threw the receiver

Trump was disappointed in the translation and threw the receiver The US President Donald trump was disappointed in simultaneous translation during welcoming remarks, the Argentine colleagues Mauricio Macri. Video from the presidential residence in Buenos Aires publishes on his page in Facebook Noticias Rioja. Upstairs According to trump, he is much better he understood the words of the President of Argentina than in the interpretation. “But it’s OK,” he said, throwing the receiver for simultaneous translation on the floor. The President then calmly continued his speech. #G20 en Argentina Primer enojo de Donald Trump en Argentina. Tiró al suelo su auricular de traducción. Rioja noticias published Friday, November 30 2018,while downloading an error has occurred.NewsIn Argentina has not met the Macron on arrival for G20 Twitter users noted that the American President has himself to blame, because holding it to translate correctly. Others pointed out that Trump had to give

EU set to extend sanctions against Russia in December

EU set to extend sanctions against Russia in December The head of the European Council Donald Tusk does not exclude that the extension of the restrictive measures will be a consequence of the incident in the Kerch Strait. Upstairs The EU once again will extend economic sanctions against Russia, which expire at the end of January. The confidence expressed by the head of the European Council Donald Tusk at a press conference in the Argentine capital, where from 30 November to 1 December, is the G20 summit. Europe is United in support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. That is why I am confident that the EU in December to extend sanctions against Russia. Tusk spoke about the sanctions against Russia, answering a question of journalists on the measures the EU in connection with the situation in the Kerch Strait, which, in his words, “extremely concerned” by the

Putin arrived in Buenos Aires for the G20 summit

Putin arrived in Buenos Aires for the G20 summit Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Plane of Russian President Vladimir Putin landed in Buenos Aires, where on Friday kicks off summit “big twenty”. Upstairs EN VIVO | #G20 El presidente ruso Vladimir Putin llega a Buenos Aires https://t.co/rdHGERfGrI pic.twitter.com/JsxxUqBoaD — Infobae América (@InfobaeAmerica) November 30, 2018. The Russian leader faces two intense working days, the schedule of the head of state in the capital city of Argentina is painted on minutes. The President will participate in three meetings of the G20, which is, in particular, to speak about his attitude to the escalation of trade wars, unilateral economic restrictions, protectionism of other countries and the reform of the WTO, will join the two informal summits of the leaders of the associations of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and RIC (Russia, India, China), and will also hold a

The arrested Ukrainian sailors were taken to the SIZO “Lefortovo” in Moscow

The arrested Ukrainian sailors were taken to the SIZO “Lefortovo” in Moscow In the SIZO “Lefortovo” in Moscow brought 21 Ukrainian seafarers detained in the Kerch Strait, three more are in hospital “Matrosskaya Tishina”. About it reports TV channel “Rain” with reference to the member of the Public oversight Commission (POC) of the Moscow Kogershin Sagiev, who visited the arrested in the “Lefortovo”, and its correspondent. Upstairs Previously, “Interfax” with reference to the Commissioner for human rights in Crimea Lyudmila Depth reported that all Ukrainian sailors detained November 25, during the incident with the participation of three Ukrainian Navy ships taken out of the detention center of Simferopol. Russian border guards on 25 November by force detained in the area of the Kerch Strait tug “Yana Kapu” and small armored artillery boat “Berdyansk” and “Nikopol” and their crews. As a result, suffered three Ukrainian sailor, they were assisted. Russian security