Smolensky requires the Governor to remove from office the mayor of Smolensk

Smolensky requires the Governor to remove from office the mayor of Smolensk YAROSLAVL, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Governor of Smolensk region Alexei Ostrovsky said in his Twitter that introduced in the city Council’s initiative on the dismissal of the mayor of Smolensk Vladimir Soforenko “for poor performance”. Upstairs “Good morning! In connection with bad work of the head of Smolensk and his administration on several fronts, the decisions of the courts about the misuse of budget funds and pursuant to the rules 131-FZ has made in the Smolensk city Council initiative to dismiss the mayor from office,” wrote Ostrovsky. Last week the regional administration reported that after reception of citizens on personal matters Ostrovsky, after hearing numerous complaints from residents of Smolensk on the city government, stated the need for the resignation of Soforenko. The work of the mayor and his team the Governor called “ugly and disgusting”,

Putin and Saudi Prince picked up the oil

Putin and Saudi Prince picked up the oil The price of Brent crude oil rose by five percent on news that Russia and Saudi Arabia agreed to extend the agreement OPEC+, according to the auction at the London exchange ICE. Upstairs On the morning of 3 December futures contract for a barrel of Brent oil for delivery in February 2019 was worth 62.5 per dollar. This is five percent above the closing level on November 30 (59,46 dollars). At the time of publication the price was equal to 62.4 per dollar per barrel. Russian President Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Salman bin embrace and laugh at the G20 in Argentina. — NBC News (@NBCNews) November 30, 2018. 1 Dec at the G20 summit in Argentina Buenos Aires Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that it has reached agreement with crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud on

Putin “on fingers” explained Merkel and Macron provocation of Kiev

Putin “on fingers” explained Merkel and Macron provocation of Kiev MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin showed “fingers” to the European partners of the Russian position on the incident with the detention of Ukrainian ships in the Black sea, said foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий The Minister added that Putin explained, “what happened this provocation was conceived and how it would be with how responsible our guards came to his features, trying to prevent any unwanted incidents”. Lavrov said that Western partners have heard the opinion of the President. In addition, the Minister of foreign Affairs in interview to the program “Moscow. The Kremlin. Putin” TV channel “Russia 1” recalled the detained SBU officers found and provocation. He clearly stated: to penetrate secretly into international waters, without any pilots, and notices to break under the Crimean bridge across the Kerch Strait to the Azov.Sergey Lavrovgave the Ministry of

Poroshenko again complained of an unsuccessful attempt to talk with Putin

Poroshenko again complained of an unsuccessful attempt to talk with Putin MOSCOW, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti. Petro Poroshenko said that after the incident in the Kerch Strait tried to contact Vladimir Putin, but to no avail. He told this in an interview with France 24. Upstairs According to Poroshenko, he is ready for a phone call in any format — bilateral, in Normandy, with American partners. According to the President of Ukraine, his actions in the Kerch Strait Russia violates international law. Urgent requirement all over the world — to immediately release Ukrainian sailors and ships.Peter Presenteraient Ukraine Earlier, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov reported that the request from the Ukrainian side a telephone conversation of Poroshenko with Putin was, but it did not take place. Assistant to the President explained that when preparing this kind of conversation is taken into account a number of factors, including work schedules

Zakharov responded to words Poroshenko about Russian plans to seize the cities

Zakharov responded to words Poroshenko about Russian plans to seize the cities MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. After the statement of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko about the alleged intention of Russia to seize Berdyansk and Mariupol, it is safe to say that Russia protects Europe from the “barbarity, tyranny, terrorism, aggression, militarism that hangs over all our continent”, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, to paraphrase the Ukrainian leader. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий In 2016 Poroshenko, speaking at the celebrations of Europe Day in Ukraine, told about the Ukrainians who are “on the front line defending European civilization.” Earlier the President of Ukraine in an interview with the German Funke Media Group said that Russia allegedly intends to capture the Ukrainian city of Berdyansk and Mariupol, to get a ground corridor from Donbas and Crimea. He gave no real acknowledgment of his words, and the only

The Kremlin is counting on the meeting of Putin and trump before the next G20

The Kremlin is counting on the meeting of Putin and trump before the next G20 The meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald trump may occur at the G20 summit in June 2019, said the Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov. He added that “it is very important to us, and colleagues,” find a place to meet before the summit. Upstairs “We agreed on a time and place (meeting of the presidents.— “B”) and, in principle, have discussed the issues that the presidents in the first place, could be discussed”, — he told in interview to the program “Moscow. The Kremlin. Putin” TV channel “Russia 1” (VGTRK) (quoted by “Interfax”). However, Mr. Ushakov was not able to answer the question, does the requirement of Washington to return to participating in the “Kerch incident” ships and sailors to their home to meet these criteria, the meeting of heads of

The state Duma plans to simplify the Ukrainians to get Russian citizenship

The state Duma plans to simplify the Ukrainians to get Russian citizenship Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs Viktor Vodolatsky has announced several relief measures that can be taken to simplify the procedures for Ukrainians Russian citizenship. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “A number of Federal laws that will allow Russian world, especially those citizens who are subjected to repression on the territory of Ukraine, those who today are forced left, but several hundred thousand located on the territory and Rostov region, Voronezh, Stavropol region, most of the regions of the southern Federal district”, — he said (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). Mr. Vodolatsky recalled that recently in Russia was adopted the law on issuing Russian passports under the simplified scheme. New legislative initiatives, he said, are designed to simplify the exam in Russian language for people born in the Soviet Union.

UK Ministry of defence banned military to communicate with the journalist “the First channel”

UK Ministry of defence banned military to communicate with the journalist “the First channel” UK Ministry of defence sent the commanders of military bases the secret warning the journalist “the First channel” Timur Siraziev, who previously tried to infiltrate one of the military installations. Soldiers were urged not to talk to him and immediately tell if it will have military bases again, writes Daily Mail. Upstairs Mr. Sirazieva last week noticed near 77 army brigade — a top secret army unit, which works together with the intelligence services MI5, MI6 and Special air service (SAS), said in Minoborony. Operator Dmitry Volkov filmed from a passenger seat or out of car. Director of the research Center for intelligence and security of Buckingham University’s Anthony Gliese stated that he had no doubt that journalists are engaged in espionage. “I’m afraid we’re back to the era of the cold war, when the British

The state Department is told about the fate of the second package of sanctions against Russia

The state Department is told about the fate of the second package of sanctions against Russia The United States has not abandoned the introduction of a second package of anti-Russian sanctions in the case of the poisoning of a British agent and former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. About it, state Department spokesman told TASS on Sunday, December 2. Upstairs “We do not anticipate decisions on sanctions, but intend to comply with the law (we are talking about American law on the control of chemical and biological weapons and prohibiting its military use from 1991)”, — said the representative office. In early November, the head of the press service of the state Department Robert Palladino said that Washington will carefully study the implications for its national security from the new sanctions against Russia before you enter them. “This process takes time and we want these sanctions were

China agreed to buy a “very significant” amount of products from the United States

China agreed to buy a “very significant” amount of products from the United States WASHINGTON, 2 Dec — RIA Novosti. China agreed to buy a “very significant” amount of agricultural and other goods from the United States to reduce the trade imbalance, said a spokesman for the White house Sarah Sanders following the meeting of Chinese President XI Jinping and U.S. President Donald trump on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires Upstairs “China will negotiate the purchase of an inconsistent, but very significant volume of agricultural, energy, industrial and other products from the United States to reduce the trade imbalance between the two countries”, — said in a statement from Sanders. It is noted that China has agreed to purchase the agricultural production of American farmers “promptly”. See also: trump agreed not to raise from 1 January of the duties against China to 25%