In Paris for the first time in 13 years, have deployed armored vehicles to the police because of the protests of the “yellow jackets”

In Paris for the first time in 13 years, have deployed armored vehicles to the police because of the protests of the “yellow jackets” PARIS, 8 Dec. /Offset. TASS Mikhail Timofeev/ Police checks selectively passers-by and removes dangerous objects. Наверх19фотографий19фотографий19фотографий Armored vehicles of the French gendarmerie took on Saturday morning position in the gable of the French National Assembly (lower house of Parliament). This convinced the TASS correspondent, who is at the scene. This is the first deployment in Paris armored guards from the time of the pogroms, which hooligans staged in 2005. Then the manifestation of socially disadvantaged cities of the Department of Saint-Denis was thrown on the capital. Just in Paris on Saturday will use 14 of the gendarmerie armored vehicles, painted in blue color. They are equipped with a dozer blade for the destruction of the barricades. The towers are equipped with devices for circular spraying tear

Before the protests of “yellow jackets” in Paris have detained 300 people

Before the protests of “yellow jackets” in Paris have detained 300 people MOSCOW, 8 Dec — RIA Novosti. About 300 people were detained in Paris on Saturday before the start of the protest movement of the “yellow jackets,” according to radio station France Info. Наверх20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий Earlier it was reported about the detention of more than 120 people, among which about 30 were taken into custody. According to the radio, the number of detainees already amounted to nearly 300 people detained 32 people. The protest movement of the so-called “yellow jackets”, the speakers, in particular, against the increase in gasoline prices that began in France on November 17. Mass protests accompanied by clashes of protesters with the police, pogroms and arsons of cars, destruction of shops, banks. During the protests, four people were killed and hundreds were injured. On 8 December, protesters planned a new demonstration. See also: In Paris close

The FSB called the main goal of Ukrainian provocations in the Black sea

The FSB called the main goal of Ukrainian provocations in the Black sea MOSCOW, 8 Dec — RIA Novosti. The construction and operation of the Kerch bridge has been the chief provocative attacks on the part of Ukraine, said first Deputy head of the coast guard Department of the Border service of FSB of Russia Vice-Admiral Alexei Volsky. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “There is no doubt that the main provocative attacks construction and commencement of operation of a bridge across the Kerch Strait. As you know, regularly heard statements at different levels of the different representatives of Ukraine about the need to destroy the Crimean bridge,” said Volsky on Saturday at a briefing in MIA “Russia today”. See also: Lithuania has imposed sanctions against Russia Ukrainian border guards were allowed to shoot without warning Volodin said that Europe is no place for such dictators as Poroshenko

The United Kingdom has decided to increase its military presence in Estonia

The United Kingdom has decided to increase its military presence in Estonia Moscow. 8 Dec. INTERFAX.RU UK heads stationed in Estonia, a group fighting NATO plans in 2019 to increase its military presence in the Baltic Republic. Upstairs Despite the possible exit from the EU as a result Brexit, British troops still based in Estonia, said on Saturday the portal of the Estonian broadcasting ERR. There will be rotation of British troops increased the number of tanks, and in the summer it is planned to hold major exercise involving the Navy, said the military attache of great Britain in Estonia Gary Brooks. So, if the activities of the battle groups, NATO was mostly confined to activities on land, in July, the UK intends to hold military exercises on the territory of Estonia with the involvement of the Navy. The exercises will be practiced coordination of the Estonian corps and the

Kudrin considered that the authorities restrict the development of civil society in Russia

Kudrin considered that the authorities restrict the development of civil society in Russia Moscow. 8 Dec. INTERFAX.RU the state taking the laws and regulations of non-profit organizations limit the development of civil society in Russia, says the head of audit chamber of the Russian Federation Alexey Kudrin. Upstairs “NGOs, volunteers or active people is not often supported, especially by the state. Recently often restrictive laws: limitation of funding, new rules report, checking it’s all much of the press, NGOs, and, I would say, in General, restricts civil society in its development,” he said Saturday at the opening of “all-Russian civil forum”. According to him, this can be overcome by combining the civil society and collaboration with the authorities. In early November the President of Russia Vladimir Putin reported that in the next three years at the NCB is planned to allocate about 24 billion rubles. See also: The Ministry of

The Japanese Parliament adopted amendments to the law on migrant workers

The Japanese Parliament adopted amendments to the law on migrant workers TOKYO, 8 Dec — RIA Novosti. The upper house of the Japanese Parliament after acrimonious debate, protracted to four o’clock in the morning, adopted amendments to the law on the control of entry into the country, which pave the way for the recruitment of foreign labor. Upstairs In the five years since the entry into force of amendments to the law on 1 April 2019 in the country will be able to enter up to 345 thousand people of foreign workers in 14 industries such as construction, nursing, agriculture and others. Workers will be divided into two categories, depending on qualifications. The first category will have the right of entry for five years without cohabitation of the family. The second category will be eligible to extend their stay and the opportunity to bring together a family members. At the

The U.S. Treasury again delayed the sanctions against the companies of Deripaska

The U.S. Treasury again delayed the sanctions against the companies of Deripaska WASHINGTON, 8 Dec — RIA Novosti. The US Treasury Department again extended the deadlines for completion of transactions in shares and debt instruments of RUSAL, En+, “GAZ Group” and “the EuroSibEnergo”, as well as contracts with these companies — from 7 to 21 January next year, the message of the Department of Treasury’s foreign assets control (OFAC). Upstairs USA in early April imposed new sanctions against Russia, in particular, brought in “black list” (SDN list) Oleg Deripaska and controlled by En+ Group, “GAZ Group”, the “Basic element” and “RUSAL”. Adding to the list of block of assets in the United States and a ban on any business with these companies for American citizens, including any transactions with debt and equity instruments. The U.S. Treasury initially gave a month for the sale of shares and debt instruments of these

The US has accused Russia of chemical attack in Syria and bombed a hospital

The US has accused Russia of chemical attack in Syria and bombed a hospital USA said Russia and Syria guilty of chemical attack in Aleppo, held on November 24, and struck a hospital in the locality of Hagin the province of Deir ez-Zor. On Friday, December 7, reported Reuters. Upstairs According to Washington, terrorists carried out chemical attack, and the incident with the tear gas was arranged by the government forces of Syria, which Russia supports. “Both countries use it as an opportunity to undermine the credibility of the ceasefire in Idlib,” said the state Department statement. It is noted that this morning a coalition of US bombed a hospital in the Syrian province. How to write SANA, as a result of strike killed 8 people, including women and two children, all of them members of the same family. Rocket attacks on homes continue, because of what local residents were

The chosen successor to Merkel

The chosen successor to Merkel The German party “Christian democratic Union”, was elected the new Chairman. Upstairs Angela Merkel, who held the post for 18 years, will be replaced by Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. This decision was taken at the party Congress in Hamburg on Friday, 7 December, reports Reuters. The party’s Secretary General and former Prime Minister of Saarland in the struggle for the post surpassed former head of the CDU and the Christian social Union (CSU) in the Bundestag, Friedrich Merz. They received 517 and 482 votes respectively. The third candidate of the major candidates — health Minister Jens Spahn, has disappeared after the first round of voting. Only Congress participates 1001 delegate. Election of the Chairman of the CDU are anonymous. To win in the first round a candidate must gain an absolute majority of votes. If not, a second round in which there are two contenders that received

Tsipras called the tie “a noose around the neck of the Greek people”

Tsipras called the tie “a noose around the neck of the Greek people” Moscow. 7 Dec. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras explained at a press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, why not wear a tie, comparing them with the “noose around the neck of the Greek people”. Upstairs Asked by journalists why he continues to go without a tie, claiming that the Greek economy out of the crisis, Tsipras amazement made a helpless gesture: “I already wore a tie, but very quickly it was removed. Tie (for me) like a noose around the neck of the Greek people”. “The symbolism is very important,” he explained. This Tsipras added: “If I’m Mr. Putin would give such a gift, at the next meeting I might wear it.” “Agreed, let’s do that”, — Putin agreed. Read also: Putin has rejected allegations of a conspiracy of Russia against Greece