Kiev has classified the document on the following Ukrainian ships through the Kerch Strait

Kiev has classified the document on the following Ukrainian ships through the Kerch Strait Command of naval forces of Ukraine refused to publish the documents about the route of the Ukrainian ships through the Kerch Strait on November 25, informs the Agency “Ukrainian news”. The office noted that the content of the document is a state secret. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “In accordance with article 1.1.3 of the set of statements that constitute a state secret, approved by the security Service of Ukraine from August 12, 2005, No. 440, the requested information relates to a state secret in the sphere of defense of the country”, — is spoken in the answer of the Ukrainian Navy at the request of the Agency. Newsthe first time Putin has commented on the incident in the Kerch Strait We will remind, on November 25 in the Kerch Strait were detained three Ukrainian ship with 24 crew members.

Estimated contacts with Russian colleagues trump

Estimated contacts with Russian colleagues trump Investigation of spectracolor Robert Mueller has revealed that more than a dozen people from the entourage of the current President of the United States Donald trump in contact with the Russians. About it writes The Washington Post. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The newspaper refers to documents of the investigation, including those introduced in the last two weeks. According to her, in General, the Russians interacted with at least 14 partners a Republican during his campaign and subsequent transition period before the inauguration of the President. It is noted that in the past year revealed the number was less than nine people. “Again and again and again during the 18-month presidential campaign of Donald trump Russian citizens have made contact with the closest members of his family and friends, as well as persons on the periphery of its orbit”, — stated in the material. It is noted that

In the Kremlin called slander of a possible Russian intervention in the Affairs of France

In the Kremlin called slander of a possible Russian intervention in the Affairs of France Moscow. 10 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — reports of a possible Russian intervention in the Affairs of France against the backdrop of unrest in Paris are slander, told reporters on Monday, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Наверх19фотографий19фотографий19фотографий “Any claims about the possible involvement of the Russian Federation are nothing short of slander,” — said Peskov. NewsSBU has accused Russia of unrest in France He stressed that the events in Paris are “exclusively an internal matter of France.” “We do not interfere and do not intend to interfere in the internal Affairs of any countries, including France,” he said. According to the press Secretary of the Russian President, Moscow attaches “great importance to development of relations with Paris.” “This is what both sides are very active. We respect the sovereignty of France, we are grateful,

The EU court ruled that Britain has the right to revoke the notice of Brexit

The EU court ruled that Britain has the right to revoke the notice of Brexit BRUSSELS, 10 Dec — RIA Novosti. The ECJ ruled that the UK has the right to revoke its notice of withdrawal from the European Union that would retain the status of participating countries of the EU, the report said court. Upstairs “The UK can unilaterally withdraw a notice of its intention to withdraw from the European Union. This opinion, adopted in accordance with its constitutional rules would lead to the fact that the United Kingdom would remain in the Union without a change in status of a member state”, — stated in the court decision, released Monday by his press service. It also notes that the possibility “exists as long as the agreement to release between the Union and the respective member state enters into force or, if such agreement is not concluded, until, until

In the Sverdlovsk region abolished the Department, which was headed by the official Glackin

In the Sverdlovsk region abolished the Department, which was headed by the official Glackin EKATERINBURG, December 10. /TASS/. The Governor of Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev has created a new Ministry of education and youth policy of the region. Upstairs Its membership will include the Department of youth policy, the head of which Olga Glatskikh removed from office after the high profile statements about what the state young people “in principle, nothing should, and needs parents.” This was announced on Monday, the Department of information policy of the region. “Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev signed a decree on the establishment of the regional Ministry of General and professional education and Department of youth policy of the region, a new Executive body of state power — the Ministry of education and youth policy of the Sverdlovsk region. The decision was taken by the head of the region in order to improve the efficiency of

In the United States accused Russia of lying about the “Peresvet”

In the United States accused Russia of lying about the “Peresvet” Watching “propaganda” news and videos about the Russian laser weapons, you should pay attention to the “two things” — Russia “is lying about the new technology all the time, and never showed her in action,” writes We Are The Mighty. Upstairs The American edition Patriotic believes that Russia is able to create laser weapons, but publicly exaggerates its capabilities. In particular, We Are The Mighty questions the maturity of Russian technologies, allowing to place anti-satellite laser at the aircraft carrier (because of the need in a powerful and heavy power source), and the priority in the development of laser guns gives the United States, which has repeatedly demonstrated laser weapons in action. “Don’t forget that Russian leaders also claimed that the su-57 and T-14 “Armata” will be weapons that radically changes the conditions of hostilities, which would cost Russia

Pashinyan said that he was proud of the “mighty people” of Armenia

Pashinyan said that he was proud of the “mighty people” of Armenia YEREVAN, December 10 /TASS/. Acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinian after the announcement of the final results of the parliamentary elections, said that he was proud of the “mighty people” of the Republic. Upstairs “Mighty, mighty, mighty people, — he wrote Monday on his Facebook page. — Love you all, proud of you and admire”. After processing of ballots from all polling stations 2010 Armenian block in addition to scored 70,43% of the vote. Also in the legislature are of the party “prosperous Armenia (8,27% of the votes) and the “Enlightened Armenia” (6,37% of the vote). The former ruling Republican party of Armenia failed to overcome the 5% barrier, gaining just 4.7%. See also: “Mr. Prime Minister, Russian is hard to perceive the arrest Khachaturov” in Armenia has published the “wiretap” conversations Nikol Pashinian.

In addition to the block wins parliamentary elections in Armenia

In addition to the block wins parliamentary elections in Armenia Block the acting Prime Minister, opposition leader Nikol Pashinian, the “step” confidently wins early parliamentary elections held in the country on Sunday 9 December. After counting of the ballots, with 50% of the sites block in addition to gaining more than 70% of the vote, said Monday night the Central election Commission of the Republic. Upstairs “Block “My step” is gaining 70,16% of the vote. Running the second batch of “prosperous Armenia” — to 8.34%,” — said in a statement on the CEC website. By intermediate results, the five percent barrier in the parliamentary elections the party also overcomes the Pro-Western orientation of Armenia with 6.5%. Armenian revolutionary party “Dashnaktsutyun” is not held in Parliament from 4.27%. Voter turnout was relatively low (from 48.63%). According to Armenian law, the Parliament is formed of parties and blocs, who scored more than

For the first time Russia took the second place in the world on sales of arms for the year

For the first time Russia took the second place in the world on sales of arms for the year STOCKHOLM, 10 Dec — RIA Novosti, Lyudmila Bozhko. The total share of sales of arms produced ten Russian companies belonging to the top 100 in the world, made in 2017 9.5 per cent, this makes Russia the second largest arms manufacturer in 2017, announced Monday by the Stockholm international Institute for peace studies (SIPRI). Upstairs “Since 2011, Russian companies have significantly increased the sales of their arms”, — quotes the words of his SIPRI senior researcher Simon Wezeman. The wezeman explained that this growth is part of the program of modernization of weapons in the Russian Federation. It added that total sales of Russian weapons to ten companies included in the top 100 according SIPRI release, has grown over the 2017 8.5%. The second place in global sales since 2002 has

The democratic Congressman said that Trump could face prison after the termination of the mandate

The democratic Congressman said that Trump could face prison after the termination of the mandate Adam Schiff has linked this capability with information that the lawyer of the President of the United States, Cohen had paid the money to the ex-pornographic actress and former centerfolds in exchange for silence about the alleged sexual relationship with trump. Upstairs WASHINGTON, December 10. /TASS/. The senior Democrat in the Committee of the house of representatives on intelligence, Adam Schiff, whom designate a post of the Chairman of this Committee in the new composition of Congress, believes that Donald Trump may be charged after the expiry of his presidential term. With this opinion the Congressman spoke in the broadcast of “face the nation” CBS television on Sunday. “There is a very real possibility that in the day when Donald trump will leave his post, the Ministry of justice could charge him with. He could