In the state Duma introduced a draft on the punishment for insulting the state in a network

In the state Duma introduced a draft on the punishment for insulting the state in a network MOSCOW, December 12 — RIA Novosti. In the state Duma introduced a draft law which introduces administrative liability for disseminating content on the Internet that offend the Constitution and the state. Upstairs The authors of the document became Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation Andrei Klishas, Senator Lyudmila Bokova and the Deputy Dmitry Vyatkin. As told RIA Novosti Klishas, now the law provides for administrative and criminal liability for such disrespect in public places, abuse of state symbols and insulting the authorities. “There is no doubt that the Internet is a public space, which also must follow the rules of acceptable behavior to ensure public order and respect for society and state institutions”, — said the Senator. In his opinion, that society has already formed an “understanding” that the Internet

The Federation Council came to the defense of the Unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises

The Federation Council came to the defense of the Unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises In the upper house of Parliament considered a bill about their ban unconstitutional. Upstairs The Federation Council (SF) rejects a bill to ban from 2019 the creation of new state and municipal unitary enterprises (state Unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises) in commodity markets, adopted yesterday by the state Duma in the first reading. About the speaker of the upper house of Parliament Valentina Matviyenko said at a seminar of the Council of legislators. “The Federation Council considers that this unconstitutional law, we are not going to support. Officially announced in advance, because it violates the principle of distribution of authority: Federal law trying to regulate the activities of regional and municipal authorities in the sphere of their activity”, — said Mrs. Matvienko, referring to the speaker of the lower house of Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin,

Erdogan announced the operation in Syria East of the Euphrates in the coming days

Erdogan announced the operation in Syria East of the Euphrates in the coming days Moscow. 12 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan said Wednesday that “a few days” the Turkish military begins an operation in the Syrian territory East of the Euphrates river. Upstairs “It is time to implement our decision to eliminate the terrorist group to the East of the Euphrates”, — quotes the newspaper “Hurriyet” the words of R. T. Erdogan. The President explained that such actions will contribute to a political solution to the crisis in Syria. Hurriyet, in turn, recalls that on December 11, the Pentagon announced the deployment of observation posts in the North of Syria in order to prevent clashes between the Turkish army and U.S.-backed Kurdish militia. Ankara has called on Washington not to take this step, the newspaper added. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий

The Kremlin did not agree with the version of Poroshenko about the incident in the Kerch Strait

The Kremlin did not agree with the version of Poroshenko about the incident in the Kerch Strait Moscow. 12 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Kremlin does not agree with the assessment by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko Kerch incident as an act of aggression and war, note that we are talking about provocation and violation of the state border of the Russian Federation. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “We do not agree with this interpretation of the position”, — said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting at the request of the journalists the statement Poroshenko. We are talking about provocations from the Ukrainian side and the gross violation of state border of the Russian Federation with all the ensuing consequences for violating party.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Last week Poroshenko in interview to the American TV channel Fox News said that 25 Nov 10 Russian warships

Peskov called the Congress resolution on the “Nord stream — 2” an attempt to hinder the project

Peskov called the Congress resolution on the “Nord stream — 2” an attempt to hinder the project MOSCOW, December 12. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov called the resolution of the house of representatives on the “Nord stream — 2” another attempt to prevent the implementation of a commercial project. Upstairs When asked by journalists to comment on the document, Peskov said: “Here we do not see any new elements, a similar position was voiced by the President of the United States, and the state Department”. “This is a serial line, we do not consider it correct and acceptable, since we are talking about attempts to prevent the implementation of a purely commercial, economic of the project, which in the interests of not only gas supplier is Russia, but also consumers, primarily Germany as the EU”. According to the representative of the Kremlin, the pipeline project has a

The Russians are allowed free fishing

The Russians are allowed free fishing The State Duma adopted the bill on Amateur fishing. This reports the press service of the lower house of Parliament on Wednesday, December 12. Upstairs The bill adopted in the first reading in 2013. Since then did not stop the controversy which rules must be in the document. The Chairman of the Committee on natural resources, property and land relations Nikolay Nikolaev said that the deputies managed to find a compromise. NewsAfter the kecks will allow the Russians to freely pick berries and mushrooms He pointed out that, according to the law, citizens will receive “free free access to Amateur fishing.” Restrictions will apply only on the lands of defence and security, in areas designated for aquaculture production, as well as on specially protected natural territories. Nikolaev added that the disputes were related to fishing areas, which occupied more than 80% of the total

Poroshenko considered the incident in the Kerch Strait war

Poroshenko considered the incident in the Kerch Strait war The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko commented on the arrest of a Ukrainian ship by the Russian border in the Kerch Strait. He said this in an interview with Fox News, a fragment of which was published on his page in Facebook. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Mr. Putin’s aggression, Mr Putin, is war. This is not a joke, not an incident and not a crisis,” announced the Ukrainian leader. Your regular troops under the flag of the Russian Federation attacked a Ukrainian military vessel in international waters.Peter Presenteraient Ukraine 25 Nov border Department of the FSB of Russia detained in the area of the Kerch Strait, three ships of naval forces of Ukraine, who crossed the Russian border and did not respond to requests to stop. Moscow regarded the incident as a provocation. In Kiev, Russia’s actions are considered an “act of aggression”, referring

The conservatives initiated a vote of no confidence to the Prime Minister of Britain Theresa may

The conservatives initiated a vote of no confidence to the Prime Minister of Britain Theresa may Opponents of Prime Minister Theresa may in the ranks of her Conservative party gathered 48 written statements that are required in order to initiate a vote of no confidence in the leader of the party. Upstairs Deputies of the house of Commons from the Conservative party will vote on this issue between 18:00 and 20:00 GMT. If a simple majority of the members of the faction will vote against may, she will have to leave the post of party leader and Prime Minister. The vote on the censure motion became possible after 48 MPs — conservatives (15% of the current number of deputies) wrote a letter in which said that no longer trust the party leader. Theresa may, who has held the post of Prime Minister of great Britain shortly after the country voted

Butina can get into the witness protection program, said the lawyer

Butina can get into the witness protection program, said the lawyer MOSCOW, December 12 — RIA Novosti. If an inmate is in the United States Russian Maria Butina pleads guilty to all charges, which accuse her, she may seek leniency or even get into the witness protection program, told RIA Novosti head of international law Department of the law faculty of Moscow state University Alexei Giants. Upstairs Earlier, NBC News, citing agreement for the prosecution and defense said that a Russian citizen Maria Butina, which accused the US of illegal work in Russia, pleads guilty to conspiring to violate American law on registered as a foreign agent, According to the agreement she pleads guilty at one point of collusion. Under this item, the term of imprisonment is five years, not 15, as initially threatened the defendant. Moreover, the real term can be up to six months in prison, after which

Dmitry Medvedev has relied on strong judicial hand

Dmitry Medvedev has relied on strong judicial hand What the Prime Minister sees the development of Russia in the next historical stage. Upstairs The Constitution needs to rule by only a point, if it is necessary for “updating the status of the authorities, the development of certain rights,” says Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in an article for the magazine “Law”. It is published for the 25th anniversary of the Basic law. Mr Medvedev predicts “strengthening the judiciary”, as only she can be the driver of changes that “will advance to the embodiment of the ideals of a democratic state”. In the article, which was published in the journal “Law” for the 25th anniversary of the Constitution, Dmitry Medvedev expects that Russia expects “era ships”. He invoked article 18 of the Basic law, which “directly stipulates that the rights and freedoms of man and citizen determine the meaning, content and application