Bolton called the condition for the following meeting between Putin and trump

Bolton called the condition for the following meeting between Putin and trump The presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump can only occur in the case if Moscow frees detained after the incident in the Kerch Strait the Ukrainian Navy ships along with the sailors, said Advisor to the American leader for national security John Bolton. Upstairs “I don’t see in the foreseeable future the circumstances in which such a meeting could take place, as long as the (Ukrainian. — RNS) ships and crews will not be released,” Bolton was quoted by Reuters. November 25, the border service of FSB of Russia have detained in Russian territorial waters in the Black sea the ships of naval forces of Ukraine, “Nikopol”, “Berdyansk” and “Yana Kapu” when you try to commit illegal actions without permission to pass the Kerch Strait and out to the sea of Azov. The court

Maria Butina in a US court pleaded guilty to one of the charges

Maria Butina in a US court pleaded guilty to one of the charges WASHINGTON, 13 Dec. /TASS/. Arrested in Washington, the citizen of Russia Maria Butina pleaded guilty to one of the charges concerning conspiracy to commit violations of the laws on registered as a foreign agent in the United States. Upstairs The Russian has confirmed to the meeting in her case on Thursday, the correspondent of TASS from the courtroom of the capital of the district of Columbia. Butina agreed to conclude the deal with the consequence of abandoning the trial. “Yes,” said the Russian woman question of the judge Tanya Chutkan, entered is it from 2015 to 2018 in collusion with persons in the U.S. to damage the interests of the United States. See also: “no One forced Mary Butina to do what she wants”

Putin told Yeltsin invited him to become President

Putin told Yeltsin invited him to become President The Russian leader admitted that at first was not ready to participate in the elections. Upstairs The head of state Vladimir Putin in the open lesson within the framework of the all-Russian professional forum navigation “Proektoriya” in Yaroslavl, told how the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin invited him to participate in presidential elections. Yeltsin told Putin that he wants to present his candidacy for the post of Prime Minister, and invited him to participate in presidential elections in the future. According to Vladimir Putin, first he refused to participate in the elections, adding that it is not ready yet. “When the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin has summoned me and said, “Want to present Your candidacy to the state Duma, to You was Prime Minister, and then I will suggest You to go to the presidential elections. Do you agree?”

Putin moved the capital of the far Eastern Federal district of Khabarovsk to Vladivostok

Putin moved the capital of the far Eastern Federal district of Khabarovsk to Vladivostok MOSCOW, December 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the transfer of the capital of the far Eastern Federal district (FEFD) from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin. Upstairs This document amends the decree of 13 may 2000, where, in particular, contains a list of Federal districts and their capitals. According to the new decree, Vladivostok became the center of the far Eastern Federal district is Khabarovsk. “The head of the presidential Administration of the Russian Federation (charged) to undertake the necessary staffing measures in connection with the transfer of the center of the far Eastern Federal district in Vladivostok,” — said, in particular, in the decree, the text of which is cited by the press service of the Kremlin. With the initiative of transfer of

Russian foreign Ministry: Ukraine is preparing for the offensive in the Donets basin with access to the borders of Russia

Russian foreign Ministry: Ukraine is preparing for the offensive in the Donets basin with access to the borders of Russia Kiev prepares armed provocation in the Donbass for a rapid offensive in the direction Mariupol and access to the border with Russia, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Upstairs “According to available information, in the coming days, Kyiv intends to organize an armed provocation on the line of contact, to using introduced, including in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, the regime of martial law, to organize a rapid offensive in the Mariupol area with the aim of seizure of territory of the Azov sea and the exit to the border with Russia”, — quotes Ms. Zakharova “Interfax”. She added that only in the period from 1 to 7 December, the OSCE observers found 190 units is prohibited by the Minsk agreement heavy weapons and equipment outside

The state Duma Committee launches a competition for rappers

The state Duma Committee launches a competition for rappers MOSCOW, 13 Dec — RIA Novosti. The state Duma Committee on physical culture, sport, tourism and youth Affairs is launching a competition for rap artists that need to objectively talk about any settlement of the country, said the Chairman of the Committee Mikhail Degtyarev. Upstairs “We are launching the competition. Called “Infinite REP”. Under the auspices of our Committee. A contest for the best rap work on the theme of tourism in Russia”, — said Degtyarev at a press conference devoted to results of work for the 2018 and plans to open in 2019. The main criterion, according to him, — the desire of the audience after watching the movie to arrive in a particular town — “town, district, region or a village”: But most importantly, we need to understand — not just a contest of poems about his beloved city,

Putin said, who can be President

Putin said, who can be President MOSCOW, 13 Dec — RIA Novosti. The President can be people of any profession, but it needs to devote to this profession my life, said the Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Upstairs “The President can be from any profession. As a rule, heads of States, governments are people who have either legal or economic knowledge, immersed in the society and in the laws of interaction between people. These professional knowledge and skills, they are necessary and useful. But, again, in principle, people of any profession can be a head of state or government”, — said Putin on Thursday in the open lesson within the framework of the all-Russian professional forum navigation “Proektoriya” in Yaroslavl. “I can say, is at the head of large countries, the governments of the people who have received physical education, and, in very specific areas. Such in Europe is, in large

Regardie start an internal investigation on the purchase of products at inflated prices

Regardie start an internal investigation on the purchase of products at inflated prices Moscow. 13 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Regarde announced that its private security service, together with the military Prosecutor and counterintelligence conducts a review of information on violations in the procurement of products in the Department. Upstairs “At the moment the Main military Prosecutor’s office, counterintelligence and internal security of Regardie conduct audits and internal investigations on the facts of supply in 2017-2018, products that do not meet the requirements of GOST, certain contracts. Upon completion of the inspections, this information will be communicated to the public,” said Thursday in a press-Department service. In Regardie chided the media in the uncertain light of the topic. News, the FAS filed a case after the appeal of the FSB about the overpricing in the procurement of Regardie “For the experts in the public procurement system, it will be easy to understand

The Venezuelan President believes that the attack on him was organized by the Advisor to Donald trump. In August he was attacked by drones

The Venezuelan President believes that the attack on him was organized by the Advisor to Donald trump. In August he was attacked by drones It happened during a military parade drones were stuffed with explosives. Upstairs Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela, believes that the attempt on his life in August, was organized by John Bolton, an adviser to US national security. He argues that the US did, after his death, the country to establish the dictatorship. The President also said that Brazil and Colombia helped the Americans — in his words, Colombia has trained approximately 700 mercenaries: I have no doubt that the current US administration, John Bolton has personally taken it upon myself to plan to fill Venezuela with violence.NewsUnmanned killer and flamethrower In addition, Maduro added that Venezuela “and friendly countries” are preparing a retaliatory strike. We will remind, in August of 2018 Nicholas Maduro was assassinated during

The Russian foreign Ministry announced Slovak diplomat persona non grata

The Russian foreign Ministry announced Slovak diplomat persona non grata Moscow. 13 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Russia declared persona non grata by the Slovak military diplomat in response to the expulsion of a Russian diplomat from Slovakia, said the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Upstairs “Slovak authorities expelled a Russian military diplomat. Because in accordance with common diplomatic practice of such unfriendly actions always involve a mirror response, the persona non grata in Russia was declared by the Slovak military attaché, who was to leave our country within two days”, — said Zakharov on Thursday at a briefing. She said that a note was given to the Ambassador of Slovakia in Moscow on 11 December. “We regret this unfriendly step of the Slovak side, which is contrary to the traditions of our bilateral relations”, — said Zakharov. Last week it became known that the government of Slovakia