Patriarch Kirill appealed to the UN and to the Pope in connection with the pressure on UOC

Patriarch Kirill appealed to the UN and to the Pope in connection with the pressure on UOC MOSCOW, December 14. /TASS/. The Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill has sent appeals to the leaders of the world churches, the General secretaries of the UN and the OSCE, the heads of France and Germany about the violation of the rights of bishops, clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. About it reports on Friday, the Department for external Church relations (DECR) of the Russian Orthodox Church. Upstairs “Recently, the intervention of the secular leaders of the Ukrainian state in Church Affairs acquired the character of a rough pressure on the bishops and clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which suggests the beginning of a full-scale persecution”, — quotes the Patriarch of the DECR. Pressure, violate constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine, is “to compel the bishops of

The European Union called impossible the resumption of negotiations on a Brexit

The European Union called impossible the resumption of negotiations on a Brexit BRUSSELS, 14 Dec. /TASS/ — the Brussels intends to establish a London after Brexit a closer relationship. Upstairs The resumption of negotiations on the agreement on Britain’s withdrawal from the EU (Brexit) is impossible, but Brussels intends to establish with great Britain after a Brexit a closer relationship. This is stated in the final Declaration of the summit of the Union for Brexit. “The EU remains committed to the agreement and intends to implement its ratification. Resumption of talks not discussed”, — stated in the document, which also stresses the EU’s intention “to establish to the UK after Brexit is so close a relationship as possible”. The European Union is ready to discuss future relations with Britain as soon as the agreement is signed on the way out so the negotiations can begin immediately after the [29 March

Merkel said the desire of the EU to save the deal with London

Merkel said the desire of the EU to save the deal with London BRUSSELS, 14 Dec. /TASS/ — thus, according to the Chancellor of Germany, the EU is preparing to less favorable scenario. Upstairs The European Union wants to keep the agreed with the London agreement on Brexit, but I have to prepare for both the less favourable scenario. This was stated on Thursday in Brussels, German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the first day of the EU summit. We want the European and national levels to prepare including to work on the script Brexit without a deal, however, it is our desire to keep the agreement. Merkel also once again said he has reached an agreement with London will not be discussed again. According to the Chancellor, the so-called backstop in Northern Ireland [support mode of stay in the region as part of the Customs Union of the EU and

Reuters: the U.S. Senate was blamed for the murder of Hackage on Saudi Prince

Reuters: the U.S. Senate was blamed for the murder of Hackage on Saudi Prince TASS, December 13, the Corresponding resolution also calls on the Saudi authorities to bring to justice all those involved in the death of a journalist. Upstairs The U.S. Senate on Thursday passed a resolution which blamed the murder of journalist Jamal Kalkaji on the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud. This was reported by Reuters. According to him, the resolution was adopted unanimously. It also calls upon the Saudi authorities to bring to justice all those involved in the death of a journalist. Kalkaji, known for critical articles about politics, Riyadh, disappeared while visiting the Consulate General of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul on 2 October. Oct 20, Saudi authorities reported that he was killed in the building of the diplomatic mission in the conflict. The international community strongly condemned the crime, calling on

WSJ: the U.S. is being investigated in relation to the costs of the inauguration of the trump

WSJ: the U.S. is being investigated in relation to the costs of the inauguration of the trump TASS, 14 Dec — the Investigators suspect that some invested people can do it in exchange for some political concessions and the possibility of influencing the presidential administration. Upstairs Federal prosecutors in Manhattan are investigating the possible embezzlement of funds collected for the inauguration of U.S. President Donald trump. This was reported on Thursday the newspaper the Wall Street Journal, citing sources. According to them, the investigators suspect that some invested people can do it in exchange for some political concessions and the possibility of influencing the presidential administration. See also: Ex-lawyer trump was sentenced to three years in prison In the U.S. Congress thought the possible impeachment of trump

The U.S. Senate launched an attack on Riyadh

The U.S. Senate launched an attack on Riyadh Lawmakers have called for an end to military aid to Saudi Arabia. Upstairs The U.S. Senate adopted a resolution on ending us military aid to Saudi Arabia, which conducts operations in Yemen. While this is the mildest of the possible responses of us senators in the murder of a Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The decision of the Senate is Advisory in nature and does not mean that Washington will abandon military cooperation with Riyadh. President Donald trump still does everything in order not to spoil relations with Saudi Arabia. It is noteworthy that the document was adopted on the same day when the UN first 2.5 years were able to achieve progress in the settlement of the Yemen conflict. Resolution prohibiting the participation of American armed forces in the conflict in Yemen, with the exception of operations against the terrorist group “al-Qaeda”

The Minister of Indian Affairs

The Minister of Indian Affairs How did you start and what the outcome of the visit of Sergei Shoigu to new Delhi. Upstairs On Thursday in Delhi on 18-th meeting of the joint Russian-Indian intergovernmental Commission on military-technical cooperation (MTC). As it became known””, in addition to a number of military exercises Russia and India have confirmed their intentions to establish a joint production of Kalashnikov assault rifles, as well as discussed the prospects of modernization of MiG-29 fighters and aircraft carrier Vikramaditya. However, until the spring of 2019 to wait for progress in the field of MTC is not: before the parliamentary elections, the Indian authorities are exclusively engaged in domestic agenda. With the details from the Delhi correspondent of “Kommersant” Alexander Djordjevic. The session, co-chair of which the Russian side is the Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, was preceded by a Protocol meeting with the participation of the

Arrested in the United States Maria Butina partially admitted guilt

Arrested in the United States Maria Butina partially admitted guilt She confessed to the conspiracy to harm the United States. Upstairs Arrested in U.S. Russian Maria Butina pleaded guilty to one of the charges at a hearing in the court of the district of Columbia. She confessed to the conspiracy to harm the United States, reports CNN. Butina said that he acted “under the direction” of the Russian officials. His name she did not call. As CNN says, we are talking about Alexander Torshin, former Chairman of the Central Bank. According to Butini, she pleaded guilty voluntarily. For an admission of guilt, she promised to commute the sentence, confirmed in court Butina. After the deal with the consequence of Butynol instead of 15 years in prison faces a maximum of five years imprisonment and a fine of $250 000, after the sentence is likely to be deported, reports USA Today.

The European Union decided to extend economic sanctions against Russia

The European Union decided to extend economic sanctions against Russia The President of the European Council explained that “zero progress” in the implementation of the Minsk agreements. Upstairs The European Union extended by six months economic sanctions against Russia, such decision was accepted on 13 December at the EU summit, said the President of the European Council Donald Tusk. “The EU unanimously extends economic sanctions against Russia, given the zero progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements”, — he wrote in Twitter. The validity of these restrictive measures was to expire at the end of January next year. Decision: unanimously prolongs EU economic sanctions against Russia given the zero progress in implementation of Minsk agreements. — Donald Tusk (@eucopresident) December 13, 2018 We are talking about European Union sanctions against certain sectors of the Russian economy, which was introduced in 2014, such restrictive measures, in particular, include sanctions against

EU extends sanctions against Russia

EU extends sanctions against Russia BRUSSELS, 13 Dec — RIA Novosti. The EU leaders summit in Brussels endorsed a political decision to extend economic sanctions against Russia for the next six months due to “zero progress” in the implementation of the Minsk agreements, said on Thursday the head of the European Council Donald Tusk. Upstairs “Decision: the EC unanimously extended the economic sanctions against Russia, given the zero progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements”, — he said in his Twitter account. Decision: unanimously prolongs EU economic sanctions against Russia given the zero progress in implementation of Minsk agreements. — Donald Tusk (@eucopresident) December 13, 2018 The EU has tied the issue of extending sanctions against Russia to the status of the implementation of the Minsk agreement, and every six months, hears the report of France and Germany before making a political decision to extend the restrictive measures for