Davos lifted the ban on the participation of sanctions of Russian businessmen

Davos lifted the ban on the participation of sanctions of Russian businessmen Moscow. 15 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — According to the source “Interfax”, the official delegation from Russia will go to economic forum in Switzerland. Upstairs The organizers of the world economic forum refused an earlier decision not to invite to Davos Russian businessmen involved in the sanctions lists of the USA. The official delegation of Russia will participate in the forum, which will take place in January, told reporters a source in the government of the Russian Federation. “Due to the fact that the organizers of the Davos forum have changed their decision and removed the restrictions previously imposed on Russian businessmen, an official government delegation will travel to Davos and take part in the forum”, — he said. “The level of the delegation and its composition to be determined,” added the source. As earlier reported, the head of VTB

Strange behavior of Jean-Claude Juncker took video

Strange behavior of Jean-Claude Juncker took video MOSCOW, 15 Dec — RIA Novosti. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, has observed a strange behavior during the second day of the summit of EU leaders on Friday 14 December. Upstairs The footage video, posted on YouTube, you can see how Juncker ruffled the hair of one of his employees, which caused the surprise of others. Further, the President of the European Commission pretended that he was cold, and then greeting another employee, patted her on the arm. During the download an error has occurred. Later, before a press conference at the summit, Juncker has sharply dropped on the floor a stack of documents, not explaining their actions. The head of the EC is known that likes to joke on a press-conferences. In early October, Juncker started one of the talks in Brussels with the mimicry of dance moves, British Prime Minister Theresa

The defense Ministry has accused the Pentagon’s reluctance to discuss differences on the INF Treaty

The defense Ministry has accused the Pentagon’s reluctance to discuss differences on the INF Treaty The Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu asked the Pentagon chief James Mattis to discuss the differences between the two countries under the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty), but the response from the us agencies is not received, told reporters the official representative of the Ministry of defense Igor Konashenkov. Upstairs He said that a few days ago, the Pentagon transferred two of the requests via attaché of defense at the U.S. Embassy. The first appeal dealt with the situation in Syria, said Mr. Konashenkov. “In the second note, the head of the Russian defense Ministry invited James Mattis to make the discussion available to both countries differences in terms of compliance with the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles. After three days, even the formal reaction to the proposal of

Russia and Ukraine were invited to the negotiations on gas

Russia and Ukraine were invited to the negotiations on gas Vice-President of the European Commission Maros Sefcovic has invited Russia and Ukraine to Brussels for the next round of tripartite talks on gas. The meeting will take place in January, he wrote on Twitter. Upstairs “We expect that commercial entities will also participate. It is important to develop positive dynamics”, — said Sefcovic. Earlier, the head of the energy Ministry of Russia Alexander Novak said that the talks may be held in the second half of January, adds RIA Novosti. 13 December it became known that “Naftogaz of Ukraine” appealed to the us courts with claims for forcible collection of debt from the Russian “Gazprom”. “Naftogaz” is trying to get from Russia $ 2.7 billion — that’s how much Gazprom should pay to the Ukraine, by the decision of the Stockholm arbitration, for failure to supply gas for transit. See

The US moved to increase duties on Chinese goods on March 2

The US moved to increase duties on Chinese goods on March 2 TASS, 15 Dec. Office of the U.S. trade representative on Friday postponed to March 2, the planned increase of import duties on Chinese products on $200 billion On Saturday, reported Reuters. Upstairs According to him, the date of the fee increase from 10% to 25% deferred from January 1 to March 2. A corresponding change is made in the Federal register of the United States (collection of official documents of the American government). This measure will not affect the goods from the category “technologies” that are already operating duty 25%. December 14, Bloomberg reported that the US administration will delay raising import duties on Chinese products before March 1 of the following year. Previously, the Commerce of China stated that the negotiations with the USA on the elimination of trade-economic contradictions progressing, China expects positive results. Shopping войны5

Russia submitted to the UN General Assembly draft resolution on the preservation of the INF Treaty

Russia submitted to the UN General Assembly draft resolution on the preservation of the INF Treaty UN, 15 Dec — RIA Novosti. Russia introduced on Friday, December 14 for consideration of the UN General Assembly a draft resolution on the preservation of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and short range, said the press Secretary of the Russian permanent representative to the UN, Feodor Strzygowski. Upstairs According to the diplomat, the draft resolution calls on all parties to comply with obligations under the INF Treaty and to resolve any issues with the help provided in the contract arrangements. Russia, as noted Strzygowski, attaches high importance to preserving the INF Treaty, “the termination of which could seriously undermine international mechanisms for nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction arms control”. “Unilateral US actions on the actual start is not specified in the Contract the procedure for “suspending” its participation put the

The Serbian President accused the U.S., Britain and Germany in the creation of an army in Kosovo

The Serbian President accused the U.S., Britain and Germany in the creation of an army in Kosovo BELGRADE — RIA Novosti. USA, UK and Germany are behind the formation of the army of the breakaway Republic of Kosovo, said Friday in address to the nation the President of Serbia Alexander Vucic. Upstairs “Today it is clear that the Albanians and their sponsors never wanted compromise, it is clear that for all that they did, are the United States, Britain, and the question of the army Kosovo, and Germany. We are disappointed by this fact, but it is not news to us,” said Vucic. The deputies of the Parliament of the breakaway Republic approved on Friday a package of bills on the transformation of the lightly armed Kosovo security Force (KSF) into a full-fledged army. It is planned that the armed forces of Pristina will reach 5 thousand actual soldiers and

The US has spent $25 million on the investigation, “the Russian intervention”

The US has spent $25 million on the investigation, “the Russian intervention” The U.S. justice Department spent on the investigation of spectracolor Robert Mueller for “Russian interference” in the American elections in 2016 $25 million, reports AP, citing the report of the Department. Only for six months from April to September 2018 spent about $8.5 million. Upstairs In November, the President of the United States Donald trump reported that the investigation has cost at least $40 million. Robert Mueller is investigating “the Russian business” from may 2017. The charges had been presented to 33 individuals and three companies. On November 9, the team of Mr. Muller began to make its final report on the case. 21 Nov Donald trump gave spectacular his testimony. The Senate and House of representatives of the U.S. Congress have voiced the conclusion that Moscow definitely interfered in the electoral processes. Consensus about the collusion between

Press conference with Putin will take place December 20 in the world trade Center

Press conference with Putin will take place December 20 in the world trade Center Annual big press conference of Vladimir Putin, which is scheduled for December 20, will be held at the world trade Center in Moscow. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Upstairs Journalists were warned that if they want to come with posters, it is preferable to make them of A3, so as not to disturb the photographers and camera operators. The report notes that reporters often take the posters to be more visible and attract the attention of the President to his question. Annual press conference of the President of Russia kicks off next Thursday, December 20, at 12:00 Moscow time. Putin holds press conference since 2001. The meeting in 2017 were accredited a record number of journalists — 1640. Then the head of state asked more than 50 questions 3 hours 50 minutes. The longest press

Sergei Lavrov said on applying to Mary Butinai “torture”

Sergei Lavrov said on applying to Mary Butinai “torture” The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that he understands the decision’s Butinai to make a deal with the American justice system because it “applied a kind of torture.” “The whole point of this deal was to negotiate for the opportunity as soon as possible to escape and to return home”, — he told journalists (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). Upstairs “For many, many months, in fact, apply to it a kind of torture, — said Mr. Lavrov.— I have reason to believe that the purpose of these conditions, which it was created, was to break her will and force her, in fact, confess what she likely did not commit. But, it’s her decision, we will do everything that the rights of our citizen were secured to it as soon as possible back home.” According to Sergei Lavrov, despite