Le Monde: Yevgeny Prigozhin was at a meeting of leaders of armed groups Central African Republic

Le Monde: Yevgeny Prigozhin was at a meeting of leaders of armed groups Central African Republic Negotiations leaders of the Central African groups took place with the mediation of Moscow, reported the Russian foreign Ministry. Upstairs Businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, who the media called “Putin’s cook”, August 27-28 was in the Sudanese capital Khartoum at a meeting of leaders of armed groups from the Central African Republic (CAR). It is reported by the newspaper Le Monde, citing two unnamed participants of this event. Yevgeny Prigozhin arrived for a meeting on his private jet, sources told the publication. On the website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia has reported the negotiations in Khartoum. The theme of the meeting, according to the report, the Russian foreign Ministry, became “the way of unblocking the internal conflict in the Central African Republic between the leaders of the major armed groups, including the organization,

Syrian polygon: how the war helped to break the Russian weapons

Syrian polygon: how the war helped to break the Russian weapons The war in Syria helped to conduct a battle analysis of Russian military equipment, identify its shortcomings and to work on its improvement, said Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov. According to him, a special performance in the Syrian campaign demonstrated missile complexes “Iskander-M” and rocket systems of volley fire “Smerch”. Upstairs In combat in Syria have been run, new samples of Russian weapons and military equipment, and also received the confirmation of the design solutions employed in the systems under test. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov on the results of the trip to Syria, quoted by “Interfax”. December 13-14, Yuri Borisov visited the SAR, where he met with President Bashar al-Assad. From arms of the aerospace forces and army aviation, Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov noted that the following equipment: long-range aviation aircraft Tu-160, Tu-95MS

Walker predicted new sanctions of the West against Russia over the Kerch incident

Walker predicted new sanctions of the West against Russia over the Kerch incident Moscow. 17 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — special Envoy of the US state Department in Ukraine Kurt Volker expressed the belief that the West in the next two months will impose additional sanctions against Russia in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait on November 25. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Earlier today I met with our European colleagues, and we talked about it (the tightening of sanctions against Russia — if). We introduced a package of sanctions associated with the Crimea, sanctions for the failure of the Minsk agreements. We talked about what needs to be taken in connection with the events in the sea of Azov,” said Walker. “In Europe, held discussions on whether to introduce a separate fourth package of sanctions, or new ones will be added to Crimean sanctions — said the special representative. However, the idea of

The United States will begin a new delivery of weapons of Ukraine in the coming months

The United States will begin a new delivery of weapons of Ukraine in the coming months The United States plan in the next two months to put Ukraine weapons, said the Representative of state Department of Ukraine with Kurt Volker. He added that discussions on the supply of arms will go on until Ukraine has a need for them. Upstairs “We have the opportunity to sell additional (military.— “B”) equipment. Congress will be notified in the next couple of months on the first tranches”, — he said at a briefing in Brussels (quoted by TASS). The special representative also added that the decision will be published ads. Speaking about the incident in the Kerch Strait, the special representative announced that the United States is considering increasing its presence in the Black sea and the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions. “I believe that there are things that we need to pay

Two of the Metropolitan of the UOC defrocked and deprived of anathema

Two of the Metropolitan of the UOC defrocked and deprived of anathema Ukraine officially created a new Orthodox Church. In January 2019, it expects to receive from the Patriarchate of Constantinople Tomos — legal confirmation of the independence from the canonical Russian Orthodox Church. This event marks a major split in the Orthodox world over the past 500 years and could have dire consequences for the Orthodox world, and for already critical of bad relations between Russia and Ukraine. Upstairs December 15, the so-called Unification Council, held in Kiev, proclaimed the creation of an independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church — Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Its Primate is elected 39-year-old Metropolitan Epiphany (Dumenko), a protege 89-year-old Primate of the schismatic Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Kyivan Patriarchate, Metropolitan Filaret (Denisenko). With a high probability to lead this Church until the de facto is he Metropolitan Filaret, located in the split and direct confrontation with the

The EU expressed readiness to strengthen support for Ukraine in 2019

The EU expressed readiness to strengthen support for Ukraine in 2019 The EU intends in early 2019 to send a mission to Ukraine to assess needs in providing assistance to the regions, said in a press release following the meeting of the Commission of the EU—Ukraine Association. From the Ukrainian party on the Council was attended by Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman and from the EU — EU high representative for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini. Upstairs “The European Union will continue to closely monitor the situation (in the area of the Kerch Strait and the Azov sea) and is determined to act appropriately in close coordination with its international partners. The EU is ready to take measures to further strengthen support to affected regions of Ukraine. In this context, the EU planned to send an assessment mission to Ukraine in early 2019,” said the EU. The situation in

In France see the potential for development of economic relations with Russia

In France see the potential for development of economic relations with Russia PARIS, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. France sees the potential for development of economic relations with Russia, despite the extension of EU sanctions, said the Minister of economy and Finance of France Bruno Le Mayor. Upstairs “We believe that within the framework of the sanctions, which were extended by the European Union, there is a necessary place for the development of bilateral relations in a very concrete economic projects between France and Russia,” said Le Mayor at a press conference with his Russian counterpart Maxim Oreshkin. Of course, we observe this mode (sanctions — ed.) but the place is available for the development of economic relations between France and Russia. That’s what we do in the framework of CEFIC.Bruno Le Martinistr of economy and Finance of France In Paris on Monday hosted a meeting of the Russian-French Council

In the Kremlin do not discuss the question of unification of Russia and Belarus

In the Kremlin do not discuss the question of unification of Russia and Belarus MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. Plans to expand the integration of Russia and Belarus in the Union state format is conceptually reflected in previous documents, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs However, he noted that the theme of uniting the two countries with the subsequent presidency of Vladimir Putin in a single state is not on the agenda. “It was not discussed, and this is not no talk,” said the spokesman. He recalled that Russia and Belarus are cooperating in the format of the Union state. “Belarus is our ally, with a capital”, — said Peskov. “The threat of loss of independence.” Last Friday the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the country’s sovereignty is sacred, and its loss will not. According to him, the tax maneuver in the Russian

Sands: Interchurch conflict in Ukraine is tightly mixed with politics

Sands: Interchurch conflict in Ukraine is tightly mixed with politics The Kremlin has no right to interfere in Church processes, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, when asked to comment on the establishment of the Ukrainian Autocephalous local Church. Upstairs “The attitude of our Russian Orthodox Church is very well known,” — said the representative of the Kremlin. “We are talking about inter-Church relations,” he said. “We do not feel justified to interfere in these processes — continued Sands. — Although Ukraine separatist activities tightly mixed with politics, which, of course, according to the Church canons is hardly acceptable”. “But the dissenters of Church canons hardly observe, — said the press Secretary of the head of state. Is an interdenominational case, we have no right to interfere in them”. When asked what was meant by that separatist activities are tightly intermingled with the policy, Peskov said: “what

“To fight with Ukraine, we will not, I promise you”

“To fight with Ukraine, we will not, I promise you” The main interview of the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Russia will not fight with Ukraine, and the people of this country to Russia is more important than its power. About it in interview to “Komsomolskaya Pravda” on 17 December said the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. A significant part of the conversation was dedicated to Russian-Ukrainian relations, but the conversation also touched upon relations with the U.S., Armenia and other countries. Also the Russian diplomat admitted if it were possible, he would like to communicate with Russian foreign Minister Alexander Gorchakov (1856-1882) to ask him “about the exposure, which allowed him to return to the Crimea”. “B” made a compilation of the statements of the Minister. About Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian regime “We are not at war with the Ukrainian regime. With the Ukrainian