The Saratov region Governor fired Deputy over “new levies”

The Saratov region Governor fired Deputy over “new levies” Governor of the Saratov region Valery Radaev has dismissed the Deputy Minister of social development of the region Dennis Milto for “extortion by the new year holidays”. This is stated on the website of the government of the region. “From the municipal districts I have information that one of the Deputy Ministers of the social block is engaged in extortion on expenses for new year holidays. I regard this as an unacceptable situation. Can’t trust this servant. Today make a decision on his dismissal,” said Radaev at a meeting on anti-corruption policy. Radaev has demanded from subordinates at the meeting to eliminate any corruption in regional Executive bodies. According to him, all are equal before law — the deputies of any level, Executive power, bodies of local self-government. Corruption crimes on the part of civil servants have a negative impact on

CEC recognized the elections of the head of Primorye held

CEC recognized the elections of the head of Primorye held VLADIVOSTOK, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The CEC acknowledged the re-elections of the head of Primorye took place, said a CEC member Yevgeny Shevchenko, which is located in Vladivostok. Upstairs “The elections were held, the elections went smoothly, in strict accordance with the law”, — said the CEC member. Russian President Vladimir Putin in early October 2017 signed a decree on the dismissal of the former head of the Primorsky territory Vladimir Miklushevsky. 4 October 2017 the acting Governor was appointed Andrei Tarasenko. He participated in the September elections of the head region, the results of which the CEC invalidated. The acting Governor of the region was appointed Oleg Kozhemyako, head to this Sakhalin oblast. He won the election of the head of Primorye on Sunday, scoring 61,88% of the vote.

The former Director of the FBI accused trump of the distribution lies

The former Director of the FBI accused trump of the distribution lies Moscow. 18 Dec. INTERFAX.RU Ex — FBI Director James Comey accused the President of the United States Donald Ladder that he is spreading false information that undermines the rule of law and harms the reputation of the secret services of the country. Upstairs “The reputation of the FBI was severely damaged, because the President of the United States and his assistants constantly lied with regard to office,” he told reporters on the sidelines of the Senate of the us Congress. The former official added that “people who are aware of events, including Republicans from the members of his team, must have the courage to stand up and tell the truth.” John. Komi thus responded to a series of messages trump on Twitter attacking the FBI, which, in the opinion of the President, abused his authority, conducting the investigation

Polanski has criticized the UN resolution on the militarization of Crimea

Polanski has criticized the UN resolution on the militarization of Crimea Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN Dmitry Polyanskiy expressed his regret that the General Assembly adopted the proposal of Ukraine resolution on the militarization of the Crimea. Upstairs Statement Polanski published in the Twitter the Russian mission to the UN. Deputy permanent representative stressed that Russia “regrets” the result of the vote on the resolution. He also expressed the opinion that the group of countries participating in the UN, “mostly from NATO and the European Union”, thus “encourages” the Ukraine to new “crimes and provocations”. Polanski also noticed that the Ukrainian side may commit unlawful acts because of “political ambitions” of the West. Earlier it became known that the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on Ukraine’s militarization of the Crimea. It was noted that the document was supported by 66 countries, 19 voted against and 72

Anyone but Hillary

Anyone but Hillary Former Vice-President USA Joe Biden was ranked first in the list of 20 possible contenders for the presidency from the Democratic party. According to the results of a survey conducted in Iowa, his candidacy is ready to vote 32% of voters-Democrats. Second place went to Senator Bernie Sanders. The majority of respondents stated that they would support any candidate who “could win trump’s”, but would not like to see among the contenders Hillary Clinton. Upstairs Iowa is traditionally the first U.S. begins preparations for the presidential elections, and it is in this state before all are the Caucus of electors, which is determined by which candidate can get the party nomination and take part in the final stage of the next presidential race. Last weekend published the results of the first public opinion poll conducted in the state by CNN, the newspaper Des Moines Register and the

The UN General Assembly recognized the Russian threat to Ukraine

The UN General Assembly recognized the Russian threat to Ukraine The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on Ukraine the Russian militarization of Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as part of the Black and Azov seas. This is stated in the Twitter account of the organization. Upstairs The document was supported by 66 countries, 19 countries voted against and 72 abstained. The adoption of the resolution the General Assembly expressed “grave concern about the gradual militarization of the Crimea by the Russian Federation as the occupying power.” The UN believes that Russia is pursuing in Crimea military exercises and puts the weapon, which in the region continues to destabilize. The document also noted that the Russian actions on the territory of the Black sea threaten the security of Ukraine. The UN has condemned Russia over the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait, and also expressed dissatisfaction with restrictions

The Pentagon commented on the delay with the response to the letter from Mattis Shoigu

The Pentagon commented on the delay with the response to the letter from Mattis Shoigu WASHINGTON, 18 Dec. /TASS/. The content of the message of the Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu was brought to the attention of his American colleagues James Mattis not immediately, because this document was not talking about their possible contact. Upstairs This version of the incident stated on Monday, told TASS representative of the Ministry of defense, commenting on the situation around several days of silence of Mattis in response to the letter Shoigu. It concerned the future of the Russian-American Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty). As stated by the officer of the Pentagon, the American side felt that the Russians sent “a request of the working level.” “They have not given us enough time (to prepare a response)”, — stated the representative of military Department of the

The United States supports the aspirations of Bosnia and Herzegovina to join NATO

The United States supports the aspirations of Bosnia and Herzegovina to join NATO Moscow. 17 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Deputy U.S. Secretary of state John Sullivan said that Washington supports the aspirations of Bosnia and Herzegovina to join NATO, adding that the American side will respond harshly to any attempt of destabilization in the country. Upstairs “We discussed the US position that is unwavering as well as they were before, and she is to support decisions about NATO membership,” said Sullivan after his meeting with the three presidents of the Presidium of the country. The President is part of Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik who hold Pro-Russian views, has repeatedly called to ensure that the country remained neutral and did not seek membership in NATO. In December, NATO invited Bosnia to join the action Plan on membership in the Alliance, who for ten years were blocked by the Serbs.

Groisman said that Ukraine is not planning provocations on the borders with Russia

Groisman said that Ukraine is not planning provocations on the borders with Russia BRUSSELS, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman said on Monday in Brussels the words of foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about the upcoming Kiev provocations, saying the presence of the head of EU diplomacy, that there are no such plans. Upstairs Earlier, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is preparing a provocation at the end of December on the border with Russia. If Kiev will go to the provocation, you will receive a response, Lavrov said. The Russian foreign Minister said that the provocation on the border with the Crimea the President of Ukraine is discussing with its “Western curators and Trustees”. According to reports, the Minister said, Poroshenko advised to maintain the fighting of low intensity, to keep you “screaming in

Facebook and Twitter could conceal the scale of Russia’s intervention in U.S. elections

Facebook and Twitter could conceal the scale of Russia’s intervention in U.S. elections This conclusion is contained in a new report for the U.S. Senate. Upstairs Large technology company disclosed the U.S. Congress is not all the information about the alleged Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election, the Financial Times reports, citing a report dealing with the cyber security of New Knowledge. Its report will be the second on this topic, which this week will receive the intelligence Committee of the U.S. Senate. As noted in the report of the New Knowledge, the Russian Agency for Internet research, known as a “Troll factory” used all possible social networks, search Google and even some online games like Pokémon Go to spread disinformation and to sow discord in American society. For example, it has spread the fake news that Hillary Clinton allegedly received donations from the Ku Klux Klan in his