Regional budgets will be harder

Regional budgets will be harder Inhibition of growth of the economy in 2019, will force more of them to take. In 2019 a profitable part of regional budgets will be threatened by the slowdown in economic growth, and expenditure — the government’s plans to increase income and combat poverty, warned the international rating Agency Fitch. After the practical absence of cumulative deficiency of budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation in 2018 in 2019 it may increase to 1-2% of revenues. “According to our expectations, the total budget of the Russian regions will be close to balanced in 2018. Improved budgetary performance in the past three years was caused by a reduction in expenses and positive dynamics of incomes, in particular income from tax on profit of organizations due to the recovery of the Russian economy”, — stated in the message of Fitch. However, in 2019, the cumulative deficit of

The state Duma adopted the law on penalties for involving children in uncoordinated actions

The state Duma adopted the law on penalties for involving children in uncoordinated actions MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The state Duma adopted the law on liability for involvement of minors in an unsanctioned rally. The initiative was submitted to the lower house in may, authors were deputies from “United Russia”. They proposed amendments to the Code of administrative offences. For involving children in the unauthorized action provided for fines of from 30 to 50 thousand roubles, compulsory work for up to 100 hours or administrative arrest up to 15 days. For officials the penalty is greater — from 50 to 100 thousand rubles, for legal entities — from 250 to 500 thousand rubles. The explanatory Memorandum States that such cases are within the exclusive competence of judges, and the protocols will be the police. The amendment is designed to protect the lives and health of children, the document

The defense Ministry denied information about the death of the former head of the GRU of Sarguna in Lebanon

The defense Ministry denied information about the death of the former head of the GRU of Sarguna in Lebanon The Russian defense Ministry denied Western media about the death of the former head of the Main intelligence Directorate (GRU) Igor Sergun in Lebanon in 2016. It noted that this stuffing information was circulated with the filing of the justice Department. “Rumors that the deceased 3 January 2016, the Hero of Russia Colonel-General Igor Dmitrievich Sergun was in Lebanon — conspiracy nonsense”, — quotes the Agency “Interfax”. The U.S. justice Department previously published the proceedings of the interrogation by the FBI former adviser to the President of the United States Michael Flynn. From documents follows, that the head of the GRU Igor Sergun died in 2016, not in the suburban house of rest, and in Lebanon, writes “the”. Sergun was born March 28, 1957, in the Armed forces from 1973.

The state Duma adopted the law on simplification of obtaining Russian citizenship

The state Duma adopted the law on simplification of obtaining Russian citizenship The state Duma adopted in the third final reading the law, allowing the President to select categories of foreign citizens entitled to Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. This is stated in the message on the website of the state Duma. The law shall enter into force after 90 days from the date of publication. First and foremost, the bill is aimed at citizens of Ukraine. They will be able to apply for citizenship not by place of registration, as required by current legislation, and the place of stay. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin explained that in Ukraine, “our former compatriots have become hostages of the political adventurism of the authorities in Kiev and the civil war”. The speaker added that the initiative is aimed at implementation of President’s address to the Federal Assembly, where Vladimir

Russian “Internet trolls” accused of discrediting the investigations of Muller

Russian “Internet trolls” accused of discrediting the investigations of Muller Their most powerful weapon experts called post to Instagram, where Mueller accused of working with “radical Islamic groups”. Upstairs Russian “Internet trolls” trying to discredit the work of the Commission the former Director of the FBI Robert Swan of Muller investigating Moscow’s intervention in the American elections of 2016, in order to neutralize the biggest threat for the US President Donald trump. It was used to create fake accounts in social networks through which to spread information about corruption in the Commission, writes the Washington Post, citing presented to the Senate the reports of the two expert groups. Newsa Former Director of the FBI accused trump of the distribution lies The authors of the reports indicate that after trump won the election and became the President of the United States, the Russian “Internet trolls” moved to neutralize the biggest threat

Putin: festival of students will allow each participant to gain useful knowledge and skills

Putin: festival of students will allow each participant to gain useful knowledge and skills MOSCOW, December 18. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a greeting to participants of the Annual winter festival of the Russian movement of students, which in 2018 is held under the motto “RDS dreams come true”. The greeting text published Tuesday on the Kremlin website. “I am confident that the festival will allow participants to gain useful knowledge and skills, acquire new supporters, to feel the warm, friendly atmosphere of new year’s Moscow”, — said in greeting. According to the President, during the forum students will be able to talk about their achievements and problems, communicate with peers, discuss with them important topics. And of course, priority will be given to meetings with experienced mentors, teachers, workers of culture and art, businessmen, representatives of major domestic companies, Putin said. “I am sincerely glad that this is

In the state Duma called Russian rappers “artists African folk songs”

In the state Duma called Russian rappers “artists African folk songs” MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. State Duma Deputy from the faction “Fair Russia” Oleg Nilov called the Russian rappers “artists of the African ditties” and complained that they paid more attention than the performers of Russian folk art. “Look: is not the first week, shake all channels, all media these courting “performers of the African ditties”. They call themselves rappers, I call them performers of African rhymes. Why no such attention to the performers of our folk songs, ditties including folk art? Why they do not offer grants, why are they not collected in the State Duma and say: “Let’s talk, let’s get you support in some word or deed”?”, — said Nilov reporters.

Japan will send a record $238 billion to strengthen the defense

Japan will send a record $238 billion to strengthen the defense Japan adopted a new programme to strengthen national defense until 2029, AFP reports, citing the country’s defense Ministry. Only for the first five years for these purposes the government plans to spend 27 billion yen ($238 billion), which is 6.4% more than the previous budget. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий In particular, the plan provides for the continuation of works on creation of the country’s first aircraft carrier-based helicopter “Izumo”. For this aircraft carrier for 10 years will buy 18 F-35B. In addition, Japan will deploy two ground-based missile Aegis Ashore. The programme mentions the necessity of a strategic rivalry with China and Russia. “The United States remains the strongest world power, but competition between States increases, and we realize the importance of strategic rivalry with China and Russia who challenge the regional order,” — said in the text of the document. Earlier,

XI Jinping announced the decisive victory of China over corruption

XI Jinping announced the decisive victory of China over corruption Moscow. 18 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — IN China the process of reform and opening-up policy was able to achieve a decisive victory over corruption, said the Chinese President, XI Jinping. “In the process of party building, showing a tough approach to compliance with party discipline… zero tolerance for manifestations of decomposition in the party, won a decisive victory over corruption”, — said the Chinese leader. He spoke at a ceremony in Beijing to mark the 40th anniversary of the historic third Plenum of the CPC Central Committee 11th convocation, which laid the foundations of the current the country’s policy of reform and opening to the outside world. The Plenum was held 18-21 December 1978.

Japan adopted a new program to strengthen defence, which will be record amounts of money

Japan adopted a new program to strengthen defence, which will be record amounts of money TOKYO, December 18. /TASS/. Japan adopted a new programme for strengthening national defence over the next ten years, the implementation of which will be record amounts of money. As noted in published on Tuesday by the Ministry of defense of Japan, the provisions of the program, only in the first five years of the programme it is planned to spend 27 billion yen ($238 billion). In particular, the plan provides for the creation of the country’s first carrier-based Navy helicopter carrier “Izumo”. Also in the next ten years, the government of Japan will acquire 18 fighters short take-off and vertical landing F-35B with a view to their placement on the carrier. In the program notes that over the next ten years, Japan will deploy two ground-based missile Aegis Ashore. The programme also stresses the need