In the United States showed “Russian base” in Venezuela

In the United States showed “Russian base” in Venezuela Military base with Russian strategic bombers Tu-160 can carry cruise missiles with nuclear warheads, would create “an unprecedented permanent strategic threat to the mainland United States within the Western hemisphere”, writes The Drive. The American publication, publishing satellite images of the Venezuelan Orchila island located in the Caribbean sea, where it is possible to create a database, notes that, on the one hand, currently, there are no guarantees that Russia will indeed support such an object. Orchila Island #Venezuela is 1300 miles from Florida. It’s the modern Bay of Pigs.#Putin new playground. @ELINTNews @IsraelD_Heb @IdeologyWars @IntelCrab @intellipus @jremes84 — IL Observer -? in my butt? in my butt? in my butt (@Obs_IL) December 18, 2018 On the other hand, The Drive draws attention to the changes that have occurred in the last few years with the island, where, in particular,

Sands did not see the connection of the supply Patriot Turkey with the purchase of the Russian s-400

Sands did not see the connection of the supply Patriot Turkey with the purchase of the Russian s-400 The Kremlin does not consider the associated probable sale Turkey American Patriot missile defense systems with the supply in the country of Russian s-400, said the press Secretary of President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov. “This is not a related processes, in this case we will implement the agreements we already have with the Turkish colleagues. You know that the project and the contract for s-400 is in progress, it will continue,” — said Peskov. The Russian leadership also sees no reason to expect Turkey to the disclosure of United States confidential information about the s-400, he said. Military-technical cooperation with other countries are always accompanied by legally binding agreements on non-disclosure “of certain categories of information,” reminded Sands: “the same obligations with the Turkish side”. Today it became known that the U.S.

As mentioned by Vladimir Putin at the big press conferences

As mentioned by Vladimir Putin at the big press conferences The next annual big press conference will be held on December 20. TASS-FILE. 20 December 2018 in Moscow will host the next annual big press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Traditionally, large press conference, Putin considered the results of the year. The President does not restrict journalists in selecting the communication. Issues tend to affect a variety of areas of internal and foreign policy of Russia, sometimes they also affect the personal life of the President. 2001 On 18 July 2001 Putin holds the first major press conference. In the course of it the journalists ‘ questions, particularly related to the work of the government and the state Duma, the state of the Navy, the burial of Lenin’s body, etc. Speaking about the military reform, the President said that the army should be lean, but not costly. The head

The state Duma adopted the law abolishing national roaming

The state Duma adopted the law abolishing national roaming Moscow. 19 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma on Wednesday adopted in the third and final reading the law on the abolition of national roaming charges for cellular communication on the territory of the Russian Federation. The law States that in Russia the operator of mobile radiotelephone communication in the network sets the same conditions for the provision of services to each subscriber regardless of whether the subscriber is within the Federal subject of the Russian Federation, specified in the decision on the allocation of such operator of numbering resource, including a dedicated subscriber subscriber number or outside this territory. It is clarified that the payment is subject to the telephone connection with the subscriber outside of the territory of the Russian Federation. The law was introduced in 2017, the number of deputies from “Fair Russia”, headed by party leader Sergey

The state Duma adopted the law against sham marriages

The state Duma adopted the law against sham marriages The state Duma adopted in the third reading the law to exclude cases of marriages with foreigners to obtain permission for temporary residence in Russia. This was reported on the website of the state Duma. In accordance with the permit for temporary residence in Russia without quota will be issued to foreigners only in the same region where their spouses-the Russians. As explained by the Chairman of the Committee on civil society development issues, public and religious organisations Sergey Gavrilov, the law will allow to counteract illegal migration. It is proposed not to extend restrictions on temporarily residing in Russia, foreigners who have obtained the status of the participant (family member of attendee) State program on rendering assistance to voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad, or in connection with the relocation of a foreigner to a new place of residence of

The state Duma adopted a law on partial decriminalization of article 282 of the criminal code

The state Duma adopted a law on partial decriminalization of article 282 of the criminal code MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The state Duma at plenary session on Wednesday passed the third and final reading package of bills on partial decriminalization of article 282 of the criminal code on extremism. Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Duma introduced a package of projects, partly laws on decriminalization of article 282 of the Criminal code on extremism. Changes aimed at humanization of criminal legislation, it is proposed to amend the criminal code and the Code of administrative offences. According to the documents, it will be impossible to initiate a criminal case against people for the first time in conflict with the law, provided that their conduct “did not pose a serious threat to the constitutional order and security of the state”. It is expected that criminal liability will result if the

CNN found trump signed a letter of intent to build the Trump Tower in Moscow

CNN found trump signed a letter of intent to build the Trump Tower in Moscow Moscow. 19 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump in October 2015 signed a letter of intent, which said plans to build Trump Tower in Moscow, CNN reported, citing the document. Upstairs According to the journalist of the channel Chris Cuomo received a copy of the document (.pdf), letter dated 28 October 2015, and it really is a signature of the trump. #CNN obtains letter of intent for the proposed Trump Tower Moscow signed by #Trump — Marketing Gurus (@MarketingGurus2) December 19, 2018 While on Sunday the lawyer trump, Rudy Giuliani said the TV channel CNN that the document was not signed. “It was a project in the field of real estate. It was a letter of intent to go forward, but no one has signed,” said Giuliani. NewsFrom yellow cab to the interrogation

The US has approved the delivery of Turkey’s Patriot missile systems worth $3.5 billion

The US has approved the delivery of Turkey’s Patriot missile systems worth $3.5 billion WASHINGTON, 19 Dec. /TASS/. The US administration took the decision to sell Turkey air defense missile system Patriot totaling $3.5 billion. This was announced on Tuesday, the Department of the Ministry of defense for defense cooperation and security DSCA (Defense Security Cooperation Agency), which is responsible for the supply of military equipment and weapons abroad under intergovernmental contracts, the promotion of ties between the Armed forces of the United States and other countries, the provision of financial and technical assistance to foreign partners of Washington in the field of defense. The resolution obtained for the sale of 80 anti-aircraft missiles Patriot MIM-104E missiles and 60 PAC-3, as well as associated equipment. According to the data, Turkey has also requested the purchase of four radar fire control AN/MPQ-65, 10 antennas AMG, 20 Autonomous launchers M903, four control

IMF approved a program of assistance to Ukraine in 14 months at 3.9 billion dollars

IMF approved a program of assistance to Ukraine in 14 months at 3.9 billion dollars Moscow. 19 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Board of Directors of the International monetary Fund (IMF) has approved a program of support for economic policy (stand-by arrangement, SBA) in the amount of $3.9 billion and the first loan tranche of $1.4 billion, said the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. “More good news — as agreed with the managing Director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, the IMF Board of Directors adopted a program of assistance to stand-by for Ukraine in 14 months for a total of $3.9 billion and Approved a decision on allocation in the programme of the first tranche of $1.4 billion, which will be held in the near future”, — wrote Poroshenko on his page in Facebook on Tuesday evening. The President of Ukraine said that the IMF’s decision is “another important signal about

France will distribute half a billion euros to the poor at Christmas

France will distribute half a billion euros to the poor at Christmas France traditionally will pay about 500 million euros Christmas bonus most needy citizens. About it reports The Local. Annual payments for the poor of the French will be distributed this week. The money received more than 2.3 million people. The goal is to give the poor an opportunity to prepare a festive table and gifts for the children. First of all, it will send out to the unemployed. The amount of money depends on the marital status of the recipient. Single childless people will get a little over 150 euros, childless couples — 228 euros. Lone parents the French government sent 228, 274, 335, or 396 Euro, depending on, one, two, three or four children in their family. Couples with one child will receive 274 euros, with four children — 442 euros. To do this, none of them