IAEA: North Korea is making progress in creating nuclear weapons

IAEA: North Korea is making progress in creating nuclear weapons NEW YORK, March 21. /Offset. TASS Kirill Volkov/. North Korea in recent years, making significant progress in building nuclear weapons. This was stated in published on Monday an interview with the WSJ the Director General of the International atomic energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano. According to him, since 2010, the area of a nuclear facility in Yongbyon, where the DPRK, as expected, is working on uranium enrichment, increased at least twice. “All evidence indicates that North Korea is making progress (in creating a nuclear weapons — approx. TASS), as she stated,” — said Amano, whose IAEA Board of governors earlier this month was appointed for a third term as Director General of the Agency. However, he declined to speculate exactly how many nuclear weapons may currently consist of the Arsenal of the DPRK. Amano also expressed the belief that denuclearization

Le Pen has promised the French people a referendum on France’s participation in the EU

Le Pen has promised the French people a referendum on France’s participation in the EU Moscow. March 21. INTERFAX.RU — the leader of the French “National front” marine Le Pen during a televised debate of candidates for President of France in the night of Tuesday said that the majority of data in this debate promises can’t be implemented because of the prohibitive policy of the European Union. “Just talking about independence. Independence does not mean the subordination of the technocrats of Brussels, it means making decisions to us. You French, you have the right to decide for themselves. I’ll tell you more: you have the right to defend themselves. You have the right to protect themselves from the lack of multilateral security, which is a consequence of the complete opening of our borders, whether in economic or in terms of movement of people,” said Le Pen on TV channels TF1

Macron urged to abandon the rapprochement of France with Russia

Macron urged to abandon the rapprochement of France with Russia France should not come closer to Russia and to build its independent policy. This was during the election debates, said the candidate in presidents of France Emmanuel macron, reports Le Monde. Macron said that he “does not want to compromise with Putin.” Debating with the leader of “National front” marine Le Pen, he said that “unlike you, I want to see a strong France in Europe.” #Macron: We need more #Europe, build a strong France in a stronger Europe, not on getting closer to Putin. ? Le Pen laughing? #LeGrandDebat pic.twitter.com/yorQ9gj3Jj — Martin Mycielski?? (@mycielski) 20 Mar 2017 In mid-February the Secretary General of the party of Makron “Forward!” Richard Ferrand said Emmanuel macron has become the object of cyber attacks from Russia. In addition, he accused the Russian TV channel RT and Sputnik Agency in an attempt to undermine

Russian Ambassador: Norway will be responsible for the deployment of missile defense

Photo: nato.int The accession of Norway to the deployment of the European NATO missile defense system (EUROPRO) not without response on the part of Russia. This was stated by Russian Ambassador to Norway Teimuraz Ramishvili, reports TASS. He explained that becoming a NATO Outpost in the Arctic region, the country will provoke appropriate actions from the Russian side, “neutralize the effect of the possible creation of one of the elements of the ABM shield”. Ramishvili suggests that this situation in Norway will react violently. “Or Norway have to understand that becoming a NATO Outpost, it will have to be face to face with Russia, with Russian military power. It (accession of Norway to the European missile defense system – approx. ed.) will become a new factor to be taken into account in our strategic planning, as the emergence of additional problems in the Arctic, and then on a peaceful Arctic

Klintsevich commented on the statements on nuclear weapons to Seoul and Tokyo

Photo: RIA Novosti USA as a non-system player of international politics is the worst thing you can imagine, told RIA Novosti on Saturday, the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Franz Klintsevich, commenting on the words of U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson about the possible emergence of Japan and South Korea of nuclear weapons. Earlier, Tillerson said that does not preclude future decisions that may lead to the appearance of nuclear weapons in South Korea and Japan to curb the nuclear programs of the DPRK. Klintsevich noted that while he refused to blame the United States in non-systemic actions, however, “the first call has already sounded”. “We need to see the tremendous difference. The DPRK, which plays by its own rules, is, of course, our common headache, and it is necessary to search for a cure. USA as a non-system player – the

Kadyrov: the European court of justice has declared war on religion, affirming the right of the ban on headscarves

Photo: TASS The European court effectively declared war on religion, affirming the right of employers to impose a rule prohibiting employees to carry on the work of the hijab (women’s headscarf the Muslims). The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov wrote on his page in Instagram. “The European court of justice issued a shameful decision allowing employers to prohibit employees wearing hijabs and other items of clothing denoting a person belonging to any religion. In fact we are talking about a hidden war declared religions”, – said Kadyrov. He foresees a backlash of believers on the court’s decision: “Muslims of Europe will say a decisive “No!” attempts to impose a complete ban on their religious rights! If you never wore the hijab, now (will) appear in them at work, at University, the society… the same relation to the court will demonstrate the representatives of other religions.” The head of

Media: Tillerson is planning in April to visit Russia

Media: Tillerson is planning in April to visit Russia MOSCOW, 21 Mar — RIA Novosti. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson plans to visit Russia in April, reports Reuters with reference to representatives of the US authorities. According to two sources, Tillerson plans to visit Moscow April 12. The official representative of US state Department mark Toner did not provide comments on possible visit Tillerson, the Agency reports.

Poll: Makron surpassed Le Pen and Fillon during the first debate

Poll: Makron surpassed Le Pen and Fillon during the first debate PARIS, 21 Mar — RIA Novosti. The leader of the party “Forward,” Emmanuel macron has become the best in the first presidential debate in France, according to a survey conducted by Elabe on the order of a news channel BFMTV. The first election debate took place on Monday evening on the TV channel TF1. According to the survey, the question “Who was the most convincing?” 29% called Macron, 20% — leader “Natchinaetsja France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon, for 19% — to the Chairman of the “National front” marine Le Pen and the candidate from “Republican” françois Fillon, 11% are representative of the “Socialist party” Benoit Amon. In the survey participated 1157 voters. Election of the President of France will be held in two rounds on 23 April and 7 may. HelpElections in France: the explanation in grafikone will participate in the

Media: Ivanka trump will have access to classified information

Media: Ivanka trump will have access to classified information MOSCOW, 21 Mar — RIA Novosti. The daughter of the President of the United States Ivanka trump will get a personal account in the West wing of the White house and the access to classified information, according to the publication Politico, citing her lawyer Jamie Gorelik. It is reported that Ivanka trump will not take the official post of the state employee and will not receive a salary. According to Gorelik, she will be the “eyes and ears” of the President and will give him advice on a wide spectrum. “Adult child of a President who is actively involved in the work of administration is a new opportunity,” said Gorelik. According to people close to the daughter of the President of the United States, Ivanka sees in his new role is nothing unusual — she had long worked alongside his father

French parliamentarian: Russia has taken a wise position on Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti A member of the lower house of the French Parliament (National Assembly), Jacques Lamblin expressed the view that the EU and the US should reach a new level of cooperation with Russia in military operations in Syria, reports RT. According to him, Russia’s position on the Syrian issue is very wise. “Russia wants the US and Europe rallied with her to put an end to Islamist terrorism. This is something on which we should focus. The way to look at these “moderate” rebels and, let’s call a spade a spade, moderate terrorists who wanted to help to get rid of Assad, was a bad idea, because they turned against the French and Western forces,” — said Emblen. He stressed that “the Russians talked about the need to work with Assad in the fight against the terrorist group “Islamic state”, and that’s what led to the success.” “Islamic