Sands stated about the complaints in the guise of questions at the press conference Putin

Sands stated about the complaints in the guise of questions at the press conference Putin PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, Dec 23 — RIA Novosti. Some of the appeal to the Russian President Vladimir Putin at the annual press conference was not journalistic questions, and complaints had no relationship to reality and were in fact libel, said press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, adding that it is necessary to consider how to protect Putin’s press conference from naturalistov. Annual press conference of the President was held on Thursday at the world trade Center in Moscow, it was accredited more than 1 thousand journalists. She began at noon and lasted 3 hours and 43 minutes. Almost four hours Putin answered 53 questions 66 journalists of Russian and international agenda. The President asked about the economy, the projects, the problems of shareholders and told about the problems of life of the regions. Many

In the United States called potential places to start a Third world war

In the United States called potential places to start a Third world war The South China sea, Ukraine, the Persian Gulf and the Korean Peninsula — the hottest regions of the world in 2019. In them, according to the American Professor at the army war College, USA Robert Farley, could start the Third world war, according to the December 22 The National Interest. Likely opponents in the South China sea Farley was named Washington and Beijing. He noted that currently, countries are engaged in a trade war, but the situation may deteriorate. Regarding Ukraine, the Professor noted that the situation in the region aggravated the incident in the Kerch Strait, which led to increased tension between Russia and Western countries. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the Kerch проливе22 dekarasyon will provide assistance to Kiev in the amount of $10 million after the incident in the Kerch проливе21 Dekabristov

Ecuador’s President raised the price of gasoline by 25%

Ecuador’s President raised the price of gasoline by 25% Gasoline prices are rising in Ecuador, 25% from 26 December. The corresponding decree was signed by President Lenin Moreno. According to the new price cost of gallon (3.78 l) of brands such as Ecopais and Extra $1,85 with taxes is $1,48. It is noted that for taxi and public transport the price of refills will remain the same, as these modes of transport provides subsidies, writes “RIA Novosti”. In mid-November, France began mass protests “jackets” due to the authorities ‘ intention to raise prices of gasoline and diesel fuel. Protesters take to the streets in reflective yellow vests that are an attribute of the French drivers. In December the country’s President Emmanuel macron introduced in France emergency economic position. In addition, he reported an increase in the minimum Wage by €100 from 2019 and the introduction of a number of other

The UN General Assembly adopted anti-Russian resolution on Crimea

The UN General Assembly adopted anti-Russian resolution on Crimea UN 23 Dec. /TASS/. The General Assembly (GA) of the United Nations on Saturday adopted by a majority of the votes proposed by Ukraine resolution condemning the alleged recorded on the territory of Crimea, human rights violations and “illegal establishment of the Russian Federation laws, jurisdiction and administration” in the region. While the fifth Committee of the General Assembly dealing with economic issues, has refused to allocate money for the implementation of this decision. The document, proposed by Kiev, in the current year was supported by 67 of the delegations, that is, five less than in 2017. Among the supporters of the resolution were the United States, European Union, Turkey and Japan. He voted against 27 delegations, including Russia, Belarus, China, India, Serbia, Syria, South Africa, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, and 70 more countries abstained. Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the

Ramzan Kadyrov plans to run for President

Ramzan Kadyrov plans to run for President The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov declared his desire to finish his career on a post of the head region. “I want to finish his career as the leader of the region, the Republic”, — the politician told the TV channel “Moscow 24” (quoted by TASS). Mister Kadyrov has added that in the future does not intend to apply for the position of President, he also sees himself as the head of the Federal Agency. “I’m not a level people,” he said. Ramzan Kadyrov leads Chechnya since 2007. In 2016 he was re-elected for a third term, voted for by 98% of voters. Earlier, the head of the region repeatedly said that he was ready to leave his post. Last fall, he called the resignation “my dream” and for the first time announced that chose possible successors. Their names politician not named.

The U.S. special envoy to the coalition fighting ISIS has resigned

The U.S. special envoy to the coalition fighting ISIS has resigned The special representative of the President of the United States on cooperation with other countries in the fight against banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” Brett Mcgurk said about leaving his post. He took this decision in protest against the withdrawal of American troops from Syria. According to CBS News, Mr. Mcgurk already informed Secretary Mike Pompeo on his retirement. That the special envoy will leave the post, was known before, but it was assumed that it will last until February 2019. Now, according to sources, a TV channel, Mr Mcgurk intends to resign at the end of December. It is assumed that after retiring from civil service he will work at Stanford University. Mcgurk headed the U.S. mission against ISIS on the battlefields in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries in 2015. He was one of the few

Trump said that about the remains of the ISIS* in Syria “taken care of local country”

Trump said that about the remains of the ISIS* in Syria “taken care of local country” WASHINGTON, 22 Dec — RIA Novosti. About the remnants of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” in Syria* unable to take care of the countries of the region, including Turkey, said on Saturday the US President Donald trump. “As for Syria, we initially were going to be there for three months, and that was seven years ago — we never left. When I became President, IG* rampage. Now IG* mostly defeated, and other regional countries, including Turkey, should be able without problems to take care of what’s left. We’re going home!” — he wrote in his Twitter. Last week, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed the readiness of the Turkish army in the next few days to launch a military operation against the self-defense forces of Syrian Kurds (YPG) to the East of the Euphrates river.

Zakharov said the statement by US intelligence on the “Russian intervention” in elections

Zakharov said the statement by US intelligence on the “Russian intervention” in elections MOSCOW, Dec 22 — RIA Novosti. Those who argue about the intervention of Russia, Iran and China in the US election in 2018 and put the American people is a joke, wrote the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in his account in Facebook. As reported in a special statement, the Director of national intelligence Daniel Coates, the intelligence Agency believes that Russia, China and Iran intervened in the US elections in 2018. Intelligence has prepared a report on the intervention in the elections, which will be submitted to the Department of homeland security and the attorney General of the United States. If they confirm the report’s conclusions, this will trigger automatic sanctions against Russia, China and Iran according to the law “On combating the enemies of America through sanctions”. World laughingstock expose the American

The speaker called the four most active MPs

The speaker called the four most active MPs Moscow. 22 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin at the end of the autumn session called the four most active, in his view, the deputies and the most effective working Committee. “Committee on budget and taxes (Chapter — member of the faction “United Russia” Andrey Makarov),” — Volodin answered a question for official website of the state Duma, which Committee was most productive. Asked to call deputies from different factions manifested itself the most actively in the plenary, the speaker said: In my opinion, in this session the most active in the plenary hall were members: (member of the Committee for control and regulations) Andrew Alshevskih (United Russia), (member, Committee on health) Chicken Alex (Communist party) (the first Deputy Chairman of the Committee on budget and taxes), Sergey Katasonov (LDPR) and (first Deputy Chairman of Committee on economic

The US government partially suspended its work from December 22

The US government partially suspended its work from December 22 WASHINGTON, December 22. /TASS/ — Previously, the Senate adopted a resolution on the budget. The U.S. Senate concluded its meeting on Friday, did not vote on the draft resolution on another temporary extension of the government’s work until February 8, 2019, making inevitable a partial shutdown of some Federal agencies from midnight on 22 Dec local time (08:00 GMT Saturday). Stream of the meeting, was carried on the website of the upper house of the legislature. Earlier the meeting was closed and the House of representatives. Both chambers are now able to gather just after noon on Saturday (20:00 MSK Saturday). Meanwhile, the period of compromise between the two chambers of Congress and the President of the United States expires at midnight of Friday to Saturday, local time. Since the budget resolution was not adopted, since Saturday, part of the