Putin is ready to meet with trump in Finland

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS ARKHANGELSK, March 30. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said he was ready to take part in the forum of the Arctic Council in Finland and met with the President of the United States Donald trump, if such an event would be prepared. The availability of such meeting, the Russian leader asked the moderator held in Arkhangelsk international Arctic forum.

US Ambassador to the UN has called his country “the conscience of the world”

US Ambassador to the UN has called his country “the conscience of the world” UN, March 29. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. The US, serve for the world conscience and are not going to abandon this role. With this statement made by the permanent representative of the country at the UN, Nikki Haley. “The United States is the conscience of the world. We will not give up this role. We will insist that our participation in the work of the UN consistent with this role,” the diplomat said, speaking a lecture at the new York Council on foreign relations. According to Haley, she is going to make the world body “an effective tool” to promote American values. Priority — human rights Speaking about the programme of work of the UN Security Council under the presidency of the USA in the next month, Nikki Haley announced that he was going to pay

In the state Duma introduced a bill on labor education in school

In the state Duma introduced a bill on labor education in school Moscow. March 29. INTERFAX.RU Member of the Federation Council Viktor Kress, and Alexander Volkov has offered to introduce vocational education at all levels of General education in Russia. The initiative is placed on Wednesday in base of legislative activities of the lower house of the Russian Parliament. In the explanatory note the authors note that the current wording of the law “On education in RF” no concept “labor education”. In addition, the law establishes that the involvement of students without their consent, and of underage students without their parents ‘ consent to work, not provided an educational program, is prohibited. “A broad interpretation of this provision of the law leveled labor education in educational institutions”, — says the Senator. In this regard, the project contributes to the existing legislation changes, aimed at creating legal conditions to ensure the

In the U.S. Senate presented a first oral report on the investigation in Russia

In the U.S. Senate presented a first oral report on the investigation in Russia WASHINGTON, March 29. /Offset. TASS Andrey Shitov/. A special Senate intelligence Committee in the U.S. Congress continues to investigate reason attributed to Russia’s interference in the electoral political processes in the United States. The Chairman of the Committee Republican Senator Richard Barre has confirmed this to reporters, which was the first oral report on the investigation in Russia. On the question of whether there are already some results, he said that “to draw conclusions now would be madness”. “News investigation charged seven professional staff of the Committee, already-vetted” to work with secret information, he said. “They received thousands of pages of documentation and reviewed a considerable part of them,” said the Senator. According to him, prior to the completion of the examination of documents “stay a week”. Another thing is that, as warned, Barre, and requested

Mizulina expressed fears because of the stories about corruption in Russian schools

Photo: RIA Novosti The Chairman of Committee of Council of Federation Elena Mizulina called the “dangerous trend” that the number of Russian schools, according to her, the lessons of patriotism were replaced with lessons on the fight against corruption. “Lessons of patriotism from first to tenth classes were replaced with lessons on the fight against corruption. In these lessons show the international rankings, where Russia is not in the first places”, — Mizulina said at the session of the Federation Council. According to her, this happened in several schools of St. Petersburg. As Mizulina believes that these lessons have nothing to do with patriotism and are a “dangerous trend.” A colleague disagreed, the Senator Lyudmila Narusova, who said that, in her opinion, to support the fight against corruption can and patriots. “If the students, along with teachers want to be proud of his uncorrupted country, it is patriotism. Home you

Zakharova said the US refusal to participate in the meeting on Afghanistan in Moscow

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, March 30. /TASS/. The United States refused to participate in the meeting on Afghanistan in Moscow on April 14. This was stated on Thursday at a briefing the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “On April 14 in Moscow will host the next round of regional consultations on the Afghan problem, – said the diplomat. – During the talks will discuss the situation in the security sphere in Afghanistan, the future prospects of its development. The main purpose of the event is, in our view, in developing a common regional approach to further promote the process of national reconciliation in the country, while maintaining the leading role of Kabul and to ensure that the approved and previously considered principles of integration of the armed opposition to peaceful lives.”

150 years since the sale of Alaska: an exact calculation or a fatal mistake

The signing of the Alaska purchase Treaty on March 30, 1867. A classic painting by Emanuel Leutze © Emanuel Leutze/Public domain/wikipedia.org In a glass display case of a provincial Museum — a brass plate 20 x 20 cm with embossed on it the words: “Russian Land ownership”. But in Russia such will not find — only the ocean, only in Alaska. All newly annexed territory of the Russian pioneers were stolbit, says TASS Natalya Volkova, Director of the Museum of the city of Shelekhov, Irkutsk region. But to install wooden poles in Alaska had any sense — they could easily burn the indigenous people the colonizers or competitors. Therefore, Grigory Shelikhov ordered to bury embedded boards in the ground of Alaska. Grigory Shelikhov (in some historical documents his name is spelled as Shelekhov, hence the name of the city) — industrialist, the merchant, the Explorer, the man who makes the

The UK Prime Minister did not exclude the possibility of fees for withdrawal from the EU

The UK Prime Minister did not exclude the possibility of fees for withdrawal from the EU Moscow. March 29. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister Theresa may did not rule out on Wednesday that London will have to transfer to Brussels “fee for withdrawal” from the European Union. “Of course, we will carefully study the rights and responsibilities to the EU”, — she declared on air of TV channel BBC One. While the British Prime Minister did not specify the exact amount that may be paid by Britain in the EU. Last week European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said that Britain should pay in the EU about 50 billion pounds before leaving the Union. This amount will include the cost of all the projects that informed London agreed to Fund. While the British authorities are counting on an agreement about the priority of trade with the EU after the country’s withdrawal from the

The approval rating of the trump set record

The approval rating of the trump set record Moscow. March 29. INTERFAX.RU the Level of support of US President Donald trump has reached a new record of 35%, said Wednesday the research company Gallup. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий Thus, on Tuesday trump became less popular by 1%. The American media, which publishes the Gallup data, it was noted that the highest level of support trump also was not as high as other American presidents, — immediately after the oath, he was supported by 46% of Americans. While in Gallup remind you that after two months of presidency, Barack Obama supported a little more than 60%, and George W. Bush — slightly more than 50%. Data based on Gallup telephone survey conducted among 1,5 thousand adults.

Chizhov: the EMU knows that the situation Samoilova blow to the image of “Eurovision”

Chizhov: the EMU knows that the situation Samoilova blow to the image of “Eurovision” MOSCOW, 29 Mar — RIA Novosti. The leadership of the European broadcasting Union (EBU) understands that the prohibition of the security service of Ukraine on entry to the Russian participants of “Eurovision-2017” will hurt the prestige of the contest, and the EBU, said Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov. The Director General of the EBU, Ingrid Deltenre said in an interview with newspaper Blick on Wednesday that if the decision on participation of Russia in “Eurovision” will not be reached in the coming weeks, Ukraine may be sanctioned: in particular, it may be suspended from participation in the contest. “I can say that the competition “Eurovision” song contest, including the contest of this year, it held the European broadcasting Union, not Ukraine. There can not understand that the decision of the SBU in Kiev