NYT: as the daughter and son-in-law trump exceed 740 million dollars

NYT: as the daughter and son-in-law trump exceed 740 million dollars WASHINGTON, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The white house released on Friday data on the financial status of employees of the US administration, according to which the state of his daughter and son-in-law of the President, who are also his advisers, exceed 740 million dollars. According to the information cited by the New York Times, income of Ivanka trump and her husband Jared Kushner are 740 million dollars. According to the White house, despite the fact that Kouchner before to hold a post in the administration, left the post in more than 200 enterprises connected with belonging to his family business of real-estate, it still benefits from the activities of most of them. The President’s daughter, which recently received official the assistant of the President, refused of their companies, but still retains a share in the ownership of the

Peskov explained the low approval rating by Americans of Putin

Peskov explained the low approval rating by Americans of Putin MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the low approval ratings of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the United States were the result of a long anti-Russian propaganda. “It’s not a problem, but we regret it. We understand that these figures due to the fact that for many months, over years, American society has been strongly anti-Russian propaganda”, — quotes the TV channel ABC Peskov response to a question from the presenter, what caused the fact that only 9% of Americans have a positive attitude to the Russian leader. “This is a false news and slander,” — said Peskov. According to Peskov, he did not believe that the attitude of the President of the United States Donald trump to Russia has considerably changed since the days of the election campaign. “Of

In Chukotka will generate energy frame of the North-East of Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The creation of Chukotka, the world’s first floating APEC and the interconnection of the region and Kolyma will allow to generate energy frame in the North-East of the Russian Federation, said the Governor, JSC Roman Kopin at the meeting of the governors of the Northern forum. According to the press service of the government of Chukotka, Kopin noted that one of the main problems of the power system County — territorial and technological isolation, and high tariffs. “Today we are facing a particular challenge is to provide high reliability in the harsh conditions of the Arctic zone…We have developed and are implementing a plan under which in 2019 in Pevek will start to work the overall APEC capacity of 70 mW; work began on the construction of transmission lines for the transmission of the required energy. In addition, it is supposed to combine isolated systems of Chukotka

Former adviser to trump Carter Paige has denied the information about relations with Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti A former adviser on international issues of the election campaign headquarters of Donald trump Carter Paige has denied the information on cooperation with the Russian side during the presidential elections in 2016. Paige denies reports of dirt on trump that he had met secretly with the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin in July 2016. “I’ve never met Igor Sechin. Absolute lie… Maybe I saw him at the conference, but I’ve never even shook his hand,” said Paige in an interview with Fox News. He also denied the information that the head of the electoral headquarters of the trump by Paul Manafort appointed him coordinator of relations with Russia. The former adviser also denied contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak. He noted that the Congress of the Republican party only greeted him and gave the diplomat my card, but “had led him to have

The state monopolisitic issuing electronic signature

Photo: RIA Novosti/Valery Fedorov Private companies will lose the right to issue in Russia qualified electronic signatures. This function will give the state agencies. The bill prepared in the Ministry of communications, where he explained that in this way we strive to improve the level of trust in electronic signatures. Market participants initiative scared — they claim that the change will be 15 thousand people. The Ministry of communications has prepared amendments to the law “On electronic digital signature” and “On protection of rights of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities”. To issue a qualified electronic signature will only state agencies, accredited in this Department. — The purpose of the changes is to increase the credibility of the qualified electronic signature, as well as set uniform standards for the provision of such services, — said the press service of the Ministry. Now there are 442 certification authority accredited by the Ministry

Protesters set fire to a Congress of Paraguay

Protesters set fire to a Congress of Paraguay In Asuncion protesters stormed and set fire to the Congress of Paraguay after the Senate secretly voted for a constitutional amendment that would allow President Horacio Cartes to run again, reports Reuters. The Constitution prohibits reelection, as it was adopted in 1992 after the 1989 fall of dictatorship. The amendment also requires the approval of the house of representatives. “Carried out the state coup, we will fight back, and we call upon the people to resist together with us,” said Senator Desiree Masi of the Opposition progressive democratic party. The demonstrators set fire to tires and removed part of the fencing surrounding the Congress building. The police used tear gas and rubber bullets. Several politicians and journalists were injured. The Minister of internal Affairs Tadeo Rojas said he suffered a lot of police.

Maduro announced the convening of the security Council of Venezuela against the background of worsening crisis in the country

Maduro announced the convening of the security Council of Venezuela against the background of worsening crisis in the country The President of the Bolivarian Republic stated that these negotiations will help to find a solution to strengthen the Venezuelan Constitution and achieve the country’s peace and tranquility. MEXICO city, April 1. /Offset. TASS Ivan valueK/. The security Council Venezuela will meet in the near future for a meeting to work out measures to settle the differences between the General Prosecutor’s office and the Supreme court (SC). This was announced on Friday, the President of the Bolivarian Republic Nicolas Maduro. Earlier in the day attorney General Luis Ortega Diaz said that the decision of the Supreme court to assume the powers of the Parliament violates the constitutional order. “As head of state I take on the task to find through dialogue and in accordance with the Constitution the way out of

Media: the Czech Ambassador in Switzerland withdraw from the post because of his wife’s tweets

Media: the Czech Ambassador in Switzerland withdraw from the post because of his wife’s tweets PRAGUE, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti, Alexander Kuranov. The Czech Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Karel Boruvka got the message from the Czech foreign Ministry that by the end of April must leave his post: the head of depodesta Lubomir Zaoralek accused the Ambassador that he can’t have an impact on his wife, placing criticism in the micro-blogging network Twitter, reports the Prague Lidovky. “Without any arguments, I was informed that should leave his post. In personal correspondence with the Minister indicated to me that I can’t tame his wife and her communication in social networks. And this was the reason for my instant dismissal”, — said Boruvka, who previously held the post of Deputy head of the Czech foreign Ministry. The Ambassador’s wife Alena Borovkova, as well as her husband, as well as foreign

The bill on “garage Amnesty” will make to the end of the year

Photo: NEWS/Michael Tereshchenko In the Federation Council a draft law on “garage Amnesty”, which will allow for a presentation of multiple documents to arrange for a place in GSK. As have informed “news” the Senator from the Republic of Komi Dmitry Shatohin, the document will be submitted in 2017. For several decades, hundreds of thousands of garages across Russia, there are in an indeterminate status. People got them in garage-building cooperatives in the Soviet times, however, formally these garages are not owned by them. In the early 1990s, when mass-privatized apartments, the issue of ownership of the garages was in second plan. As a result, many Russians have lost them, and the rest of it can threaten at any time. Only one in the Republic of Komi, according to the regional Department of Rosreestr, out of 116 thousand of garages in the property is only 9.6 thousand According to Dmitry

The Ministry wants to carry out test purchases

Photo: RIA NOVOSTI/Alexey kudenko The Ministry wants the authority to carry out “road checks” pharmacies and medical institutions, as well as test purchases. This is stated in the report of Roszdravnadzor, which acquainted “Izvestia”. The representatives of pharmacy business supported the initiative and the League of protection of patients ‘ rights stated that these measures are not enough to address the issue of counterfeit medicines. In the report of the health Ministry on the implementation of state control in the sphere of health protection of citizens and about the effectiveness of such control in 2016, said that granting the Agency new powers will allow us to identify substandard, unregistered and adulterated drugs in the retail trade, as well as to establish violations of health care organizations, the rules of providing paid medical services. “The main advantage of the “road checks” for the state is to prevent the implementation of legal