For a negative attitude towards Estonia will be punished

For a negative attitude towards Estonia will be punished The Riigikogu (the Estonian Parliament) passed amendments to the penal (Criminal) code, according to which the creation or maintenance of negative attitudes towards Estonia will be considered a crime. On Tuesday, December 25, reports ERR. For the relevant offences will be set liability for both individuals and legal entities. In addition, as a specific offence will be considered exercised in the interests of a foreign state and is directed against the Estonian security intelligence activities and support such activities. It is also indicated that will be clarified and the scope of crimes aimed at creating or maintaining a negative attitude towards Estonia and the provision protivosudorozhnogo effect on the officer.

Lukashenko had failed to achieve the revision of gas prices next year

Lukashenko had failed to achieve the revision of gas prices next year President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko had failed at negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin to seek a revision of gas prices next year. This follows from the words of Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, who attended their meeting. Negotiations of Lukashenka and Putin lasted four hours. Raised several issues: bilateral relations, the tax maneuver in Russia, the price of Russian gas for Belarus, said Siluanov. “We also agreed to convergence in all these areas,” he said. In particular, it is planned to establish a working group of representatives of the governments of Russia and Belarus, which will prepare proposals for further integration and solution of those pressing issues that concern governments, said Siluanov. “On the issue of gas pricing we should be determined for the next period and from 2020 to develop proposals on formation

Putin signed the law on Amateur fishing

Putin signed the law on Amateur fishing MOSCOW, 25 Dec — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law on Amateur fishing, securing the norm of free fishing for personal purposes and preserving the possibility of using networks in areas of the North, Siberia and the Far East, published on the portal of legal information of the document. The state Duma adopted the bill on recreational fishing in the first reading in December 2013. It enshrines the right of citizens freely to carry out recreational fishing on water objects of common use, with the exception of the water objects provided for maintaining recreational fisheries. The bill also prohibits electrofishing, restricts the sale of the networks. For the conservation and rational use of aquatic bioresources and their habitats document introduces the concept of the daily value of catch — the volume of the aqueous bioresurs allowed to catch a person

Russia and Belarus will establish a working group to draft proposals on the integration of

Russia and Belarus will establish a working group to draft proposals on the integration of MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/ — Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that the group will also develop proposals for resolving controversial issues. Russia and Belarus will establish a working group to draft proposals on integration and solution of disputable matters. This was told to journalists by the first Vice Prime Minister — Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov. It was agreed to establish a working group that will interact and be composed of representatives of the government. And this working group will prepare proposals on our further integration and solution of those pressing questions that concern our governments. Siluanov said that during the talks they touched on issues across the agenda of bilateral relations. “First and foremost we discussed the changes which next year will occur in the tax legislation of the Russian Federation, our plans

The sanctions list against Russia in Ukraine expanded to 245 individuals and seven companies

The sanctions list against Russia in Ukraine expanded to 245 individuals and seven companies MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/ — the list was the head of the main intelligence Directorate of the defense Ministry of Ukraine Vasyl Burba and the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov. List of countersanctions of the Russian Federation in respect of Ukraine increased by 245 individuals and seven companies. The full list published Tuesday on the official website of the Russian government. In announcing its expansion, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stressed that “this is done to protect the interests of the Russian state, companies and citizens of Russia”. Individuals Updated the sanctions list included the head of the main intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense Vasily Burba, the first Deputy interior Minister of Ukraine, Sergey Yarovoy, the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov, as well as a number of MPs from both the ruling and opposition parties.

The government has published a new Ukrainian sanctions list

The government has published a new Ukrainian sanctions list There came the mayor of Odessa and “Centrenergo”. The Russian government has published the expanded list of people and companies targeted by the sanctions against Ukraine. Together with the previously introduced sanctions list was 567 persons and legal entities. 75 In the augmented list were, for example, the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov, Verkhovna Rada Deputy Boris Kozyr, Alexander Vilkul, Lubomir Zubach, Vadim Ivchenko, Konstantin Isakin, Maria Ionova, as well as the company “Centrenergo”. That Russia has extended the sanctions list in Ukraine, said earlier on Tuesday, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in his Twitter. He noted that the decree has already been signed, however at the time of its publication was not in the database of the government. List expansion is done to protect the interests of the Russian state, companies and citizens of Russia, told Medvedev. He did not

Senator Klishas said to investigate Bulk

Senator Klishas said to investigate Bulk According to the head of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation, all his property he earned in a legal way, by paying all the taxes. The head of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation and state construction Andrey Klishas said the investigation of him conducted by the Fund of struggle against corruption Alexei Navalny. Klishas said RBC that all the property he earned in a legal way, by paying all the taxes. Member of the Federation Council noted that it has “much and more” of what Navalny wrote. But at the same time, ownership of the Senator, no Maybach, no offshore companies. I have owned no Maybach, no offshore companies. And complicated watches I have a collection of 32 of the tourbillon are all stored in a special safe in the Scenarios in the study. All legitimately earned, taxes paid.Andrew Kosacheva of

Ukrainian Orthodox Church has appealed to the constitutional court

Ukrainian Orthodox Church has appealed to the constitutional court UOC challenges the law requiring her to mention Russia in his name. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) will appeal against in the constitutional court of Ukraine recently adopted by the Verkhovna Rada a law requiring it to include in its name the mention of the ROC. According to the UOC, the authorities ‘ attempts to forcibly change its name violate the right to freedom of religion and diskriminerad millions of its parishioners. As said “Kommersant” in the Kyivan Metropolitanate, in accordance with the Charter of the Church is called the Ukrainian Orthodox (UOC) even without the prefix of MP (Moscow Patriarchate). All attempts of the present authorities of the country to deprive the Church of this name are illegal. “Approved December 20, bill No. 5309, forcing the Church to change the name violates the right to freedom of religion and

Putin and Lukashenko began to discuss “old problems” in the Kremlin

Putin and Lukashenko began to discuss “old problems” in the Kremlin The presidents of Russia and Belarus Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko began the talks in the Kremlin. Both presidents acknowledged the existence of problems in relations between the two countries, but to list them in front of the journalists. Mainly, issues arise in the energy sector, said before the talks Putin. Earlier, Lukashenko was dissatisfied with the prices of “Gazprom”, considering that Belarus must pay for gas as much as Russian consumers. In addition, Belarusian officials have repeatedly stated about the multi-billion dollar losses of the budget of Belarus from the tax maneuver, which next year is planned to be completed in Russia. NewsLukashenko discussed with the officials of “Russian pressure” According to the presidents of Russian and Belarusian Ministers have held preliminary talks. Putin offered Lukashenko to listen to Ministers and then to decide: If we agree, will

CPS: US wanted to create a bio laboratory in Simferopol

CPS: US wanted to create a bio laboratory in Simferopol The United States intended to create in Simferopol bio laboratory like center named after Richard Lugar in Georgia, said the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova. According to her, now in Ukraine there are 11 laboratories in the US, “modernized the means of the Pentagon”. “In 2014, after the reunification of the Crimea with Russia and the formation of the (sanitary-epidemiological) service on the Peninsula in the former Soviet anti-plague station we found prepared for shipment 104 of a pool of ectoparasites, 46 samples of internal organs of rodents and 105 serum samples of people. This anti-plague station ceased to be research, and became a point of collecting material and sending it grants to Europe”, — said Mrs. Popova (quoted by TASS). According to the head of Rospotrebnadzor, the station stored documents, confirming that the U.S. plans to open a laboratory