In Poland will carry nearly 500 monuments, “glorifying communism”

In Poland will carry nearly 500 monuments, “glorifying communism” WARSAW, 21 APR — RIA Novosti. The Senate (upper house of Parliament) of Poland approved the second and final reading amendments to the law on de-communization, which involve the demolition of about 500 monuments “glorifying communism”, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. In April last year in Poland has enacted a law on de-communization, which involves a ban on the propaganda of totalitarian regimes in the names of buildings, roads, streets, bridges or squares. Under the propaganda refers to the use of names, names of organizations, events or dates, “symbolizing communism or any other totalitarian regime.” According to the new amendments that are adopted at the initiative of senators from the ruling party “law and justice” Jaroslaw Kaczynski, demolition are also monuments and memorial stones, “glorifying communism”. According to the Governor, the country is set to approximately 490 of such monuments. It

In tourism praised the idea of tax deductions for vacation in Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti Federal tourism Agency supports the initiative of the Federation Council on tax deductions for people who buy vouchers to sanatoriums and health resorts of Russia, and believes that such measures will contribute to the development of domestic tourism of the country, told RIA Novosti on Thursday the head of the Federal tourism Agency Oleg Safonov. Earlier, the Chairman of the expert Council on tourism Committee of the Federation Council (SF) on social policy Igor Fomin stated that a bill to write off the cost of employers in the tourism and sanatorium-resort vouchers in the cost have been approved by the government “just recently”. In his opinion, tax deductions for the Russians who buy vouchers to sanatoriums of the country, will increase the Russian tourist market, taking into account the multiplier factor, at least 6 billion rubles per year. Safonov welcomed that the question of the tax deduction

In Russia approved the new Ambassador to the UN

In Russia approved the new Ambassador to the UN Permanent representative of Russia to the organization will become Deputy foreign Minister Vasily Nebenzia. The new permanent representative of Russia to the UN will be Deputy foreign Minister Vasily Nebenzia. This “Izvestia” said a source in the Russian foreign Ministry. Information was confirmed by the head of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky. The candidacy of Nebezi must still be approved in the lower and upper house of Parliament. However, according to the former permanent under Secretary of the UN, former Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs Sergei Ordzhonikidze, the problems with of the candidate statement will not occur. Sources of “Izvestiya” in the Russian foreign Ministry stated that the issue with the permanent representative of Russia to the UN is already solved. They will be Deputy foreign Minister Vasily Nebenzia. — The issue with the Ambassador is already solved.

The Minister of economic development spoke about the rule of three “P” in the Russian economy

The Minister of economic development spoke about the rule of three “P” in the Russian economy KRASNOYARSK, April 21 — RIA Novosti. The Russian economy for the further development of the necessary clarity, transparency and predictability, said Friday the Minister of economic development of Russia Maxim Oreshkin. He added that there is another very important aspect of economic development. “It is a question of control, not only control in the framework of the state, but management in General — here the question of the application of new practices and, most importantly, the establishment of a mechanism for managing change”. “It’s just that now we are implementing in the Ministry. We are moving away from the practice of strict vertical control — the vertical management of the wells when there are private wells that do not meet each other and, of course, that such systems change, if occur, occur very slowly,”

The hero of Russia, Bocharov was elected as the new Secretary of the Public chamber

The hero of Russia, Bocharov was elected as the new Secretary of the Public chamber First Deputy Secretary of the Public chamber (OP) Russia Vyacheslav Bocharov elected its Secretary. This was reported today by TASS. The decision was made in plenary in connection with the early termination of powers of the Secretary OP Alexander Brechalov, who on 4 April was appointed acting head of the Udmurt Republic. The terms of office of the members of the chamber expire, a new convocation should gather for the first plenary session not later than 1 July. Vyacheslav Bocharov, a Colonel of special forces of Russia, took part in the liberation of hostages during the terrorist attack in Beslan, during which he received a severe wound. For courage and heroism was awarded the title of hero of the Russian Federation. Member of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation in 2014.

The foreign Ministry called

Photo: RIA Novosti The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia resented the attempt of the radicals of the Ukrainian “National body” to desecrate the monument to General Nikolai Vatutin in Kiev. “19 April, a group of thugs from the Pro-fascist forces of the Ukrainian radical nationalists of the “national body” tried to desecrate the monument to N. F. Vatutin, was placed on his grave in the center of Kiev”, – is spoken in the message published on the official website of the Department. The foreign Ministry considered that “the current generation of Ukrainian neo-Nazis, the name of General Vatutin, who died in 1944 at the hands of Bandera bandits, causing a deep hatred and vile effort to discredit the feat of the hero who liberated the people of Ukraine from the Nazi enslavement.” “Causes particular outrage that such event occurred on the eve of Victory Day. Sure, despite all the

As Franklin Roosevelt wanted to buy myself a little of the Crimea

Franklin Roosevelt © AP Photo One of the oldest streets of Yalta bears the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, since the 60-ies of the last century. The city authorities took such a decision, bearing in mind the participation of the President of the United States at the Yalta conference in 1945, which brought together leaders of anti-Hitler coalition. Crimea was struck by Roosevelt The conference was held in Livadia Palace. It also housed the largest of any U.S. delegation. The reason that the Americans were lodged in the Livadia was the physical condition of the American leader who moved on a wheelchair due to suffering 20 years of polio.

In the Kremlin do not see the subject of inspections in connection with the words about the successor to the President

MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. In the Kremlin do not see the subject of inspections in connection with the voiced on the eve of the meeting of the Russian organising Committee “Victory” statement of the Chairman of the Russian public organization disabled war in Afghanistan and military trauma “Disabled war” Andrey Chepurnov that the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich supposedly called as the successor of the head of state speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin.

Kudrin compared the state administration in Russia with the “old creaky machine”

Kudrin compared the state administration in Russia with the “old creaky machine” Public administration in Russia — “creaky old machine, which we’re not going there,” said Alexei Kudrin. The new format of the control the government will offer the Ministry of economic development, said Maxim Oreshkin. Problems with the economy of Russia are connected not only with low oil prices and sanctions, and in public administration. This was during the Krasnoyarsk economic forum, said the Chairman of the Board of the Center for strategic research Alexei Kudrin, reports RBC. System of governance I would rate today as a creaky old machine with low speed, which has high power, which we must not stop there and each time adjust their movement. But the result is small.Alex Quadripedal Board of the Center for strategic research The evaluation of the CSR, their duties occupied only 38% of the officials, otherwise they are engaged