Abe declared a “decisive moment” in negotiations with Russia on a peace Treaty

Abe declared a “decisive moment” in negotiations with Russia on a peace Treaty Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that in negotiations between Moscow and Tokyo on peace Treaty is a crucial time. “Now is the crucial moment. President Putin will put the final point in this matter,” said Mr Abe, during his visit to Yamaguchi Prefecture (quoted by Kyodo). The Prime Minister of Japan also stated that during his visit to Russia, which will be held in late January, he intends to push ahead with negotiations on a peace Treaty. We will remind, in September at the Eastern economic forum the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has invited Shinzo Abe to sign a peace Treaty. During the November meeting of the leaders of Russia and Japan agreed to accelerate the settlement of the territorial dispute, but concrete actions have been announced. However, the government of Japan moved to the active

Speaker of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress called Putin a gangster

Speaker of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress called Putin a gangster Contact the White house USA Donald trump with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin are “dangerous”, said the speaker of the house of representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Earlier Putin in his congratulatory speech Trump said that Russian-American relations are the most important factor in ensuring strategic stability and international security. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The speaker of the U.S. house of representatives Nancy Pelosi said on air MSNBC that contacts the head of the White house of the USA of Donald trump with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin are “dangerous”. I think the relationship of the President of trump with the gangsters around the world are appalling. Vladimir Putin, really? I think it’s dangerous.Nancy Peacespeaker of the U.S. house of representatives Two days earlier, began working the new composition of Congress. This is the first legislature, elected with the

Hackers have published the reports of the Integrity Initiative on the work of Sputnik and RT

Hackers have published the reports of the Integrity Initiative on the work of Sputnik and RT MOSCOW, 5 Jan — RIA Novosti. Hackers from Anonymous in a new series about the British government project Integrity Initiative has published analytical reports on the work of Sputnik and RT, as well as sent after them the invoice. Hackers have released new documents and invoices, which they called evidence of conduct of the Integrity Initiative for money to British taxpayers of the analysis of the activities of the labour party and its leader, as well as RT. In the documents discussed, in particular, about the coverage of the incident in Salisbury, the situation in the countries of the former Soviet Union and the situation in the middle East, including Syria. The British foreign Ministry was already found reliable previously published documents Anonymous on the subject of the interference of London in the Affairs

Detained in Russia, the American was convicted in the United States for trying to steal $10 thousand

Detained in Russia, the American was convicted in the United States for trying to steal $10 thousand Moscow. 5 Jan. INTERFAX.RU Paul Whelan — the U.S. citizen detained in Russia on suspicion of espionage activities — had previously been sentenced by a military Tribunal in the United States for attempting to steal funds, reported the Washington Post. P. Willen while serving in Iraq on administrative positions in 2016 we are trying to assign $10 million of public funds, but was exposed. In addition, P. Willan without sufficient money in their Bank account checks in the amount of $6 thousand, has been accused of other fraudulent transactions. In this regard, P. Willan was sentenced by a military Tribunal, demoted in rank and dismissed from the armed forces, informs the newspaper.

Trump threatened to impose in the United States, the state of emergency

Trump threatened to impose in the United States, the state of emergency The American leader did not rule out that the budget crisis would be resolved early next week. The US President Donald trump said that can enter in the country state of emergency to obtain financing for the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico. He said this, speaking to reporters in the Rose garden of the White house, writes TASS. “We can introduce a state of emergency in the country and to build it very quickly,” — said the American leader. If the country is to enforce the state of emergency, Trump won’t need a congressional approval for the allocation of funds for the construction of the wall. In this case you can use the money that lawmakers allocate to emergencies. Members of the Democratic party in Congress refuse to pass a budget that provides for

Poroshenko income in 2018 increased in 82 times

Poroshenko income in 2018 increased in 82 times MOSCOW, 5 Jan — RIA Novosti. Declared income of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko for 2018 increased in 82 times. This is reported by “Ukrainian news” with reference to the Unified register of declarations of Ukraine. As the newspaper notes, the most revenue, the Ukrainian President received from the company Rothschild Trust, which were transferred to the share owned by Poroshenko confectionery Corporation “Roshen”. Income from this source in 2018 amounted to 1.1 billion hryvnia (about 2.76 billion rubles). In addition, Poroshenko also declared 181 million hryvnia (about 453,78 million) of dividends from the company “Prime assets capital”, 28.8 million hryvnias (almost 72,2 million) income from Ministry of Finance for the disposal of securities and corporate rights, 13.7 million hryvnia (about 34,4 million roubles) interest income from deposits in the International investment Bank and 0.8 million (about two million rubles) of

NASA has asked Russia’s Roscosmos to postpone the visit to the United States

NASA has asked Russia’s Roscosmos to postpone the visit to the United States The national Board of the USA on Aeronautics and research of space administration (NASA) said the “Roscosmos” on the need to postpone the visit of its leader, Dmitry Rogozin in the United States. The new date of the visit is not defined, the statement from the American office. The visit of the Russian officials was scheduled for February 2019. It was noted that American and Russian colleagues will discuss the issues of cooperation on the International space station (ISS). 1 Oct Dmitry Rogozin said that due to the influence of certain circles that dictate the terms NASA, Roscosmos had problems in cooperation with the American Agency. The head of Roskosmos said that he personally knows people from NASA who talked about the huge pressure on the organization “rabid Russophobes”. 3 Jan Rogozin congratulated the colleagues from China

The NATO Secretary General said about “the last chance” of Russia on the implementation of the INF Treaty

The NATO Secretary General said about “the last chance” of Russia on the implementation of the INF Treaty MOSCOW, 4 Jan — RIA Novosti. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has called the last chance for Russia to “return” to the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) until February, said the Agency dpa. “I’m not going to speculate about how likely it is that Russia return to compliance (the INF Treaty. — Approx. ed.). It is important that Russia has now one last chance. If Russia does not return to compliance, then we will have a big problem, because the INF Treaty will collapse,” — said the NATO Secretary General in an interview, commenting on statements by Washington that the United States can withdraw from the agreement in February. The text of the interview posted on the official website of the Agency. U.S. Secretary of state

Macron ready to make the country a profound change in connection with the protests

Macron ready to make the country a profound change in connection with the protests PARIS, 4 Jan. /TASS/. The President of France Emmanuel macron during this year’s first meeting of the Council of Ministers announced its readiness to significantly deepen the planned conversion in the country, to meet the requirements of the population. This was announced on Friday, government spokesman Benjamin Hryvnia, speaking following the meeting. Stream the briefing was available at the Elysee Palace on Twitter. “Obviously, we need to go further to production changes, to be more radical in their methods and style of action,” said Grivot, conveying the words of the President. “We need to fully respond to the yearnings and aspirations of the French, as these aspirations led us to power. Perhaps our actions differed to some conservatism and it should be changed. We will be happy to undertake such work jointly with government institutions, representatives

Source: strategic submarine drone “Poseidon” will get a speed of over 200 km/h

Source: strategic submarine drone “Poseidon” will get a speed of over 200 km/h MOSCOW, January 4. /TASS/. Russian strategic unmanned underwater vehicle, Poseidon, the creation of which was announced in March, Russian President Vladimir Putin will receive the maximum underwater speed of over 200 km/h On Friday reported TASS a source in the military-industrial complex. “Who left the sub-carrier, the UAV will go to the goal at the depth of 1 km with a speed of 200 km/h (about 110 nodes),” — said the Agency interlocutor. He said that, “as in the case of missile-torpedo “Squall” drone “Poseidon” will move at maximum speed in the hovercraft (around the unit will form the cavity with water steam approx. TASS), which significantly reduces the resistance of the medium”. As the source added, “towards the goal of “Poseidon” will continuously maneuver on the course and the depth of that given the speed and