Putin announced a significant drug trafficking to Russia from Ukraine

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin noted the increase in illicit trafficking in synthetic drugs and new psychoactive substances. He said this during the meeting of the Russian security Council in the Kremlin. “Expand the trafficking of synthetic drugs and new psychoactive substances. Most often, their providers are criminal groups from abroad, countries of Europe, Asia, and the recent strong flows from Ukraine”, – said Putin.

Kosachev: the decision of the PACE Bureau on impeachment Agramunt has no legal force

Photo: RIA Novosti The decision of the Bureau of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on the making of impeachment of the head of the organization, Pedro Agramunt has no legal force, said the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. “In itself, this decision has no legal force in the regulation of the PACE there is no such provision (and impeachment)”, – he wrote on his page in Facebook. The MP acknowledged that “from a political point of view (this is) a statement unprecedented”, it was “the result of deliberate harassment policy.”

Coalition of the United States acknowledged the deaths of 352 civilians in air strikes in Iraq and Syria

Coalition of the United States acknowledged the deaths of 352 civilians in air strikes in Iraq and Syria The joint command of operation “Unwavering commitment” published a report about civilian casualties in the air strikes on the territories of Iraq and Syria. According to the updated data, from August 2014 to March 2017 has killed at least 352 noncombatants. Only the coalition led by the United States caused by 20205 bumps. The number of civilian casualties caused by air strikes US-led coalition in Iraq and Syria amounted to at least 352 people since August 2014. It is stated in the report of the joint command of operation “Unwavering determination”, published Sunday, April 30. In the updated report refers to the deaths of 45 noncombatants from November 2016 to March 2017, the coalition also recognized the death of 80 people since August 2014, which previously had no record. Since the beginning

Germany will train Saudi troops on its territory

Germany will train Saudi troops on its territory According to the Chancellor of Germany, Saudi Arabia is an important country in the region link in the fight against terrorism, and Berlin interested in the fact that the Kingdom’s borders were well protected. BERLIN, April 30. /Offset. TASS Anton Dolgunov/. Germany intends to contribute to the fight against Saudi Arabia and Islamic terrorism and so it will train military personnel of this state on its territory. This was stated to Saudi Arabia, German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The video of her speech posted on his Twitter, the official representative of the Cabinet Steffen Seibert. “Saudi Arabia is an important country in the region is an element in the struggle against Islamic terrorism, against the “Islamic state” (ISIS, a terrorist group banned in Russia — approx. TASS), it is an essential part of the coalition. We are of course interested in the fact

The NATO Secretary General said about the possible expansion of the mission in Afghanistan

The NATO Secretary General said about the possible expansion of the mission in Afghanistan NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on the possible extension of the Alliance’s mission “Resolute support” in Afghanistan, reports Welt am Sonntag. He noted the tension of the situation in Afghanistan, noting that a decision on this issue can be taken until the beginning of June. Stoltenberg also expressed confidence that the Alliance has the potential to do more than the mission in Afghanistan and Iraq, and reported the possible development of cooperation in the fight against terror with Jordan and Tunisia.

The Kremlin has called the theme of the meeting between Putin and Merkel in Sochi

Photo: Reuters The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel on may 2 in Sochi will touch on key international issues, including the fight against terrorism, the situation in the middle East and the implementation of the Minsk agreements, the press service of the Kremlin. In addition, the leaders will discuss the current state and prospects of bilateral relations, including cooperation in energy, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres. As noted, the heads of state will also exchange views on the forthcoming in July in Hamburg summit “group of twenty”. Earlier official representative of the German government Steffen Seibert said that Merkel’s visit to Sochi will be ready for the meeting “Big twenty”.

Rashkin spoke about the response “cunning FSB” about Medvedev

Photo: mk.EN State Duma Deputy from the Communist party Valery Rashkin said on the received response to the FSB request for a check on corruption, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. According to Rashkin, announce the answer, he can not in connection with standing on it marked “for official use only” (lowest possible level of secrecy, not allowing, however, to disclose information). However, he added, “information on the issue there’s a little less than zero”. The very same FSB Rashkin called “cunning”. We will remind that earlier on a similar request Raskin refused to answer the Investigative Committee, saying that it should deal with the General Prosecutor’s office, and periodicwave the documents of the Deputy there. While Rashkin earlier, according to media reports, the leadership of the faction was forbidden to ask a question to the Prime Minister during his speech in the state Duma. To mention the Bulk could only his

Klintsevich: Kyiv allowed the hryvnia to the wind by building a dam to block water supply to Crimea

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 30./TASS/. The construction of the dam in the Kherson region for blocking water flow in Crimea says about the moral inferiority of the invention and is a waste of money. This opinion was expressed to journalists the member of the Federation Council Frants Klintsevich, commenting on the commissioning of a new major dam, which completely blocks the flow of water from the Dnieper through the North-Crimean channel. According to the Senator, this is another attempt to wishful thinking. “The same story as with the energy blockade of the Crimea. Water on the Peninsula is, but the Ukrainian hryvnia is clearly wasted. That is, in spite grandmother frostbitten ears”, – quotes the Senator, his press service. As noted Klintsevich, the Ukrainian authorities themselves create problems of their country, and then successfully solve them. “Three years ago, cutting the locks on the river, they, along with the

In one of the areas where defeated Le Pen, has canceled the vote

In one of the areas where defeated Le Pen, has canceled the vote MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Authorities canceled the results of voting in the first round of presidential elections in France in one of the areas near Paris, the majority of the electorate which voted for the candidate from “natsfronta” marine Le Pen; the basis for this decision was that the head of the electoral Commission forgot to print the final Protocol, reported in the Sunday edition of the Parisien. The first round of presidential elections was held in France on Sunday, according to the results, the struggle for the highest political office was continued by the founder of the movement “Forward” Emmanuel macron (24,01%) and the leader of the party “national Front” marine Le Pen (21,30%). The second round will be held on 7 may. The constitutional Council, which approves the results of elections in France,

The Kremlin closed down the opposition from the green stuff

The Kremlin closed down the opposition from the green stuff The Kremlin will instruct the regions to prevent attacks on the opposition. The regional authorities tasked to stop a wave of attacks on the opposition. The sides “Газеты.Ru” in the Kremlin assert that the authorities have nothing to do with a number of recent acts of aggression against opposition politicians and activists. Navalny said that the attacks koordiniruyutsya in the presidential administration. A source in the Kremlin told “Газете.Ru” the Federal government will instruct the regional authorities to strictly prevent illegal actions against the opposition. “Pressed” activists will stop, because it only increases their awareness. In fact, such attacks only lead to them [activists] recrudescent “Газеты.Ru” Law enforcement agencies will be recommended to stop the crime and bring the perpetrators to justice. It’s already happened in the case of offenders blogger Ilya Varlamov in Stavropol. The incident, according to a