The Prime Minister of Northern Macedonia promised imminent membership in NATO and the EU

The Prime Minister of Northern Macedonia promised imminent membership in NATO and the EU BELGRADE, January 12 — RIA Novosti. Republic of Northern Macedonia will soon become a member of NATO and then the EU, said on Saturday following the adoption by the Macedonian Parliament deputies renaming of the country by Treaty with Greece Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Members of the ruling coalition around the Social democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) zaeva, joined by representatives of other parties by a majority of 81 votes out of 120, approved on Friday amendments to the Constitution to rename the Treaty with Greece in the Republic of North Macedonia for membership in NATO and the EU. “The deputies of the Assembly (Parliament) of the Republic of Macedonia, following the will and strategic interests of citizens, by a majority of 2/3 of the votes gave us the opportunity to enter the open doors of

Drones banned to fly over the house Poroshenko

Drones banned to fly over the house Poroshenko KIEV, January 12 — RIA Novosti. The state aviation service of Ukraine on its website published a map of the “exclusion zones” for drone flights in the country, in particular, banned flights over the house of the President of Petro Poroshenko in the village of Kozyn, Kyiv region. “Given the rapid development of the market for unmanned aircraft, we are working to develop new rules that safely integrate new types of aircraft into the existing system of use of air space”, — stated in the message gosaviasluzhba. Among the areas over which prohibited the flying of drones, and the house Poroshenko in Kiev region.

European diplomats supported the lifting of sanctions against companies Deripaska

European diplomats supported the lifting of sanctions against companies Deripaska The ambassadors of several European countries in the United States support the intentions of the U.S. Treasury to remove sanctions against En+, and RUSAL of Oleg Deripaska. The relevant opinions of diplomats expressed in a letter addressed to us senators. The document was signed by ambassadors of Austria, great Britain, Germany, Ireland, Italy, France, Sweden, USA and the head of the EU delegation in the United States. “We welcome the recent action of the Treasury with respect to the submission to Congress of the report on the alleged exception of En+, and RUSAL from the sanctions list”, — TASS quotes an excerpt from the letter. How to write European diplomats, the extension of sanctions against En+, and RUSAL will have a negative impact on the aluminum industry in Europe, and may deprive the work of 75 thousand people. In addition,

The government shutdown in the United States broke the record for the duration

The government shutdown in the United States broke the record for the duration MOSCOW, January 12 — RIA Novosti. The partial government shutdown the United States has become the longest in history — it continues for 22nd day. The previous record was recorded when President bill Clinton — shutdown lasted 21 days, from December 16, 1995 and 5 January 1996. Part of the Federal agencies stopped work because of lack of budget December 22. In General, affected only a quarter of the ministries and departments, although among them — the state Department, the Department of homeland security, the justice Department and part of the White house. About 800 thousand civil servants or work without pay (if their job is deemed critical to national security), or sent on forced unpaid leave. Ran into a wall The cause of the current shutdown is disagreement between the President and the Democratic party about

The words of the Macron of a bummer, and caused the indignation of politicians in France

The words of the Macron of a bummer, and caused the indignation of politicians in France PARIS, January 12. /TASS/. The opposition in France has criticized on Saturday the country’s President Emmanuel Macron, for his statements about the “lazy” French. This was announced by the radio station France Info, Le Figaro newspaper and Agence France-Presse. The macron on Friday evening held at the Elysee Palace the annual bakers and confectioners, baking the traditional feast of the Epiphany “cake of kings”. Addressing them, the President, in particular, said: “Our young people need to be taught trades and were accustomed to the idea that efforts should be made to achieve something in life. Those riots that are currently happening in our society, often related to the fact that too many of our citizens believe that it is possible to achieve without putting effort in should work.” “Too often people forget that in

The Pentagon has not yet begun the transfer of troops from Syria

The Pentagon has not yet begun the transfer of troops from Syria While the American military refused to discuss specific troop movements and the timing of “security reasons”. WASHINGTON, January 12. /TASS/. U.S. Department of defense until the beginning of the redeployment of American troops from Syria and is engaged only in logistical issues. This is stated in a statement on Friday the official representative of the headquarters of the operation “Unwavering commitment” to the American army Colonel Sean Ryan. “We have taken a number of logistics measures to support the withdrawal [of troops from Syria], which was authorized. Security reasons we will not discuss specific troop movements and timing. However, we confirm that at the moment, was not carried out the transfer of troops from Syria,” said Ryan. The fight against ISIS continues He explained that “the withdrawal of troops from the North-Eastern part of Syria” koordiniruyutsya by the

Ivanka trump named a candidate to head the world Bank

Ivanka trump named a candidate to head the world Bank The daughter and the adviser of the American President Ivanka trump, and former U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley named candidates on a post of the President of the world Bank announced on 11 January, the Financial Times, citing sources. The current world Bank chief Jim Yong Kim will retire February 1, despite the fact that his term of office will expire only in 2022. According to the banker, he would like to return to work in the private sector of the economy. Among the candidates for his post called Nikki Haley, Ivanka trump, Deputy Treasury for international Affairs David Malpas and head of the U.S. Agency for international development mark green. The first time the duties of the head of the world Bank will play the Director Kristalina Georgieva. To determine the candidacy of the next President

NASA officially canceled the invitation of Rogozin in the United States

NASA officially canceled the invitation of Rogozin in the United States Moscow. January 11. INTERFAX.RU Roskosmos has received a letter from NASA about the cancellation of the visit of the head of the state Dmitry Rogozin in the United States, said on Friday “Interfax” the official representative of Roskosmos Vladimir Ustimenko. “Received a letter from NASA, in which the head of the Agency regrets the cancellation of the visit”, — said Volodya. According to him, about the reasons for the cancellation of the visit, the letter does not say. Earlier it was reported that NASA canceled the invitation of Rogozin in USA against the visit made a number of American politicians. In Roskosmos said that the official withdrawal of the invitation from NASA was not received. The head of Roscosmos said that it is “the element of struggle between Congress and the tramp”. Dmitry Rogozin planned to visit USA in

Future losses of the U.S. economy because of the “shutdown” is estimated at $1.2 billion in a week

Future losses of the U.S. economy because of the “shutdown” is estimated at $1.2 billion in a week Moscow. January 11. INTERFAX.RU — the Loss of the American economy as a result of suspension of work of Federal institutions in the USA can be as high as $1.2 billion in a week, if the “shutdown” drags on, says Advisor to the President of the United States on economic issues, Kevin Hassett. Despite the fact that such losses would weaken the country’s economic growth of only 0.05 percentage points, they can hinder the achievement of U.S. government objectives to provide a stable GDP growth at 3%, writes Politico. The work of the Federal agencies in the United States is stopped from 22 December 2018 because of a lack of funding. The problem arose because of disagreements between the President of the United States Donald trump and democratic lawmakers on the allocation

Zakharova: the strategic policy of strengthening relations with Belarus cannot be questioned

Zakharova: the strategic policy of strengthening relations with Belarus cannot be questioned MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. The rate of Moscow on the extension of strategic cooperation with Minsk remains immutable. This was reported on Friday to journalists the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Earlier the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that Moscow may lose Minsk as an ally in the Western direction, if the parties fail to agree on compensation for losses in connection with the tax maneuver in the oil sector. NewsLukashenko called stupid talk about the unification of Russia and Belarus “Belarus is a reliable ally, partner. The policy of expanding strategic cooperation with Minsk is not subject to doubt”, — said Zakharov, responding to a question about recent statements of the Belarusian leader. “This is enshrined, in particular, the concept of foreign policy of our country. We believe that in the framework of