The date of the US withdrawal from missile Treaty

The date of the US withdrawal from missile Treaty The US will begin withdrawal from the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) of February 2 without taking the consent of Russia. About it reports Reuters. The process will take six months, said the Deputy Secretary for arms control and international security at the US state Department Andrea Thompson. As reported, talks of the American and Russian sides in Geneva on the question of violation of the INF Treaty with Moscow did not succeed. Therefore Washington took the decision to withdraw from the agreement without reaching an agreement with Russia. Previously, on 16 December, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the United States came for consultations on the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and short range s ultimatum. 15 January in Geneva held an interagency Russian-American consultations on the INF Treaty. Washington was

The Russian foreign Ministry said on receipt of evidence of the connection of Americans with ISIS

The Russian foreign Ministry said on receipt of evidence of the connection of Americans with ISIS The U.S. is using terrorists for their own interests in Afghanistan, according to the Russian dipvedomstva. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia said that the us military can be closely associated with the banned in Russia, IG*. In Russian depodesta said that it is “if not direct, then indirect” evidence of US aid to terrorists in Afghanistan. “We draw attention to the continuing evidence, if not direct, then indirect relations of Americans with ISIS. We are talking about the recent statement of the Taliban about the dedicated RAID us special forces capture one of the Taliban operated prisons in the Afghan province of Badghis, — said the Russian foreign Ministry. All these persons were taken away by special forces in an unknown direction. Haven’t tried whether the United States taking such an action,

Source: the EU agreed on sanctions against four “GRU officers”

Source: the EU agreed on sanctions against four “GRU officers” BRUSSELS, January 16. /TASS/. Ambassadors of 28 countries of the European Union agreed on sanctions against four individuals, which the community calls “GRU officers” (Chief Directorate (GU, a former GRU) of the General staff of the armed forces). Among them are suspects in the assassination of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov. About it the correspondent of TASS reported on Wednesday a source in the EU Council. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий “The ambassadors agreed to include in the black list four GRU officers, including two suspects in the attack in Salisbury,” said he. The names of the other two people, the diplomat did not name. They will be known after the EU Council approves the decision of the ambassadors. “As expected, the foreign Ministers approved this decision on January 21, at a scheduled meeting of the EU Council in Brussels,”

Big press conference of Sergey Lavrov. The main thing

Big press conference of Sergey Lavrov. The main thing Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held a big press conference at the end of 2018. The Minister answered the questions of the media about Russia’s relations with the US and NATO, the dispute over the Kuril Islands, the situation with the detention of Russians abroad, as well as the crisis in Ukraine and Syria. About relations with the West and the dispute over the Kuril Islands Promoted by the West “order, rule-based” implies short-term solutions to world problems and the pressure on uncooperative Nations, said the foreign Minister. He said that in 2018, the world situation remained precarious, increasing the potential for conflict. Lavrov called on Western countries to abandon attempts of unfair competition through sanctions. The Minister has called the demands to transfer to Japan the southern Kuril Islands to contravene the country’s obligations under the UN Charter, one of the

Putin called the “politicking” the establishment of the new Church of Ukraine

Putin called the “politicking” the establishment of the new Church of Ukraine Russian President Vladimir Putin called the creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine political project for the “separation of peoples”. “None of what the spiritual life it is not a question — we are dealing with a dangerous and irresponsible politicking,” said the Russian President in an interview to the Serbian editions of “Politika” and “Evening news”. He added that Russia does not intend to interfere in Church processes, “especially on the territory of a neighboring sovereign state.” According to Mr. Putin, in these processes there is a danger, “including for world Orthodoxy”. “However, few people care about and in the leadership of Ukraine, and the United States, because the new Church structure is purely political, secular project,” he added. We will remind, the Ukrainian authorities in April 2018 have decided to form their own Orthodox Church independent

Gref said the only way to fight corruption in Russia

Gref said the only way to fight corruption in Russia MOSCOW, 16 Jan — RIA Novosti. Digitalisation is the only way of combating corruption in Russia, the establishment of a public digital platform, where the market will be able to obtain information on the activities of officials, will lead to the disappearance of corruption as a phenomenon, said the head of Sberbank German Gref. “Of course, if you will create a public platform, few places remain for corruption. …If there is a transparent process operation, the position in the figure, and with market access to this information, and when every decision any government official can be analyzed by the expert community, and assessment of this decision, corruption will disappear as a phenomenon,” he said during the Gaidar forum. I have no other way of dealing with corruption do not see, except as digitalization.Herman Greglow Sberbank Gref also said that the

Justice Ministry to liquidate the party for participation in elections

Justice Ministry to liquidate the party for participation in elections The Ministry of justice of Russia will begin to identify the party who within seven years from the date of registration in 2012 did not participate in the elections, and therefore to be eliminated. “Analysis of compliance with the political parties of the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation about participation in the elections will be held in June 2019,” — said TASS in the press service of the Ministry of justice. In April 2012 entered into force the adopted amendments in the legislation simplifying the registration of parties. Now in Russia was 64 party, of which 33 were registered in 2012. Including 63 parties have the right to participate in elections. Recall that in March last year, the CEC member Yevgeny Shevchenko said that the 23 parties will be eliminated in 2019 if the year will

“Blood curdling”: Peskov told, swears like Putin

“Blood curdling”: Peskov told, swears like Putin The press Secretary also admitted that he did not know about the plans of the President regarding his marriage. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov admitted that Vladimir Putin expresses his negative attitude to the person or the ongoing processes in such a way that “blood curdling”. The head of the press service of the Kremlin declined to answer the question whether the head of state profanity. “I’ll leave this without a response. I can only say that, as any normal man, of course he can Express his negative attitude to one or another person or process. And so that the blood run cold”, — said Peskov on a question of journalists of the newspaper “Arguments and facts” about arguing whether Putin and if he is using thus obscene expressions. Peskov admitted that there are times when its President to

The British Parliament rejected a Treaty on “breccia”. Theresa may on the verge of retirement

The British Parliament rejected a Treaty on “breccia”. Theresa may on the verge of retirement The British house of Commons has launched major political upheaval, the vast majority of votes rejecting agreed by the British government and the European Union the draft Treaty on the withdrawal of Britain from the EU. The opposition initiated a vote of no confidence in the government. This can lead to the resignation of the government, early elections, the postponement of “breccia” and even a repeated referendum on Britain’s membership in the European Union. Against the Treaty voted 432 MP, he — 202 deputies, and the defeat of the government with such a gap — 230 votes — was still never in the history of the British Parliament. “This is a catastrophic defeat for the government”, — said the leader of the opposition labour party’s Jeremy Corbyn and announced that officially makes a proposal of

The British Parliament rejected a plan may for Brexit

The British Parliament rejected a plan may for Brexit LONDON, January 15 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. British MPs rejected a proposal by Prime Minister Theresa may, the agreement on Brexit. Thus, London has opened the way to a number of possible scenarios, including the very hard country’s withdrawal from the EU and the abolition of Brexit as a whole. In support of the agreement made 202 MP, against — 432. The vote is postponed once already in December, it was clear that the agreement is not gaining a sufficient number of votes of deputies. The result demonstrated that the Prime Minister failed to convince his colleagues that it reached agreement with the EU is the best possible. Now the chances of a peaceful British exit from the EU on March 29, 2019 is almost gone. Among the main variants of further developments: withdrawal from the EU without an agreement