Monsoons in India: streams of water demolished even buses

Monsoons in India: streams of water demolished even buses Already a few days in India are the strongest monsoon rains with snow. Due to landslides killed at least four people, another 45 are missing. Upstairs The streams of water and mud so strong that it even washed away a bus. Many educational institutions closed, and Hiking in mountainous areas is prohibited. During the download an error has occurred.

The court ordered the prisoner to return the money for the prison

The court ordered the prisoner to return the money for the prison Orlovsky, the court ordered an inmate of IK-3 in the Kursk region to cover the cost of its maintenance in prison. Upstairs As explained in a correctional facility, the convicted person refused to work and therefore could not reimburse the cost of their food, clothing and utility bills from the wages. Now, according to the court, the man is obliged to compensate its contents for 10 years — about 120 thousand roubles. “Газета.Ru” found out what the work of Russian prisoners and why are their salaries not to be envied. Factory regional court of the city of eagle has decided to collect from Kursk prisoner of a corrective colony № 3 (IR-3) the expenses, which the institution spent on its maintenance for 10 years. The reason for the proceedings was the refusal of the convict to work in

National Geographic recreated the “death spiral” of the missing flight MH370

National Geographic recreated the “death spiral” of the missing flight MH370 MOSCOW, September 25 — RIA Novosti. National Geographic channel in the framework of the project “Drain the oceans” filmed a documentary about the last moments of the mysteriously vanished Boeing 777 flight MH370, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, reported by Sputnik International. Upstairs The authors of modeled possible situation in which the Boeing-777 after deviation from the route ran out of fuel. According to the version, originally the ship was denied the right engine, after which the autopilot leveled the aircraft to the left to compensate for the roll. Then, two minutes later, stopped working and the left engine, resulting in Boeing entered the “death spiral” and crashed into the sea. During the download an error has occurred. Boeing 777-200 Malaysia Airlines, a flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew members, including

In the CIS, announced plans by terrorists to create a “Caliphate” in Central Asia

In the CIS, announced plans by terrorists to create a “Caliphate” in Central Asia CHOLPON-ATA (Kyrgyzstan), September 25 — RIA Novosti. “Islamic state”* wants to create a “Caliphate” in Central Asia, said the head of the Antiterrorist centre of the CIS the General-the Colonel of police Andrey Novikov. Upstairs He stated this at the meeting of heads of anti-terrorist subdivisions of security bodies and special services of CIS countries held in the framework of the exercise “Issyk-Kul — Antiterror-2018”. According to him, the militants are also trying to revitalize the “sleeping Jamaat (cell. — Approx. ed.)” in the region. In turn, Vice Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Jenish Razakov said that the terrorist threat in Central Asia and CIS countries will only get stronger and take a long-term nature. Of particular concern is the fact that the terrorists are trying to infiltrate into the region from the North of Afghanistan in

The FSB began checking data leakage Petrov and Bashirova

The FSB began checking data leakage Petrov and Bashirova The FSB began checking on the fact of leak of personal data, Aleksander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov. On Monday, September 25, reports “Rosbalt”. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to the source, we are talking about publications, profiles of tourists for passports and data about the crossing of the Russian border. Now intelligence agencies are searching for employees of the interior Ministry who have sold to journalists the documents Petrov and Bashirova containing their personal information. Against them will be taken “serious measures”. On 5 September the British government accused Petrov and Bashirova attempted family Skrobala. According to the Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may, the men entered the country on these passports, issued in fictitious names, they are both working for Russian military intelligence and operation with a high probability was sanctioned by the Kremlin. Moscow has rejected the accusations, pointing to their

The CEO of the company on Kamchatka is accused of stealing 4.3 million rubles from the budget

The CEO of the company on Kamchatka is accused of stealing 4.3 million rubles from the budget TASS, 25 Sep — Criminal case is directed the public Prosecutor to approve the indictment. Upstairs General Director of the plant in Kamchatka is accused of stealing 4.3 million rubles of budgetary funds at repair of a hostel in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. This was reported on Tuesday on the website of the regional UK. “Department for investigation of particularly important cases of the investigative Department of SK of Russia in Kamchatskiy Krai completed the investigation of criminal case concerning the General Director of “Vakard-Stroy”. He is accused of committing a crime under part 4 St. 159 criminal code (fraud in especially large size) the Criminal actions of the accused to a budget Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky city district caused property damage in the form of material damage amounting to more than 4.26 mln rubles”, — stated in the

The UN security Council declared the necessity of bringing to justice the organizers of the terrorist attack in Iran

The UN security Council declared the necessity of bringing to justice the organizers of the terrorist attack in Iran UN, September 25. /TASS/ — in addition, the security Council condemned “in the strongest terms the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack” in Ahwaz. Upstairs The Security Council (security Council) UN condemns attack in Ahwaz and emphasizes the need to find and bring to justice the organizers of this attack. This is stated in a statement Monday statement to the press this body. The document stated that the security Council “strongly condemns heinous and cowardly terrorist attack” in Ahwaz, expresses condolences to the bereaved families and wishes for a speedy amendment to the victims. “Members of the security Council reaffirm that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is one of the most serious threats to international peace and security,” said SB. “Members of the security Council emphasize that it is necessary

From Dallas police fired a woman zastrelilsya African American

From Dallas police fired a woman zastrelilsya African American MOSCOW, 24 Sep — RIA Novosti. Police American of Dallas fired a female officer, zastrelitsia African-American in his own home, which she confused with her apartment. Upstairs In early September, the 30-year-old amber Geiger, returning home from work, by mistake entered someone else’s apartment, took the inside man for a criminal and shot him. The deceased was 26-year-old African American Bots Shem. The police officer charged with manslaughter in the shooting of a man inside his Dallas apartment has been fired from the department — CNN (@CNN) September 24, 2018. “An internal investigation revealed that the actions of the employee Geiger was contrary to its official status. In this regard, it is dismissed”, — reads the statement of the Dallas police Department. Geiger served in the patrol service of the city police since November 2013. Immediately after the incident

Chelyabinsk drowned in the garbage

Chelyabinsk drowned in the garbage The city declared a state of danger. Upstairs In Chelyabinsk has declared a state of danger due to the failure of carriers to take out the trash to the landfill in Poletayevo after the closure of the city landfill in the regional center. The decision of the authorities from the reserve Fund allocated 14 million rubles for the cleaning of the city from MSW. The works have already connected the operators from other regions. The Commission on emergency situations of administration of Chelyabinsk declared a high risk due to landfills, resulting in waste sites of the city. September 11, the only landfill waste disposal in the metallurgy area completely stopped working. The day before district court of Chelyabinsk on the claim of the Prosecutor’s office has suspended the activities of the municipal operator of the municipal waste enterprise “Gorekotsentr”, skladyvalas debris at the site of

Bild: Berlin police took Peter Verzilova under the protection of

Bild: Berlin police took Peter Verzilova under the protection of The Berlin police took members of punk band Pussy Riot Peter Verzilova under protection. On 24 September, wrote the German tabloid Bild with reference to the founder of the “Cinema for peace” Yak of Bisila. Upstairs According to the newspaper, Verzilov and other activists Pussy Riot “feel the danger” in Berlin. According to Bisile, which oversees the activists, two unknown men followed the Manager Verzilova to the hospital. After that the police decided to put security at the campus, where is the Russian. Also, according to Bild, police were sent to the house where relatives live Verzilova. The police of Berlin, the publication refused to comment on the security measures Verzilova and his family. Pussy Riot activist and publisher of “media zones” Pyotr Verzilov was in intensive care in Moscow on 11 September, shortly after the court session on the