The German doctors could not determine what could have poisoned Verzilova

The German doctors could not determine what could have poisoned Verzilova Doctors of the Berlin Charite clinic failed to identify the substance that was the cause of a possible poisoning of the publisher of “media zones” Peter Verzilova. On this September 27 reported on the website of the hospital. Upstairs Doctors continue to believe that the disease is caused Verzilova anticholinergic syndrome due to enter the body of toxic substances. At the hospital noted that the patient’s condition improved significantly and lost almost all the symptoms observed, when he was brought to the Charite. The reaction of the pupil have Verzilova yet broken, but the doctors are confident that it will soon pass. 26 Sep Verzilova was released from the Berlin hospital. In his opinion, to a possible poisoning may be involved in the Russian special services. Details of what happened to him he does not remember. The publisher “media

Verzilov told about the plans to return to Russia in the coming weeks

Verzilov told about the plans to return to Russia in the coming weeks MOSCOW, 27 Sep — RIA Novosti. The participant art-groups “War” and Pussy Riot Peter Verzilov, who is on treatment in Germany, told RIA Novosti that he plans to return to Russia in the coming weeks, after completing their business in Europe. Upstairs Informed friend Verzilova Veronika Nikulshina told the media that he was hospitalized. According to her, Verzilov started to lose his sight, speech and ability to move, the ambulance took him to a Toxicological intensive care unit. Later, Pussy Riot member Maria Alyokhina told RIA Novosti that Verzilov delivered to Germany for treatment and determine the causes of poisoning. “Yes, of course, of course (going to Russia). As soon as you finish things in Europe, will definitely be in Russia, of course. Well, (coming) weeks probably, Yes,” said Verzilov. He noted that at this point German

German tourist in Africa was trampled by an elephant

German tourist in Africa was trampled by an elephant MOSCOW, 27 Sep — RIA Novosti. 49-year-old German tourist was trampled by an elephant when he tried to photograph it, reports the Daily Mail. Upstairs The attack occurred in the reserve Mana Pools in Northern Zimbabwe after the traveler got out of the car. “According to our information, tourists are faced with a herd of elephants in the Park and began to photograph them,’ said Tinashe Farawa, the representative of the National parks of Zimbabwe and the office for the protection of wildlife. — We don’t know what angry animals led to the attack on the woman.” Last night a tourist from the received traumas has died. The woman’s name was not disclosed.

Verzilov admitted the involvement of the GRU for his poisoning

Verzilov admitted the involvement of the GRU for his poisoning The participant of Pussy Riot Peter Verzilov “firmly believes” that his poisoning is GRU. He stated this in an interview with German newspaper Bild. Upstairs The participant of Pussy Riot Peter Verzilov “firmly believes” that his poisoning is GRU. He stated this in an interview with German newspaper Bild. “I firmly believe that my poisoning is Russian intelligence, the Russian intelligence service GRU. The poisoning was done so professionally, that does not allow another conclusion. Perhaps I tried a new cocktail of toxic substances, because my poisoning was different from the others,” he said. According to Verzilova, poison it could due to the fact that he plans to investigate the deaths of three Russian journalists in the Central African Republic (CAR). He expressed the hope that it will soon be discharged, and stressed that he wants to return to Russia.

The astronauts photographed it from orbit supertyphoon

The astronauts photographed it from orbit supertyphoon Alexander Gerst has made impressive pictures of the super Typhoon Centres, which is now approaching Japan and Primorye. Наверх6фотографий6фотографийНовостьThese photos — just space Volcanologist Gerst commented on the: “It looks like someone pulled a giant plug. The category five super Typhoon is approaching Japan and Taiwan. Down there, take care of yourself”, reports DailyMail. Centres became the 24th tropical storm this year. Meteorologists are already comparing Centres with a devastating Typhoon Mangkhut that had recently hit China and the Philippines, and other hurricanes. He comes to the shores of Japan in the coming weekend, the Russian far East is also in jeopardy.

Detained the brother of the former head of Dagestan Ramazan abdulatipova

Detained the brother of the former head of Dagestan Ramazan abdulatipova According to a source, the Deputy of the National Assembly of the Republic is suspected of abuse of office. Upstairs Moscow. September 26. INTERFAX.RU — security Officers detained a Deputy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Rajab Abdulatipov — brother of the former head of Dagestan Ramazan abdulatipova, reported “Interfax” an informed source. “Rajab Abdulatipov arrested today and taken to the FSB for questioning. According to preliminary data, it is suspected of excess of powers of office”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, in the office of the Deputy conducted a search. Information from official sources on the subject has yet been received.

The streets of the Indian city filled with toxic foam (photo)

The streets of the Indian city filled with toxic foam (photo) The real foamy Apocalypse. Upstairs The streets of Bangalore, a major administrative centre in the South of India, filled with toxic foam from the local lakes. The accident was caused by heavy downpour. Water overflowed from two urban lakes Belandur and Water. She foamed and began to fill the nearby streets. View this post in Instagram Publication from India Today ( 25 Sep 2018 3:58 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The foam is toxic and smells awful, local media reported, because the lake is contaminated by sewage. Foam appears when mixed ammonia, phosphates and oxygen. Lake Bellandur appeared in the news as one of the most polluted in India. Once the surface was on fire because of oil pollution. Cleaning of the lake has allocated about $ 7 million, but the city authorities have not yet

Press Secretary of Roskomnadzor released from-under house arrest

Press Secretary of Roskomnadzor released from-under house arrest Press Secretary of Roskomnadzor (RKN) Vadim Ampelonskiy, who is accused of embezzlement, was released from house arrest under recognizance not to leave. About it September 26, reports TASS. Upstairs Along with Anemoscope from house arrest released two more defendants in the case about the embezzlement, the head of the legal Department of RKN Boris Edidin and adviser of General Director FGUP “the Main radio frequency center” Alexander Vasilchikov. The reason for the change the measure of restraint was the completion of the preliminary investigation in the case, said the lawyer of one of accused Elena Vyatkina. NewsIn the press-Secretary of Roscomnadzor, the amount of damage increased almost three times Anemoscope has sent under house arrest in October 2017. Initially, the press Secretary of Roskomnadzor, Edidin and Vasilchikova was accused of fraud. Then, the prosecution reclassified to waste. The defendants in the case

The investigation has asked to release from jail the accused in the murder of the father of the sisters Khachaturian

The investigation has asked to release from jail the accused in the murder of the father of the sisters Khachaturian The investigating authorities were asked to release from prison sisters Khachatryan, the accused in the murder of his father, the message of the press service of the Basmanny court of Moscow. Upstairs “The Basmanny court received the petition of the investigating authorities to change the measure of restraint in form of detention for a ban of certain actions for a period up to 28 December 2018 in respect of the accused Khachaturyan, A. M., Khachaturyan, K. M. and Khachaturyan, M. M.”, — stated in the message. Earlier, the press service of the GSM TFR in Moscow reported that on July 27 in the lobby of interroom entrance of a house, which is located at Altufyevskoye shosse in Moscow, was found the body of 57-year-old man with multiple stab wounds to

Emergency mode introduced in Chelyabinsk from-for garbage collapse

Emergency mode introduced in Chelyabinsk from-for garbage collapse After the closure of the old landfills carriers refused to haul waste to a new due to the increased costs. Upstairs Moscow. September 26. INTERFAX.RU — the Authorities of Chelyabinsk have entered in emergency mode (emergency) because of garbage blockages, according to the website of the city administration. “At the present time in connection with the situation in the city introduced a state of emergency, under which regional administrations urgently allocated funds for the elimination of unauthorized dumps and cleaning of garbage from container platforms. This work will be intensified from Wednesday, 26 September,” — said in the message. According to the city administration, under the order of Governor of Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky in Chelyabinsk came backup appliances from cities in the region. “Today we can say that the city has sufficient equipment to sustain the rapid removal and cleaning. The