The drone took the scale of the devastation after the tsunami in Indonesia

The drone took the scale of the devastation after the tsunami in Indonesia The number of victims increases with each passing hour. Rescuers continue search for victims after a powerful tsunami that in the night from 22 to 23 December fell on coastal areas of the Islands of Java and Sumatra. In the video, filmed by a drone, you can see the scale of the devastation: flooded hotels, destroyed homes and roads. The hotel Tanjung Lesung, which can be seen in the first frame, the tourists were killed during a music show. The body 31 of the guest is found, but under the rubble there may be other victims or victims. It is assumed that the tsunami was triggered by the eruption of Krakatoa in the Sunda Strait between the Islands of Java and Sumatra. According to the morning of December 25, was killed 429 people, the number of victims

In Sicily woke up mount Etna (video)

In Sicily woke up mount Etna (video) Suspended operation of the airport and the railway. The eruption can be seen even from space. The active volcano mount Etna in Sicily again, he reminded himself. The footage, taken December 24, seen as a stratovolcano of the smoke escapes. According to volcanologists, on the southeastern slope of the volcano is a crack, from which rose a cloud of volcanic ash. This was the first lateral eruption of the active volcano of Europe for 10 years. In this eruption, lava burst is not out of the Central crater, and from fissures on the outer slope. Seismologists have recorded at least 130 aftershocks of varying strength. The most powerful of them reached 4 points. The epicenter of the earthquake was at a depth of 2 km to 7 km from the village of Ragalna. RT via RT LastQuake CPPGeophysics: The last few hours of

In relation to the former management “FC Opening” a criminal case

In relation to the former management “FC Opening” a criminal case Against the former management “FC Opening” and an unidentified number of persons prosecuted, told “Vedomosti” CEO of the Bank Mikhail Zadornov. The investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) opened a case in the spring after the Prosecutor’s office, the interim administration “FC Opening”. “Now comes the result,” said Mr Zadornov. The names of the suspects and article of the criminal code, which opened a case that he did not name. Representatives of the TFR and the Prosecutor General requests the newspaper did not respond. It is associated with transactions which took place shortly before the Central Bank took “FC Opening” in the Fund’s consolidation of the banking sector. Before the Bank bought the bonds “O1 group Finance”, SPV-company O1 Group Boris mints. The money O1 Group and the related company repaid loans in the “FC Opening” and bought bonds under

Six people were killed in an accident in Krasnodar region

Six people were killed in an accident in Krasnodar region TASS, 25 December. An accident that occurred Tuesday in the Kavkazsky district of the Krasnodar region, claimed the lives of six people, told TASS in the press service GU MVD in the region. “The duty of the OMVD Russia on the Caucasus region at about 00:50 hours received a report of an accident. Arrived at the scene the traffic police and the investigative team. Previously, on 115-m kilometre of a highway Temryuk — Krasnodar — Stavropol 37-the summer driver of the GAZ-31105 left on a strip of oncoming traffic and collided with a Peugeot Boxer is running 43-year-old driver. Both drivers, three passengers of “Volga” and a minor passenger in the Peugeot died at the scene of the accident”, — reported in Department. In connection with the accident, the police carry out an inspection, establish the causes and circumstances of

In Brazil, decided to shoot the criminals on the streets

In Brazil, decided to shoot the criminals on the streets The streets of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil will patrol the arrows, which killed on the spot armed criminals. About it reports Bloomberg. Team of experts with automatic weapons to join the police in urban slums. In the first wave there will be only 120. The guards will be divided into pairs: one to shoot to kill at criminals with firearms in hand, the other shoots everything on camera to prove the legitimacy of the actions of the partner. Program of violent suppression of street crime is carried out on the initiative of a Federal judge Wilson Vitale, from January 2019 coming into office of the Governor of Rio de Janeiro. “Under the Protocol they will kill on sight anyone with a weapon in his hands (…) Those who go out [on the street] arms, not worried about other people’s

In Togliatti killed 16-year-old Vice-champion in swimming

In Togliatti killed 16-year-old Vice-champion in swimming 16-year-old swimmer was found killed in Tolyatti, reported Dec 24, NTV. It is noted that the athletes body is found next to the construction site on Jubilee street in the Avtozavodsky district of the city. The girl went to the store and never returned home. According to the Investigative Committee of the Samara region, she was stabbed at least 17 stab wounds. The suspect in the crime have been detained. It was them 16-the summer inhabitant of Tolyatti. The deceased was a master of sports in swimming, championship of Russia among juniors she won the silver medal. In addition, the athlete made the list of the participants of the competition “Russian Reserve”.

A series of explosions in Kabul claimed the lives of 28 people

A series of explosions in Kabul claimed the lives of 28 people At least 28 people were killed in series of explosions at the Ministry of public works in the Afghan capital Kabul. On 24 December, said the representative of the interior Ministry of Afghanistan Najib Danish. Three explosions rocked the building Department on Monday. Attacked with the shooting entered the building and took people hostage. The attackers were eliminated by the security forces during the operation to liberate territory. “The brave security forces managed to rescue 357 man… the wounded were taken to hospitals, most of them are in a satisfactory condition. Twenty-eight people were killed, including a woman and a policeman, three people were injured”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” message Danisha.

RAS scientists ruled out the meteorite in the Khabarovsk region

RAS scientists ruled out the meteorite in the Khabarovsk region The collapse of a hill in the Khabarovsk region could only call a landslide, the Director of the Institute of astronomy, Boris Shustov. He added that such destruction could cause large meteorite, but it could be at the stage of entering the atmosphere. During the download an error has occurred. “I reviewed the records of all the world’s services, particularly the minor planet center, there is nothing such was not” — said Mr. jester. According to him, specialists from the Institute of dynamics of geospheres also analyzed the situation and “came to the conclusion that the most likely — and most likely 100% likely — it’s just a landslide”. Earlier it became known that part of the hill collapsed in the Bureya river in Khabarovsk Krai, 73 km from Poselka chekunda. This is also the opinion of a specialist in

The Prosecutor General’s office after question to Putin began an investigation of allegations of torture in Russian colonies

The Prosecutor General’s office after question to Putin began an investigation of allegations of torture in Russian colonies The Prosecutor General’s office instructed regional prosecutors to start checking on reports of torture in Russian colonies. On 24 Dec writes The issue of torture in the colonies was asked by the journalist of the edition Anastasia Melnikova during the annual press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin. To the question on necessity of reform of the Russian system of detention Putin replied that “break” the system is not necessary, but her “need to improve”. Putin said that torture in the colonies is unacceptable and noted that “any offense must be proven.” News“Tumble in the camera monster” In addition to torture Melnikov also mentioned appeared on the Internet photos of Vyacheslav Tsepovyaz from the colony. On them he eats kebabs and crabs (Tsepovyaz the authenticity of the photo denies). The subject

Hydro denied the reports about the fall of the meteorite in the Khabarovsk region

Hydro denied the reports about the fall of the meteorite in the Khabarovsk region MOSCOW, 24 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Bureya HPP denied reports about the meteorite in the Khabarovsk territory. Earlier in 73 kilometers from Poselka chekunda part of the hill collapsed in the bed of the river. Hydropower has told RIA Novosti that the reduction of water inflow in the reservoir of the Bureyskaya HPP is not due to the meteorite strike, and landslide. “We cannot confirm information about the earthquake or the fall of the meteorite, our seismic station of such data is not recorded. We have a local seismological network in the area of the Bureya hydroelectric power station, picture station level”, — said the expert on public relations of branch of JSC “RusHydro” — “Bureyskaya HPP” Jaroslav kites. The source said that while the decline “does not threaten”. During the download an error has