In Moscow Tushino flooded the tunnel. Footage of eyewitnesses

In Moscow Tushino flooded the tunnel. Footage of eyewitnesses In the North-West of Moscow due to the collapse of the soil was flooded Tushino tunnel. According to the source TASS, the water gushing out of the Moscow Canal following the breakthrough in the eighth gateway. At the place of accident work city services. Traffic on Volokolamskoe highway is blocked, but to resume his plan on January 11. During the download an error has occurred. See also: Flooded Tushino tunnel: what’s going on on-site emergency Volokolamsk highway is completely blocked from the MKAD to the Falcon

The budget disappeared in the “Ultraviolet”

The budget disappeared in the “Ultraviolet” Identified major theft when you create a Russian rival the Hubble space telescope. As it became known “Kommersant”, the interior Ministry is investigating a criminal case of embezzlement of budget funds allocated for creation of a new space telescope T-170M, included in the Federal space program. A telescope with a primary mirror diameter of 1.7 m have to compete with the American Hubble, becoming the main element of the “world space Observatory “Ultraviolet””. According to “Kommersant”, the investigation into the embezzlement of budget funds allocated for the creation of a space telescope T-170M, investigators are since December 24 last year. A criminal case by the investigator of Department of internal Affairs on closed administrative-territorial formations and on especially important and regime objects “vlasikha” (Moscow region) on signs of the crime provided by part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code (fraud in especially

Calculated payments for the victims in Magnitogorsk

Calculated payments for the victims in Magnitogorsk The victims in the collapse of a residential building in Magnitogorsk will receive a lump-sum payment for the purchase of new housing from the calculation 31,725 thousand rubles per square meter. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko. A gas explosion in Magnitogorsk15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий It is noted that the payment will receive 101 family 238 people were left without shelter. The funds will give the owners of apartments in broken doorways, or to citizens with the documents for registration of property rights, and those who have permanent registration in the house. According to Mutko, the corresponding decree is already signed. The collapse of the staircase in one of the houses of Magnitogorsk took place on 31 December. In the accident killed 39 people, 24 were saved. The basic version happened — an explosion of household gas. Earlier it

Ukrainian military stole a player from Crimea

Ukrainian military stole a player from Crimea MOSCOW, January 10 — RIA Novosti. In Kherson the staff of a local military registration and enlistment office stole arrived from the Crimea the young man and tried to send him to the Ukrainian army. About it on air of radio “Kuresh” said Ismail Khalikov, who is the representative of the Commissioner for human rights in the Crimea, appointed authorities in Kiev. According to him, the young man, being a professional footballer, arrived in Kherson with the aim to get a job at a local football club “Crystal” or “Tavriya”. The incident was reported the mother of the 20-year-old kidnapped, which he was able to get through, taking advantage of the temporary absence of the representatives of the Kherson military. “The guy is 20 years at 8:00 am went to the ATB shop in Kherson. He was approached by two men and asked

In the Novosergievskiy district of Orenburg region introduced a state of emergency because of a fire at the plant

In the Novosergievskiy district of Orenburg region introduced a state of emergency because of a fire at the plant TASS, 9 Jan — the meeting is Held under the leadership of the Governor of the region Yuri Berg. State of emergency introduced in the Novosergievskiy district of Orenburg region because of the big fire in Orenburg galvanizing plant in the village of Pokrovka. About this TASS said the head of the district Alexander Lykov. “Emergency imposed immediately on the territory of the district,” he said. Lykov said that currently, the district held a meeting under the leadership of the Governor of the region Yury Berg. The fire in the factory of the galvanizing occurred on Wednesday evening. According to the press service of EMERCOM of Russia in the Orenburg region, the combustion production facilities in the shop of hot galvanizing. The fire area has increased to 6.6 thousand sq. m.

The area of the fire at the plant in the Orenburg region increased to 6.6 thousand sq. m

The area of the fire at the plant in the Orenburg region increased to 6.6 thousand sq. m ORENBURG, 9 Jan. /TASS/ — there were no injuries. The area of the fire at the Orenburg galvanizing plant in the village of Pokrovka increased to 6.6 thousand square meters, said in a statement on Wednesday, the message of EMERCOM in the region. “The fire area is 6600 sq. m. According to operational information, the dead victims aren’t present”, — stated in the message. Earlier in the press service of EMERCOM of Russia noted that the suppression involved 77 people and 31 vehicles. The number of complexity of the fire increased from the second to the third. In the building Department-dip galvanizing plant burning on the roof, walls and production machinery, there was a partial collapse of the roof. The press service of the interior Ministry of Russia in the Orenburg region

The government will allocate 147 million rubles to buy apartments for the residents of destroyed houses in Magnitogorsk

The government will allocate 147 million rubles to buy apartments for the residents of destroyed houses in Magnitogorsk GORKI, January 9. /TASS/ — Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the amount of assistance each family will depend on the area of the lost property. A gas explosion in Magnitogorsk14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev announced the allocation of 147 million rubles for the purchase of apartments to residents of two entrances of the house collapsed in Magnitogorsk. He instructed Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko to control the fast transfer of funds to the region. “We now need systematic help to those who remained without a roof over your head. It is primarily the residents of the two entrances — No. 7 and No. 8 is the 101 family. They will be provided with financial assistance for housing,” — said the Prime Minister at meeting on liquidation of consequences

The ex-Minister of Israel was sentenced to 11 years for spying for Iran

The ex-Minister of Israel was sentenced to 11 years for spying for Iran MOSCOW, 9 Jan — RIA Novosti. Former Israeli Minister Gonen Segev on Wednesday was convicted of espionage in favor of Iran, reported the Jerusalem Post newspaper. Upstairs As writes the edition, Segawa lawyers and the prosecution was able to bargain a plea by which the ex-Minister should be sentenced to 11 years in prison. Segev, who worked in the government in the 1990-ies, was arrested on suspicion of espionage in favor of Iran in June 2018. The arrest of the former Minister of intelligence services failed when he flew from Nigeria to Equatorial Guinea, and she refused him entry due to his criminal past and sent home under orders of the Israeli police. Earlier it was reported that, according to konrrazvedchikov, Segev, who lived in recent times in Nigeria, since 2012, cooperated with Iranian intelligence, providing a

In Norway unknown kidnapped the millionaire’s wife and demand a ransom in bitcoin

In Norway unknown kidnapped the millionaire’s wife and demand a ransom in bitcoin TASS, 9 Jan. The kidnappers threatened with death over a woman in case of refusal to pay €9 million in cryptocurrency Monero. Criminals kidnapped the wife of a Norwegian investor Tom Hagen October 31, 2018 and demanded a ransom of €9 million As on Wednesday told journalists the representative of police of Norway Tommy Breske, law enforcement officers all the time were investigating and decided to disclose the information only now. “Publishing this information was a complicated decision. We believe that the disclosure [of the abduction] may help to extract valuable information for further action,” said Breske. 68-year-old Anna-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen has gone missing from his home in the municipality of Lorenskog near Oslo 10 weeks ago. The police from the outset considered the version of abduction. Authorities confirmed that criminals demand a ransom in the amount

Told him about the torture in the Yaroslavl colony’s ex-convict arrested

Told him about the torture in the Yaroslavl colony’s ex-convict arrested Police officers have detained in Yaroslavl Ruslan Vagapov ex-con, who has previously complained of torture in local prison. On Wednesday, January 9, according to Fund “Public verdict” on the page in Facebook. As described in the Fund Vagapov came to be celebrated in accordance with the rules of administrative supervision. However, after the procedure, the police refused to release the man and blocked his car. According to him, militiamen threatened to bring the former prisoner to court and to make concerning it the Protocol on disobeying “lawful demands of the police”. In July 2018 in the Internet appeared the video, which depicted as the staff of the Yaroslavl IK-1 torture of a prisoner of Evgeny Makarov. The footage was seen as 10 employees in the form of a long hit the legs lying on the table in the middle