After the incident in Magnitogorsk plan to resettle residents of the two entrances

After the incident in Magnitogorsk plan to resettle residents of the two entrances CHELYABINSK, January 12 — RIA Novosti. Residents of the two entrances — 9 and 10 — will temporarily settle of the houses in Magnitogorsk, after the victim of a gas explosion during dismantling work, said Saturday the Minister of construction and housing and communal services Vladimir Yakushev. A gas explosion in Magnitogorsk On Saturday in Magnitogorsk arrived the Minister of construction and housing and communal services Vladimir Yakushev, who examined the house where there was a gas explosion. “There are still moments and doubts that have resettled from 9 and 10 the entrance of residents to the dismantling works. We agreed that in place of the view. And we supported today, their doubts, during demolition work, when they move into an active phase, residents 9 and 10 entrances need to be resettled”, — he told reporters. He

Adopted for the corpse of a Russian woman alive in the morgue and died

Adopted for the corpse of a Russian woman alive in the morgue and died In the Amur region live woman mistakenly taken to the morgue. On Saturday, January 12, reports “Амур”. As noted, the day before, January 11, in vasilyevk’s village of the Belogorsky area of the region in one of the houses some people drank alcoholic beverages. By morning, the company found that a woman born in 1956 who took part in the feast, no signs of life. In place, the police were called. The arrived police officers did not call an ambulance, as a matter of Protocol, and noted the death of a woman alone, leads “Interfax” the words of the chief physician of Belogorsky hospital Mikhail Danilov. The woman’s body was sent to the morgue for the car of the funeral service, her family began to prepare for the funeral. The nurse of the morgue began to

Injured in the explosion in Paris got 20 people

Injured in the explosion in Paris got 20 people Moscow. January 12. INTERFAX.RU — at Least 20 people were injured due to the heavy explosion that occurred on Saturday morning in one of the Central districts of Paris, according to the Metropolitan police. The condition of two injured is critical. According to the newspaper Le Figaro, among victims — three firefighters. The scene on Rue Trevise called for the interior Minister of France Christophe Castaner, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, mayor Anne Hidalgo. Rue de Trévise, aux côtés du Premier ministre, du procureur de Paris, du @prefpolice et de la Maire de la capitale.Plus de 200 @PompiersParis sont engagés dans les opérations de secours.Le bilan s annonce lourd.Mes premières pensées vont aux blessés et leurs proches. — Christophe Castaner (@CCastaner) 12 Jan 2019 “More than 200 firefighters involved in the rescue operation. “The impact (of the explosion — if), apparently

A strong explosion occurred in the Central part of Paris

A strong explosion occurred in the Central part of Paris PARIS, January 12. /TASS/. A powerful explosion occurred on Saturday in the ninth district of the French capital, located in the Central part of the city. This was announced by the Prefecture of police. According to her, the site of the explosion was the Rue Trevise. As a result of incident there are victims. As informed, the Prefecture, the extensive damage caused to the bakery on the street, it was on fire. On the scene arrived fire brigades, ambulances and police. A huge explosion has rocked a building on the Rue des Gobelins, a street in central #Paris — Sputnik (@SputnikInt) January 12, 2019 The explosion occurred in day when in Paris and other major cities held demonstrations in the framework of the ninth day of protests of the “yellow jackets”, members of the public dissatisfied with rising

In the Irkutsk region derailed 29 cars of coal, specified in the MOE

In the Irkutsk region derailed 29 cars of coal, specified in the MOE MOSCOW, January 12 — RIA Novosti. Traffic on the stretch “Delour-Tyret ‘” in the Irkutsk region, where, according to some data, derailed 29 cars, with coal, was blocked in both directions, according to the website of the regional Central Board MOE. Earlier it was reported about the gathering of 17 cars of a freight train with coal at 4969-kilometer stretch of the East-Siberian railway Delur — Tyret in the Irkutsk region. There were no injuries. “According to updated information, on the stretch “Delour-Tyret ‘”VSZHD in Zalarinskiy district, derailed 29 loaded coal cars… the movement is blocked in both directions”, — stated in the message. According to preliminary data, damaged supports of contact network and 300 metres of railway tracks in both directions. As reported, on the scene arrived the first regenerative train from station “Winter” with a

Israeli planes bombed the outskirts of Damascus, media reported

Israeli planes bombed the outskirts of Damascus, media reported DAMASCUS, January 12 — RIA Novosti. Israeli warplanes fired missiles on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria’s air defense shot down most of the missiles, according to the result Ikhbariya. “At 23.15 (0.15 Saturday GMT), Israeli military aircraft arriving from the North of Israel, have launched several missiles on the outskirts of Damascus. Our defense immediately repelled the attack and knocked most of the missiles,” said channel military source. “The damage from the attack caused only warehouse in the area of Damascus international airport,” added the source. According to the channel, the attack did not affect the work of the international airport of Damascus. According to the portal Flightradar, soon after the attack in 23.58 (0.58 Saturday GMT) from Damascus airport to ship departed the Syrian airline Syrian Air, next to Bahrain. Ikhbariya reported earlier that the flying from the district of

The number of victims of “swine flu” in Georgia has reached 15 people

The number of victims of “swine flu” in Georgia has reached 15 people In Georgia the number of victims of “swine flu” has reached 15 people. On 11 January reportstass with reference to the Director of the National centre for disease control, Ministry of health of Georgia Amiran Gamkrelidze. Only in recent days after infection with the H1N1 virus died two people. As noted by Gamkrelidze, the reason for panic. He added that the presence of symptoms does not need to self-medicate, it is better to consult a doctor. According to statistics of the Ministry of health of Georgia, in most cases, the cause of death was too late to appeal to professionals. NewsAbkhazia and South Ossetia fenced off from swine flu According to local TV channel 1TV, hospitals are more than 800 people, 44 of them in serious condition. Due to the spread of the flu virus in some

Abkhazia and South Ossetia fenced off from swine flu

Abkhazia and South Ossetia fenced off from swine flu Boundary of partially recognized republics with Georgia are closed. The authorities of Abkhazia and South Ossetia (South Ossetia) decided to close all border crossings with Georgia, where ongoing outbreak of a deadly H1N1 virus, which claimed the lives of 15 people. However, several of the patients from Abkhazia is still delivered to Georgia for treatment. On Friday morning, the state security Committee of South Ossetia (KGB) announced the closure of the South Ossetian-Georgian border. The decision of the Agency was motivated by protecting the health of citizens in connection with the outbreak of swine flu in Georgia. We are talking about banning movement through the only checkpoint in Akhalgori / Leningor district. In the message of the KGB of South Ossetia States that the security Council of the Republic, “discussed at a special meeting the situation with the spread of dangerous

SKR has accused the Centre of Khodorkovsky in the death of Russian journalists in the Central African Republic

SKR has accused the Centre of Khodorkovsky in the death of Russian journalists in the Central African Republic Moscow. January 11. INTERFAX.RU — Russia’s Investigative Committee believes that the death of Russian journalists in the Central African Republic (CAR) has occurred due to improper organizing the dangerous trip from the “control Center investigations” (sdgs). “It should be noted that initiating publications on this topic (about the death of journalists of the Russian Federation in the Central African Republic — if) in media online project control Center “investigation” clearly aims to justify their own failures in preparing the perilous journey, preferring to make my own version and blame the innocent”, — told reporters the official representative of SKR Svetlana Petrenko. In her words, “to deny the obvious will only be possible as long as all the circumstances of the incident are installed.” Petrenko said that the persons involved in the murder

SK Russia: Russian journalists were killed in the CAR during the robbery

SK Russia: Russian journalists were killed in the CAR during the robbery MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. A group of armed thugs killed Russian journalists in the Central African Republic who went there to shoot a documentary during the attempted robbery. This was reported by TASS, the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko, referring to the testimony of the driver of Domokna Bienvenu, interrogated with the participation of Russian investigators. “30 July 2018 journalists departed from Bangui in the town of sibut, where they arrived the evening of the same day. The post on the outskirts of this city, the Central African soldiers offered them to spend the night in the village and warned about the dangers of night travel, however, the Russians, citing a lack of time, still went in the way,” said Petrenko. She noted that at night, even military patrols prefer not