In Rostov found the body of the fifth victim in the gas explosion

In Rostov found the body of the fifth victim in the gas explosion In the town of Shakhty in the Rostov region found the body of the last — fifth — victims of a gas explosion in a residential apartment building. This was reported by the press service of EMERCOM of Russia in the region, reports “Interfax”. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The Ministry said that the rescue operation is completed. The explosion on the last — ninth — floor home in the Mines occurred on the morning of January 14. The result was destroyed four apartments on the ninth and eighth floors. According to the MOE, the apartment exploded household gas. Initially it was reported about one victim and two victims. For 15 of January it became known about three victims. A criminal case on the fact of causing of death on imprudence (article 109 of the Criminal Russia). January 16 — in

A resident of Krasnodar stole from the store an electronic scale instead of cash

A resident of Krasnodar stole from the store an electronic scale instead of cash Krasnodar police detained a man who stole from the shop of electronic scales instead of cash. Against him a criminal case, according to “the Kuban news”. The incident occurred in the village of Elizabeth. Armed with a gun man broke into the store, stole an electronic scale, then fled by car. Police found the car brand and registration number. The suspect was detained on the outskirts of the city. During the interrogation, the 26-year-old local resident confessed to the crime. He explained that he wanted to steal cash, but mixed it with electronic scales. In early January, unknown in the city Nerungi stole jewelry worth more than 265 thousand rubles. Soon police officers detained the 33-year-old suspect. The man said that he had lost all the jewels as he fled from the store.

Wife Shestun called the statement of the Prosecutor General’s office found billions about

Wife Shestun called the statement of the Prosecutor General’s office found billions about The wife of the former head of the Serpukhov district Julia stated that the common General Prosecutor’s office information about the property of her husband is not true. Earlier today, January 15, the official representative of the Prosecutor General Aleksandr Kurennoy said that the Supervisory authority intends to submit in the court the claim about seizure of property of mister Shestun a total value of RUB 10 billion in state revenue. Prosecutors counted 565 plots of land in the Serpukhov district, which are 40 legal entities, according to the attorney General, under control eks-the head of the district. Also, the Department believes that Alexander Shestun actually belong to two recreation value of RUB 274 million, and also 22 car total cost of which comes to 27 million rubles From the mister Shestun the court were arrested and

Interior Ministry opened a case of fraud with Selena Gomez concerts in Russia

Interior Ministry opened a case of fraud with Selena Gomez concerts in Russia Investigation Department of internal Affairs on East district of Moscow in November 2018, a criminal case of fraud in the organization of the tour, singer Selena Gomez in Russia. On Tuesday, January 15, citing its own sources, reports RBC. According to investigators, the organization of the four concerts of the singer in 2013, more than 8 million rubles were transferred to accounts of shell companies. Later performances have been cancelled: organizers said they do not have time to issue visas. In the preparation of documents, the organizers announced the order of the first Deputy culture Minister Vladimir Aristarkhov that it is forbidden to issue an invitation to the creative groups that are engaged in commercial activities. 27 December 2018, it was reported that the court sentenced a former Director of the Krasnoyarsk regional Philharmonic society by Yulia

Patrushev: In 2018 in Russia committed one act of terrorism

Patrushev: In 2018 in Russia committed one act of terrorism The trend of a decline in terrorist activity in the world in an exclusive interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” said the Secretary of Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev. Terrorism occupies a special place among the contemporary challenges to global security, primarily because of its global nature. Moreover, Russia was faced with him one of the first in the mid-nineties. The impact of terrorist threats was so strong that it created a real opportunity not only to serious destabilization of the situation, but also the destruction of the Russian statehood. That is why the country was created the national system of combating terrorism. In their appeals to the international community Russia has repeatedly called for joint efforts in combating this evil, to develop under the auspices of the UN common approaches to the assessment of terrorist threats, eliminating the double standards

Arizona highway filled with chocolate from the overturned tank

Arizona highway filled with chocolate from the overturned tank About 20 thousand liters of liquid chocolate spilled on a highway in Arizona from overturned in the accident tank. On 15 January, according to CNN. The accident occurred near the town of Flagstaff, which is located in the Northern part of the state. According to the channel ABC, a truckload of chocolate were sent from Canada to Nevada. According to CNN, in accident nobody suffered. But to clear the highway from chocolate, it took about four hours. All this time the highway was blocked. The Department of public security of the state tweeted that it was “sweet maid”. . There is a river of chocolate blocking/flowing in the westbound lanes of I-40 at milepost 211, east of Flagstaff. A tanker truck carrying 40-thousand gallons of liquid chocolate rolled over. This will be a sweet cleanup! — Dept. Public Safety (@Arizona_DPS)

The Russian was beaten by the police investigators in the police Department

The Russian was beaten by the police investigators in the police Department In Ufa two police officers suspected in the beating of two members of the Investigative Committee, who came to the duty of the police to check the complaints about beating a detainee there. About it “” has informed the representative of management SK on Republic of Bashkortostan Evgeny Kanev. According to him, the criminal case against the head of the duty shift and the operative duty officer of the police Department № 11 of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ufa under article 286 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Excess of powers of office made with application of violence”). NewsColonel of the interior Ministry suffered from the door to his office As established a consequence, in December 2018, two investigators with the witnesses arrived in the police Department for inspection of the scene. They conducted a

The death toll in the gas explosion in the house in the Mines has grown to four

The death toll in the gas explosion in the house in the Mines has grown to four Moscow. January 15. INTERFAX.RU — Rescuers found the bodies of two more victims in the rubble at the scene of the gas explosion in an apartment building in the city of Mines, said the head of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov region Vyacheslav Butko. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “Found the bodies of two more victims. Remains unknown fate of one person,” he said on Tuesday evening reporters. Newshigh-rise collapse in the Mines collapsed part of the house Previously reported two dead and three missing. When rescued seven people, five of them received outpatient medical assistance, and two men and a girl — were taken to hospital. Explosion of household gas happened in a nine-storey residential building in the town of Shakhty, Rostov region in the morning of 14 January. The epicenter

The suspect in the murder of the mayor of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich arrested

The suspect in the murder of the mayor of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich arrested What is known about the assailant. In Gdansk, Poland the court was arrested for three months accused of the murder of the mayor. 27-year-old man was attacked by Pavel Adamovic on Sunday. Right during a charity concert he ran out on stage, where he played a politician, and inflicted several wounds, one of them is in the region of the heart. In the night of Monday Adamovich underwent a five-hour operation and then was in the ICU. However, the doctors were unable to save him. On Monday evening thousands of residents of gdańsk came to the main square of the city to say goodbye to the mayor. NewsPolish Russophile: the mayor of Gdansk died after the assassination attempt According to media reports, the attacker was previously prosecuted for Bank robbery, said the journalist of the Polish newspaper

Alexander Shestun was a billionaire

Alexander Shestun was a billionaire The Prosecutor General’s office wants to pay state income 565 land and 22 car former head of the Serpukhov district. The Prosecutor General’s office reported that the notorious former head of the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region found 565 land plots and other property, estimated to be worth about 10 billion roubles. under the version of supervising Department, the property has been decorated as a company and individuals. the mister Shestun the court were arrested and the house was 100 RUB. in the account of VTB. Now the prosecution is going through the court to draw the assets of the former official in the state. Alexander Shestun is accused by the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) in committing crimes under part 4 of article 159, part 4 of article 174.1 and article 289 (fraud in especially large size, legalization of stolen and illegal participation