Two su-34 collided in the sky in the far East

Two su-34 collided in the sky in the far East Russia’s defense Ministry confirmed a clash between two fighter-bombers su-34 in the sky over the sea of Japan. “The crew ejected. An-12 aircraft and two helicopters Mi-8 search and rescue forces search for pilots in the area of the ejection”, — stated in the message Department (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). According to the defense Ministry, the aircraft practiced maneuvering, during which there was a touch in the air. Su-34 the far Eastern Association air force and air defense performed the flight without ammunition. The source of “Interfax” was told that rescuers from the air was able to see in the Tatar Strait emergency lights, presumably, liferaft su-34. According to the Agency, a few minutes ago, there I saw two orange parachute dome. Later, the defense Ministry said that a life raft with the crew ejected found. “The fishing vessel in

SK urged the media not to trust the messages of terrorists about the tragedy in Magnitogorsk

SK urged the media not to trust the messages of terrorists about the tragedy in Magnitogorsk MOSCOW, January 18. /TASS/ — a gas Explosion remains the main version of the investigation. A gas explosion in Magnitogorskgas Explosion in Magnitogorsk. Operational информация8 (351) 239-99-99″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia in the Chelyabinsk областиПодробнее8 (495) 400-99-99Единый “telephone hotline” of EMERCOM of the Russian federation8 (495) 983-79-01Справочная of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Russian federation8 (351) 268-98-54Горячая line of the Ministry of health of the Chelyabinsk области8(351) 940-26-23Штаб of emergency in Magnitogorsk EMERCOM of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region The official website of EMERCOM of Russia The list of the dead 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий Investigators found traces of explosives on the site of the collapse of the house in Magnitogorsk, the version of explosion of gas remains a priority, said TASS, the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko.

Interpol expressed willingness to assist in the investigation of the terrorist attack in Bogota

Interpol expressed willingness to assist in the investigation of the terrorist attack in Bogota TASS, January 18 — the attack killed 21 people. Interpol expressed his condolences in connection with death of people as a result of the terrorist attack that took place Thursday in Bogota, and expressed readiness to provide any necessary assistance. The corresponding statement was published on Twitter the international police organization on Friday. We Express our sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the attack at the national police Academy of Colombia. We are ready to provide the necessary support.Jürgen Stargeneral Interpol Secretary On Thursday morning a car filled with explosives crashed into the wall of the building of the national police Academy of Colombia. According to the latest figures, 21 people died. In medical institutions of bogotá remains of 68 victims. The President of Colombia, Ivan Duque announced three-day mourning.

Colombia mourns the victims of the terrorist attack in bogotá. Killed 21 people

Colombia mourns the victims of the terrorist attack in bogotá. Killed 21 people For the first time in its history, this country was faced with the explosion committed by a suicide bomber. BOGOTÁ, January 18. /TASS/. At least 21 people were killed, 87 injured in the terrorist attack that took place Thursday morning in the capital of Colombia, Bogota, when a car filled with explosives crashed into the wall of the building of the national police Academy. For the first time in its history, this country was faced with the explosion committed by a suicide bomber. 79 of the 87 victims are still in hospitals. Most of them Colombians, however, among the wounded there are also Panamanians and Ecuadorians who studied in the Academy. President Ivan Duque announced three-day mourning.Morning blast On Thursday morning at the police Academy General Santander, which is located in the South of Bogota, was held

Two su-34 has faced in the far East

Two su-34 has faced in the far East The fate of the crews is established, have informed in law enforcement bodies of the region. TASS, January 18. Two fighter-bomber su-34 collided in the air while flying over the Tatar Strait in the Khabarovsk region. About this TASS in the power structures of the region. “According to preliminary data, the accident occurred on the Tatar Strait. Near the village of white Salmon Sovetsko-Gavansky district, disappeared from radar two su-34, presumably they collided in the air,” said the source. Carried out search operation, the fate of the crews is established. The source also added that the crew of one aircraft ejected, noting that “the incident occurred about an hour ago.” The news is updated.

More than 80 people were injured in the explosion at the police Academy in Columbia

More than 80 people were injured in the explosion at the police Academy in Columbia A powerful explosion rocked the police Academy in the Colombian capital Bogota. According to preliminary data, 87 people were injured, 11 killed, according to local newspaper El Heraldo. The incident occurred at about ten in the morning local time (about six or GMT) when passed a festive event for the students. On campus drove a truck Laden with explosives. His body was about 80 kilograms of explosives. The guards refused to open the gate, so the attacker picked up speed and crashed into the wall. BBC News said that the driver was 57-year-old man. No other details yet. The President of Colombia, Ivan Duque called the incident “crazy terrorist act.” The police establishes all circumstances of an event. The investigation is ongoing.

The Deputy head of the emergencies Ministry said the fire Department will receive additional powers

The Deputy head of the emergencies Ministry said the fire Department will receive additional powers Moscow. 18 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Powers of bodies of fire supervision will be strengthened, including in the direction of gas safety, said the Deputy head of the EMERCOM of Russia Pavel Baryshev reporters in Novosibirsk. “Today, the tasks of our Ministry together with the housing inspection to investigate in this direction, to give new approaches, new directions for supervision,” said Baryshev. According to him, after the tragic events in Kemerovo (fire in the shopping center “the Winter cherry”) revised regulatory legal issues for fire supervision. “Supported by new directions, they will soon be adopted, the fire Department will receive additional powers,” he said. Speaking about the safety of gas equipment, including residential homes, the Deputy Minister noted that the installation of leak detectors should be accompanied by training of the population. “If you have

The IG has claimed responsibility for the bombings in Magnitogorsk

The IG has claimed responsibility for the bombings in Magnitogorsk Terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) has claimed responsibility for the bombing of a residential building and taxis in Magnitogorsk. It is reported by the organization SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors militant activity on the Internet. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий The publication refers to publication in the weekly newspaper Al Naba terrorists. Telegram-channel 4 Directorate published a screenshot of the material. The said that the article did not offer details of the attack. The militants explained the long silence to those that feared for the safety of the staged explosion. The entrance of a house on the Avenue of Karl Marx in Magnitogorsk struck in the early morning of December 31. Victims of tragedy of a steel of 39 persons. The investigative Committee found no traces of explosives on the site of the collapse. The main version of the incident

Police confirmed the arrest of Nasty Fish

Police confirmed the arrest of Nasty Fish Moscow. 17 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Anastasia Vashkevich and Alexander Kirillov, known as Nasty Fish and Alex Leslie, and became involved in the case of illegal “sex-training” in Pattaya, arrested in Moscow upon arrival from Thailand confirms the Metropolitan police. “In the framework of criminal proceedings initiated on signs of the crime provided by part 2 of article 240 of the criminal code, at the airport “Sheremetyevo” detained three citizens of the Russian Federation and the citizen of the Republic of Belarus arriving flight from the Kingdom of Thailand”, — said the press service of the Main Department of the MIA of Russia in Moscow. Currently, they are delivered to the police for investigation, said there. Maximum sanction of this article of the criminal code provides for punishment of up to six years of imprisonment. Meanwhile, earlier Thursday, an informed source claimed that the

The Bell: Cindy Fish, and Alex Leslie was detained at Sheremetyevo

The Bell: Cindy Fish, and Alex Leslie was detained at Sheremetyevo Deported from Thailand, Vashukevich Anastasia (Nastya Fish), and Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie) was detained at Sheremetyevo airport. About it on January 17 said the publication of The Bell to a relative of one of them and one of the friends. The Bell says that only law enforcement agencies detained about 10 people. Now they are in a “separate room” of the airport, the newspaper writes. “Interfax” with reference to the wife Kirillova says that he and Vashukevich charged with violation of article of involvement in prostitution. According to the wife of the detainee, with them are two others — Andrew ISESCO and Maria Zharkova. Wife Kirillov said that it is unclear what and how much was detained, ISESCO and Zarkovo, adding that Vashukevich after arrival in Moscow was supposed to fly to Minsk.. “Interfax” notes that the official confirmation