Nine people were killed in a fire on ships in the Kerch Strait

Nine people were killed in a fire on ships in the Kerch Strait MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. Nine people died and 14 were rescued by fire on ships in the Kerch Strait, told RIA Novosti in the press service of Rosmorrechflot. Earlier it was reported that the court “Kandy” and “Maestro” under the flag of Tanzania burn in the Kerch Strait. According to preliminary information, the fire occurred while transferring fuel from port to starboard. “Fourteen living, nine bodies”, — have informed in a press-service of Rosmorrechflot. During the download an error has occurred.

The victims of the fire on the tankers in the Kerch Strait were two sailor

The victims of the fire on the tankers in the Kerch Strait were two sailor Moscow. 21 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Two people were killed Monday in a fire on two boats under the flag of Tanzania in the Black sea, reported the Agency “Interfax” in the Rescue coordination centre (JCC) of Rosmorrechflot. “At the moment, out of the water during the rescue operation raised the bodies of two dead”, — said the representative of SKC. The rescuers managed to raise from the water alive a few sailors. The Russians among the members of the crews of the burning ships no. The teams consisted of citizens of India and Turkey. During the download an error has occurred. According to preliminary data, one of burning in the Kerch Strait tankers during the emergency, could be the handling of fuel. “We received information from passing vessels, that one of the two ships were

Two vessels caught fire after the explosion in the Kerch Strait

Two vessels caught fire after the explosion in the Kerch Strait In the Black sea started rescue operation to rescue teams in two ships, including tanker-liquefied gas carrier, burning in the Kerch Strait. There are victims, reports TASS. “Two ships burning, people in the water. Eight to ten vessels brought to the rescue operation. This anchorage”, — reported in the Maritime rescue coordination centre of Novorossiysk. According to Rosmorrechflot, from water raised the dead body of a sailor. Three more saved. According to rescuers, on the same ship were 17 people, the second 14, both go under the flag of Tanzania. Presumably, the cause of the fire was the explosion that occurred on one ship, then the fire spread to neighboring. During the download an error has occurred.

In the area of the Kerch Strait burn the two ships

In the area of the Kerch Strait burn the two ships SIMFEROPOL, January 21. /TASS/. 11 people were killed. Two ships under the flag of Tanzania burn in the Kerch Strait, one of them, according to preliminary data, the explosion occurred, told TASS in the press service of Rosmorrechflot. In the Novorossiysk marine rescue coordination center reported that the accident killed 11 people. As reported TASS a source in the emergency services, killing at least 14 people. Also, Rosmorrechflot reported that on Board of the ship “Candia” there were 17 people, including nine Turkish citizens eight citizens of India. On Board the “Maestro” were 14 people, including seven Turkish citizens and seven citizens of India. Russians among team members, according to preliminary data, no. The fire could have happened due to safety violations, TASS reported a source in the emergency services. “Previously, it could be a violation of safety when

A resident of Petrozavodsk received a pension denominations “Bank of tricks”

A resident of Petrozavodsk received a pension denominations “Bank of tricks” An elderly resident of Petrozavodsk received a pension of tickets “Bank of tricks”. The substitution of the pensioner noticed only a month after the incident. As has established a consequence, the postman gave a pension to the man in September 2018. In total he replaced the banknotes for a total amount of 22 thousand rubles. That money is not real, the pensioner found out when he tried to pay them at the store. The city Prosecutor’s office approved the indictment on criminal case concerning the former employee of the post office. He reimbursed the victim the damage only partially, reported IA “Карелinform”. In November 2018 in the Irkutsk region the couple managed to fool the ATM with bills “Bank of tricks” and take about 430 thousand rubles. See also: Muscovite said that the Bank she gave notes “Bank jokes”

For the first time in Russia opened a criminal case under article about the activities of “undesirable” organizations

For the first time in Russia opened a criminal case under article about the activities of “undesirable” organizations In Kazan opened the first criminal case against a member of the Federal Council of the movement “Open Russia” Anastasia Shevchenko article about the activities of “undesirable” organizations. The announcement on January 21 has appeared in the telegrams-channel “Protection Cards”. On the morning of 21 January in Kazan and Rostov-on-don searches were held in the homes of the lawyer and activists of the movement “Open Russia”. In “Advocacy Cards” I write that it presumably was brought under article 284.1 of the Criminal code — on activities in Russia the organization, which recognized the “unwanted”. Searches were held in apartments coordinator Elena Menshenina, activists Anton Prikhodko, Olga Zenin and Irina Zenin. The resolution on a search in the apartment of a lawyer “Open Russia”, Elsa Nyssanbekova, in Kazan also gave the Rostov court.

In Abkhazia the Russian military three died in the fall of APC in the gorge

In Abkhazia the Russian military three died in the fall of APC in the gorge ROSTOV-ON-DON, 21 Jan — RIA Novosti, Yulia Nikulina. Three Russian servicemen were killed and two others injured because of a fallen in the Abkhazian gorge BTR-80, the press service of the southern military district. “The eighteenth of January in the following columns of military equipment from mountain landfill Tsabal to the point of permanent deployment in Abkhazia in a difficult section of the road BTR-80 fell into the gorge. In the accident three soldiers were killed,” — said in a release. Two injured soldiers quickly evacuated to the district military hospital by helicopters. In what condition they are in now, is not specified. The Commission of the military district is considering several versions of the incident. One of them is a technical failure of the armored car, the other driver lost control of the car.

Woman doused with acid employee office of microloans in Kaluga

Woman doused with acid employee office of microloans in Kaluga VORONEZH, 21 Jan — RIA Novosti. Police in Kaluga region detained a woman who poured from the jar of acid in the employee lounge of microloans, where she came hoping to pick up the money, according to the management of the Affairs of the region. The incident occurred in the Dzerzhinsk district of the region. “The office came a woman and took out a plastic bag from a jar, threw in it the liquid in the employee of the organization, then fled in an unknown direction”, — stated in the message. Militiamen identified the personality of the suspect: she was a local woman 1968 year of birth, earlier not the offender. “According to field investigators, the woman, needing cash, decided to improve his financial situation. According to preliminary information, contained in a glass container, the liquid is an acid solution,”

The FSB has identified the cell fundraisers for ISIS in three Russian regions

The FSB has identified the cell fundraisers for ISIS in three Russian regions The FSB has identified and stopped in three Russian regions the activities of the cell, which collected and sent money banned in Russia international terrorist organization ISIS, the press service of the Ministry. “The Federal security service of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar territory, the Republic of Dagestan and the Republic of Adygea, suppressed the activity managed from the territory of Syria secret cells that carried out the collection and transfer of funds for needs is prohibited in the Russian Federation the international terrorist organization “Islamic state””, — stated in the message. The cell members on the instructions of emissaries under the guise of charity funnelled the money La resource support ties in Syria. The FSB notes that in the course of events uncovered and documented the scheme and funding mechanism for the IG, totaling more

Director Alexei Krasovsky was invited to the police station for questioning

Director Alexei Krasovsky was invited to the police station for questioning Moscow. 20 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — As a source told “Interfax”, the Director of the movie “the Holiday” was summoned for a conversation with the investigator for economic Affairs. The Director of the movie “the Holiday” Alexey Krasovsky invited for questioning by the police, have informed “Interfax” on Sunday, an informed source. “Krasovsky was invited for questioning by the investigator”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the Director was summoned for a conversation with the investigator of Department of economic safety and counteraction of corruption of a capital Central Board of police. The source added that the reason for the call of the Director for questioning is not yet known. Alexey Krasovsky, Director of the film “the Holiday” on New year celebration in the besieged Leningrad. His film was posted on YouTube. The day before he planned to