The criminal could not steal the electric car. He didn’t know how to manage it

The criminal could not steal the electric car. He didn’t know how to manage it Thief Bolt EV electric car was detained witness with a machete. – Old American Corey Allen Patrick in late February, attacked the driver of the Chevrolet Bolt EV electric car and tried to steal his car, but did not succeed. As written by Electrek, the offender, according to the police report, just didn’t know how to manage electric car. Patrick was detained one of the witnesses, and then gave it to the police. The police report indicated that the driver of the electric vehicle is stopped on a street in Austin, Texas. At this point the car was approached by Patrick and demanded that the driver came out of it. After a brief struggle, he left the electric car, and the driver has taken a criminal. However, the scene Patrick to leave but could not.

In Europe, due to the cold has killed 49 people

In Europe, due to the cold has killed 49 people Moscow. March 1. INTERFAX.RU — During the severe cold in Europe killed at least 49 people, according to U.K. media. 21фотография21фотография21фотография According to the TV channel Euronews, the most people died from cold in Poland. The police of this country announced that in February died from hypothermia of 32 people, most of them — at the end of the month, when the country began a severe cold. In the Czech Republic the victims of cold steel eight people, says the Agency EFE. In Italy the cold and died a couple of homeless: one in Milan, one in Ferrara. In France, where the homeless provide housing during the cold weather, with Friday killed four people. British media reported that the city is Welling to London, he died a man who was pulled out of a frozen lake, from which he was

Figures of the “cocaine business” stated his innocence

Figures of the “cocaine business” stated his innocence Figures of the “cocaine business” Vladimir Kalmykov and Istimer Khudzhamov, currently in jail, do not consider themselves guilty of drug smuggling. It is reported by RIA “Novosti” with reference to Deputy Chairman of the Public monitoring Commission of Moscow eve Mercacio. According to her, the Kalmyks sure that it will soon release as against it has no evidence. “Says that all life was a law-abiding citizen that he was simply asked to carry boxes and cocaine in his life never seen, only in the movies,” said Markachev about the suspect. She also noted that Istimer Khudzhamov also goes on to talk about his own innocence, but cannot explain, as was the defendant in the case. Medico-psychological examination he has passed. Markachev assumes that any deviations it is not revealed. “Istimer Khudzhamov, as the second prisoner is in jail No. 5. Not to

In the electronic system of the interior Ministry calculated the accomplice

In the electronic system of the interior Ministry calculated the accomplice As it became known””, in the framework of the criminal case concerning the installation of a single intellectual system support activities (ISOD), the interior Ministry and the FSB had arrested the author, Russia’s largest specialist in information technology, founder and head of LLC AT Consulting Sergey Shilov. According to investigators, it specialists have to persuade the other accused in the case, the customer ISOD from the interior Ministry Andrei Nechayev, to pay for unfinished work worth 1.4 billion rubles. As explained “Kommersant” close to the investigation source, in the autumn of last year, when a criminal case was initiated on abuse of power with serious consequences (part 3 of article 285 of the criminal code) when creating ISOD, author and designer-Shilov in the investigation there were no questions. He was not a criminal case even as a witness. The

The defendant in the “cocaine business”, said that he was “asked to carry the box”

The defendant in the “cocaine business”, said that he was “asked to carry the box” One of the defendants in the case of the supply of drugs from Argentina to Russia Vladimir Kalmykov, who is in jail, stated that they had never seen cocaine and just asked us to move the box, told RIA Novosti Deputy Chairman of the Public monitoring Commission of capital Eva Markachev. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “Says that all life was a law-abiding citizen that he was simply asked to carry boxes and cocaine in his life never seen, only in the movies,” said human rights activist. “He is confident that it will be released soon. Says pure and the evidence for it is not,” added Markachev. The Argentine authorities earlier reported that during a joint operation of special services of Russia and Argentina managed to stop the delivery to Moscow of 389 kilograms of cocaine and arrest in

Police in Thailand said that Alex Leslie and Anastasia Rybka caused damage to the reputation of the country

Police in Thailand said that Alex Leslie and Anastasia Rybka caused damage to the reputation of the country Arrested in Thailand for illegal work group “sex trainers”, including help Alexander Kirillov and Anastasia Vashkevich, better known under the alias Alex Leslie and Anastasia Rybka, their actions have damaged the reputation of the Kingdom. On Thursday representative of the national police of Thailand. “This group has caused damage to our national reputation, — said the Deputy head of police press service Kritsana Pattanakarn. We called to account all, without exception, foreigners who violate our laws, not only in Pattaya but throughout the country.” A number of resorts in Thailand, indeed, have a very dubious reputation. However, the power of the Kingdom has repeatedly stated that it is not happy with a similar image and intend to change it. For example, this week the Consul General of the Gambia was summoned to

Police seized documents from the Russian office of the Swiss farmanara Roche

Police seized documents from the Russian office of the Swiss farmanara Roche Officers conducted a seizure of documents at the office of the Russian subsidiary of the Swiss pharmaceutical concern Roche, RBC reports. Excavation carried out in the framework of the criminal case against the employees of the company under part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code (fraud in especially large size). They are charged with bribing doctors and selling funds from a cancer on the black market. In December of last year it became known that the anticancer drug “Gazela”, which is manufactured by Roche facilities in the Ufa, were not included in the list of drugs purchased under the program of public procurement. As a result, according to the General Director of the Russian branch of Roche Nenad Pavletich, the return of 1.5 billion rubles, invested by the company in the Russian pharmaceutical industry, has been

Resolved further destiny of Nasti Fish

Resolved further destiny of Nasti Fish Immigration police of Thailand has determined the fate of those arrested in Pattaya and imprisoned Anastasia Vashkevich (Nasty Fish) and Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie). This reports the Bangkok Post. Publication from the Nasty Fish ( Feb 28, 2018 1:17 PST During the download an error has occurred. Fish and Leslie among the ten sex instructors deported from Russia and will contribute to the black list. “At the moment, Russian citizens still in detention, accused of illegal work and stay in the country”, — said the Deputy head of the local police Tawatchai, Nongbua (Thawatchai Nongbua). The court on 27 February freed six defendants on bail. Then they were taken to the Immigration Bureau of Thailand, where deprived of visas and were arrested. Fish said that in prison they are kept in poor conditions: in the new cell has no beds only a concrete floor.

Alex Leslie asked the US for political asylum, the media are writing

Alex Leslie asked the US for political asylum, the media are writing Blogger Alex Leslie (Alexander Kirillov), who was arrested in Pattaya in Thailand, along with several participants in the illegal “sex training” and asked the US to provide him and other detainees to the Russians for political asylum, reports the RT. At the disposal of channel proved the letter which Alex Leslie wrote to the U.S. Consulate in Thailand. “In Thailand we were picked up by Thai police and now they want to extradite us back to Russia. We ask that you give us political asylum and protect us as soon as possible, as we have very important information, and we greatly risk our lives,” — said in the text. On Sunday, the police in the Thai resort of Pattaya arrested Kirillova, Anastasia, Vashukevich (nasty Fish) and another eight people for carrying out illegal “sex-training”. As stated by RIA

“The beast from the East” is killing the Europeans in the EU are Siberian frosts

“The beast from the East” is killing the Europeans in the EU are Siberian frosts In the EU continues to face the unusual Siberian frosts, which kill people, traffic in many cities is very difficult, dozens of canceled flights. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий European forecasters dubbed standing over Europe cold fronts “Beast from the East” — an Arctic cyclone which came from Russia. The poles are dying from frost In Poland, from frost people continue to die. “Five people died of hypothermia over the past day,” said a government security center. The previous day, for the same reason, killed another five people. All, according to the center, from November 1 2017 due to hypothermia died 58 people. Institute of meteorology and water management released on Monday warning of the first degree in connection with strong frost. The warning is valid for almost all areas of the country. The coldest night In Germany this