Media reported that in the “case Skrypalia” appeared another Russian

Media reported that in the “case Skrypalia” appeared another Russian MOSCOW, 4 APR — RIA Novosti. The UK intelligence services during the investigation, became interested in Russian, which briefly flew to London just before the poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala according to British newspaper Daily Mail, citing sources. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to the newspaper, talking about a man who flew from Moscow to London on the same flight of airline “Aeroflot” with later poisoned Yulia Skripal. The Russians returned to Moscow a few hours later. According to the newspaper, British intelligence agents believe that such a short trip “raises questions”. A source among the authorities of the Kingdom told the newspaper that referred to the passenger is not a suspect, but is of interest to the investigation. “We certainly believe in the possibility that responsible (for poisoning) left the country in a few hours”, — said the source publication. In

In Russia, thanks to information from Turkey prevented the attack

In Russia, thanks to information from Turkey prevented the attack Moscow. April 4. INTERFAX.RU — Information from the Turkish intelligence prevented a terrorist attack in Russia on new year holidays, said the head of FSB Alexander Bortnikov. “You all know that last year, the United States, though Russian-American relations are now experiencing not the best period in its history, to warn Russia of the impending attack in St. Petersburg”, — he said at a conference on international security in Moscow. At the same time, managed to prevent another attack thanks to the information obtained from the Turkish partners.Alexander Bortnikov FSB According to him, “was saved, perhaps, hundreds of lives of civilians, that is, hundreds of lives are joined I mentioned the figure of 152 thousand.” See also: How to distinguish humanitarian worker from jihadist

Shoigu said about the negotiations with the Syrian fighters on the addition of weapons

Shoigu said about the negotiations with the Syrian fighters on the addition of weapons Moscow. April 4. INTERFAX.RU. The Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu said that a large part of the territory of Syria released by militants of ISIS (banned in the Russian organization), convince the rest to lay down their arms. “Liberated a large part of the territory of Syria from the terrorists, with the rest going to the detailed negotiations on the addition of weapons,” — said Shoigu at the VII Moscow conference on international security. According to him, thwarted the plans of education of pseudohalide. “It is obvious that by combining our efforts with the coalition, the story of ISIS in the region have been able to finish much earlier and with fewer losses,” — said the head of the defense Ministry. He noted that positive changes in the country occurred “after the operation the

In Ukraine, the captain of the ship “Nord” was taken away in an unknown direction

In Ukraine, the captain of the ship “Nord” was taken away in an unknown direction SIMFEROPOL, 4 APR — RIA Novosti. The captain of the Russian vessel “Nord” Vladimir Gorbenko early Wednesday morning, Ukrainian border guards taken to an unknown destination, his whereabouts are unknown, lawyers fame not delivered, told RIA Novosti the representative of the ship owner — the company “Baltic coast”. “Three hours ago (around 7.00 GMT) the captain was removed from the vessel by Ukrainian border guards in an unknown direction. The lawyers informed not supplied. His whereabouts are not known to us,” said the company. According to preliminary data, on Wednesday should take place the first meeting of the Ukrainian court in the case involving the Kerch ship “Nord”. The session will take place in Mariupol. The shipowner reported that the lawyers are trying to establish where it is currently Gorbenko. The company believes the actions

FSB prevented 25 of the 29 terrorist attacks in Russia last year

FSB prevented 25 of the 29 terrorist attacks in Russia last year MOSCOW, 4 APR — RIA Novosti. Twenty-five terrorist attacks have been prevented in Russia in 2017, the four terrorists managed to carry out, said Wednesday the Director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov. “Last year alone, Russia had prevented 25 of terrorist attacks, committed by four,” he said at a Moscow conference on international security.

The property of Colonel gathered second hand

The property of Colonel gathered second hand The accomplice Dmitry Zakharchenko, the FSB has arrested assets of 300 million. Yesterday it became known about arrest of property belonging under investigation, the FSB Colonel Dmitry Seninu and his family. In total, under the burden of an alleged accomplice of the ex-officer of Guebipk of the MIA of Dmitry Zakharchenko hit cars, cars, apartments, houses and land worth more than 300 million RUB From Colonel Zakharchenko and his relatives in state revenue were converted property and cars for 800 million rubles, and more than RUB 7 billion in cash. As follows from the case materials, at the request of the TFR, the Basmanny district court of Moscow has seized property of Dmitry Senin, his wife Olga, sisters Irina Mallkini and even about ten. According to “Kommersant”, under the encumbrance came property of some of Sergey Kravchenko, Victor Yagura, Galina, Sulemenko, Ivan Kozhevnikov,

The media reported the search of the head of the Kemerovo MOE

The media reported the search of the head of the Kemerovo MOE In the private house of the head of the main Department of EMERCOM in Kemerovo oblast Alexander Mamontov is being searched, the source said, “Interfax” and Telegram channel Mash. A fire in a shopping centre in Кемерово18:47 (GMT)a Consequence reached the head of the Kemerovo MOE “Investigative actions are carried out in the house of Alexander Mamontov, associated, including, and investigation of the criminal case initiated on the fact of a fire in the Mall “Winter cherry”,” — said the Agency interlocutor. As the source said “Interfax”, the head of the Kemerovo MOE eight residential real estate, which he inherited from his father, a businessman. Mister Mamontov has not confirmed the information about the searches. “Nothing is confirmed,” said he TASS, responding to a question about the investigation in his house. We will remind, the fire in shopping

Zakharchenko claims that he seized 9 billion. he owns only 93 thousand

Zakharchenko claims that he seized 9 billion. he owns only 93 thousand According to the ex-Colonel “the rest of the property was and is owned by relatives of various degrees of kinship and other persons.” MOSCOW, April 4. /TASS/. Former Deputy head of the “T” Guebipk of the MIA of Russia, Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, accused of accepting bribes and abuse of power, owns only about 93 thousand rubles seized from him 9 billion. About this Zakharchenko told, answering questions of the correspondent of TASS, transferred to prison through his lawyer Alexander Gorbatenko. Of all the property I own 92 thousand 800 roubles allowance for the month. The rest of the property was and is owned by relatives of various degrees of kinship and other persons. The existence of certain individuals whose property was turned into the income of the state, I only found out from court documents.Dmitry Zakharchenko He also

ISIS sponsored repair. In Moscow arrested the workers, the translator of the money to the militants

ISIS sponsored repair. In Moscow arrested the workers, the translator of the money to the militants As it became known “Kommersant”, the TFR and the FSB revealed in Moscow a network, financed banned terrorist organization ISIS. The first arrest of two of its members, which are systematically translated earned by the repair and construction money in Iraq and Turkey. According to “Kommersant”, the operatives of the capital of the FSB took six months to calculate the natives of Tajikistan 36-year-old Islamuddin Alimardonov and 31-year-old Fringe Toshmatova that from January 2016, doing that on a regular basis sent money to ISIS. As found by the KGB, Alimardonov moved to Russia from Tajikistan in 2015 and settled in a Studio apartment with almost ten of their countrymen on the Timurovskaya street. While Toshmatov, also a native of Tajikistan, was established in Moscow in 2000, became a citizen of Russia and lived in

ABC: shooting at the headquarters of YouTube is not associated with terrorism

ABC: shooting at the headquarters of YouTube is not associated with terrorism NEW YORK, April 4. /TASS/. Shooting that occurred Tuesday in the headquarters of the Internet service YouTube in San Bruno (California), according to preliminary data, has nothing to do with terrorism. This was reported by broadcaster ABC. According to its sources in law enforcement bodies, the incident was caused by some conflict, quarrel on the household soil. On terrorism speech, according to reports, is not, marks the channel. How, in turn, according to broadcaster NBC, citing sources, the shooting began in the cafeteria on the terrace, located on the territory of the headquarters of YouTube. The fire, according to the channel, was opened by the woman aged about 30 years. Earlier ed Barberini, chief of police of San Bruno, said that in the shooting at the headquarters of YouTube, injuring four people. The woman who opened fire, killed