Doctors reported the improvement of Sergei Skripal

Doctors reported the improvement of Sergei Skripal LONDON, April 6. /TASS/. The former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal no longer regarded by doctors as critical, he recovers quickly. This was reported Friday on the website of the National health service of England. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “He responds well to treatment, quickly recovers and is no longer in critical condition”, — is spoken in the message of doctors. 4 Mar 66-year-old ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal, sentenced in Russia for espionage in favour of great Britain, and his 33-year-old daughter Julia has been in Salisbury, according to the British side, effects of nerve agents. Later London made a statement that this substance was supposedly developed in Russia, and on this basis accused Moscow of involvement in the incident. The Russian side has categorically denied all the speculation, arguing that programmes such substances neither in the USSR nor in Russia did not exist. 6фотографий6фотографий

SK filed a case against a resident of Volgograd because of “spy” glasses

SK filed a case against a resident of Volgograd because of “spy” glasses ROSTOV-ON-DON, APR 6 — RIA Novosti. Investigators opened a criminal case against 48-year-old resident of Volgograd, who bought online sunglasses with built in camera, the report said southern investigatory management on transport SK the Russian Federation. The case was initiated under article about illegal circulation of the special technical means, which provides till four years of imprisonment. NewsDangerous toys: what gadgets you can end up in jail “According to investigators, in August 2017, the suspect illegally purchased through the online website AliExpress electronic device and sunglasses with built in camera, which, according to the conclusion of the expert, is the special technical means intended for secret obtaining of information in the process of implementation of operative-investigative activities”, — stated in the message. As reported in the management suspect 1 March, sold those glasses for 2 thousand rubles

The court arrested the property of four Dagestani officials

The court arrested the property of four Dagestani officials MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. Moscow’s Basmanny court arrested the property and assets of the four government officials from Dagestan, accused of theft from the budget of the Republic, told RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the court Juno Tsarev. “The decision of the court arrested the property and funds Hamidov, Isaeva, Yusufov and Shakhov,” she said. She noted that the total amount of the arrested funds exceed 1.5 million rubles. The arrest term is until June 30. In recent months in Dagestan, a special Commission of the security forces from Moscow. During its work became aware of major embezzlement in the social sphere, detained four high-ranking officials: former acting Prime Minister of Dagestan Abdusamad Gamidov, his Deputy Shamil Isaev and Rudin Yusufov and Minister of education, Sahabas shahs, they are arrested. A criminal case against high-ranking officials connected with a number

Source: owners of Summa group accused of the theft of 2.5 billion rubles

Source: owners of Summa group accused of the theft of 2.5 billion rubles MOSCOW, April 6. /TASS/. The investigation has charged the owner of the group “Sum” Ziyavudin Magomedov and his brother Magomed Magomedov in the theft of 2.5 billion rubles and the organization of criminal community. About this TASS said a source in law enforcement bodies. “Brothers Magomedov charged with the theft of 2.5 billion rubles, and the organization of criminal community, along with charges of fraud and organizing a criminal community charged Arthur Maksimova,” said the source. Another law enforcement source said that before the arrest of the brothers Magomedov in Moscow were raided 70 locations. “Some of them were invalid, which suggests that the company could have withdrawn funds via one-day firms”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Investigative Department of the MIA of Russia opened a criminal case on signs of the crimes provided by article 159

A resident of Yakutia shot two people because of the ridicule over his short stature

A resident of Yakutia shot two people because of the ridicule over his short stature Moscow. April 6. INTERFAX.RU — the Inhabitant of Yakutia will stand trial for the murder of two of his friends, who mocked his short stature, said on Friday the local Prosecutor’s office. “Held in the case of the investigation established that on July 29, 2016, five men were drinking alcoholic beverages. During a feast between the accused and his best friend had a quarrel on the basis of the physiological disadvantage of the accused in the form of low growth”, — stated in the message. The accused decided to take revenge for voicing grievances, took in the shed shotgun 12 gauge mark “IZH-58”, went into the house, where there was a feast, and fired several shots into the crowd. Two died at the scene, one with a gunshot wound managed to escape, one with a

The lawyer explained why a resident of Taganrog was poisoned with thallium colleagues

The lawyer explained why a resident of Taganrog was poisoned with thallium colleagues ROSTOV-ON-DON, 5 APR — RIA Novosti, Ivan Kapustin. The suspect in a mass poisoning of employees at the Taganrog aircraft factory double-spiked the cooler due to conflicts with his boss and one of my colleagues, told RIA Novosti representing one of the victims, the lawyer Alexander Popkov. Of the hospitals from the staff of the Taganrog aviation scientific-technical complex named after Beriev with different complaints started to arrive from November 2017. Poisoning it with thallium workers were identified in January 2018. At the same time the chief physician of the city hospital ambulance Dmitry Safonov, delays in obtaining specialized medical care none of the patients did not happen. According to the head of the Taganrog Andrey Lisitsky, the fact of poisoning recorded at 27 members. Operatives 4 APR detained 37-the summer inhabitant of Taganrog, the employee works

Media called the place of production of the gas “Beginner” base in the Saratov region

Media called the place of production of the gas “Beginner” base in the Saratov region Moscow. April 6. INTERFAX.RU. Gas “Beginner”, which, according to British intelligence, was poisoned by ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, was produced at the “military research base” in the town of Shikhany, Saratov region of the Russian Federation, told the British Times. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий On this, as it became known publication, the UK has notified its partners at a special briefing, where London explained Russia’s responsibility for the incident in Salisbury. However, as the article says, “information was provided on the basis of which it can be assumed that the laboratory in Shikhany, similar to the British laboratory at Porton Down in the past decade was used for testing, which determined whether a “Newbie” can be effectively used for killing abroad.” On the eve of the British newspaper the Sun named as the place

Thallium has become a tool of revenge

Thallium has become a tool of revenge Employee of the Taganrog airlines confessed to the poisoning of colleagues. Kommersant became known the motives of thallium poisoning employees TANTK named after Beriev. The suspect, Vladislav Shulga has given grateful evidences to the investigation. The reason was the conflict engineer Shulgi with the chief and one of the lawyers. The court concluded the suspect under house arrest, he was charged within ten days. The poisoner could face up to three years in prison. Today Taganrog city court decided to conclude under house arrest of Vladislav Shulga, a suspect in a high-profile case of poisoning with thallium employees TANTK named after Beriev. As told “Kommersant” the lawyer of Vladislav Shulga Alexander Popkov, the defendant already confessed to the investigation, explaining the motives of the crime. As it turned out, in the autumn of last year, design engineer Shulgi and his boss zubkovskaya was

The Russians are regular reports of fire investigation in Kemerovo

The Russians are regular reports of fire investigation in Kemerovo MOSCOW, 5 APR — RIA Novosti. The vast majority of Russians think that the authorities should regularly inform the public about the investigation of a fire in the Kemerovo TC “Winter cherry”, according to a survey published on the website of the Fund “Public opinion”. A fire in a shopping centre in Кемерово5 presumin met with the new head of the Kemerovo region12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Sociologists have found that the majority of Russians consider it necessary to regularly inform the authorities about the investigation of the tragedy in Kemerovo. To the question “should or should not the authorities regularly inform the public about the investigation into the fire in a shopping Mall in Kemerovo?” the vast majority of respondents — 91% gave a positive answer. Different opinion only 5% of respondents, 4% did not answer. Almost two-thirds of our compatriots admitted that

Taught in school. As educators with a criminal record get a job children

Taught in school. As educators with a criminal record get a job children MOSCOW, 5 APR — RIA Novosti, Irina Halecky. Assault, theft, disorderly conduct — teachers with similar “knowledge” is not easy to get to school or kindergarten. However, the heads of educational institutions often turn a blind eye to the fact spicy biography and take in staff of people with a criminal record. Thus breaking the law. As teachers and educators with criminal records allowed to take the children, understood to RIA Novosti. Yesterday in jail, today in the garden At the end of March in Ekaterinburg have passed extensive background checks preschools. The occasion was the constant complaints of teachers who abuse children. So, in a kindergarten № 473 the teacher actually organized a “concentration camp”: she beat the kids and trained them like dogs, accustomed to the commands. The incident became interested in law enforcement. As