Sechin called a matter of honor, the testimony in the trial of the speaker

Sechin called a matter of honor, the testimony in the trial of the speaker The head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin called a matter of honor, the testimony in the trial of former Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev. He stated this in an interview with TASS, noting that he came to the meeting as soon as he had the opportunity. “I had hoped that the court of first instance will take my written testimony, unfortunately, this did not happen. So as soon as the opportunity arose, I came to the court. For me it was a matter of principle, because I wanted my testimony to be considered by the court,” — said Sechin. The head of Rosneft added that the court confirmed its position on the requirement of the former Minister of bribery, after which he “himself designated amount, he came over her, and he left.” When giving evidence Sechin

Kevin spacey is under investigation. The case of the actor was transferred to the Prosecutor’s office

Kevin spacey is under investigation. The case of the actor was transferred to the Prosecutor’s office For the first time the actor was accused of sexual harassment in October 2017. Actor Kevin spacey, who is accused of harassment, is currently under investigation. It is reported by CNN. The case of the actor was transferred to the Prosecutor. A consideration of the materials Department specializing in sexual offenses. In particular, we are talking about the alleged incident involving “adult men”, which occurred in October 1992. The details of the case have not been disclosed. UPDATE: LA Co. Sheriff’s Special Victims Bureau began investigation into allegations of a sexual assault involving Kevin Spacey Dec. 11, 2017. Events reported to have taken place in October of 1992 in West Hollywood involving a male adult. Investigation completed/presented to DA — Andrew Blankstein (@anblanx) 11 APR 2018 The scandal spacey broke out in October 2017.

“Test results confirm the findings of the UK”

“Test results confirm the findings of the UK” The OPCW announced the results of the investigation in the “case Skripal”. The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) published a report on the investigation into the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. The OPCW experts “have confirmed the findings of the United Kingdom on the composition of toxic substances”, is not becoming to publicly mention his name. While the exact origin of the substance, the experts have not established. The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, meanwhile, considered the conclusions of the OPCW further proof of involvement in the poisoning of Russia. Experts from four independent laboratories selected by the OPCW, analyzed the blood samples of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala, as well as substances found in Salisbury, at the supposed place of their toxicity. Samples were taken of blood and COP nick Bailey, who had contact

The Ministry of industry and trade said it was impossible to establish the place of production “Newbie”

The Ministry of industry and trade said it was impossible to establish the place of production “Newbie” Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU. It is impossible to clearly determine which country produced the substance that poisoned the former GRU officer Sergei Skripal, said the Deputy head of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation Georgy Kalamanov. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “Any unique markers capable of unambiguously indicate the country of manufacture applied against Skrobala substances that can not be”, — said Kalamanov in an interview to “Interfax”. According to Kalamanov, against Skrobala the crime was committed, reminiscent of a terrorist attack using toxic substances. “In this regard, we consider it necessary to conduct an investigation in accordance with the relevant decisions of the OPCW Executive Council and the report of the Third review Conference of the States parties”, — said the Deputy Minister. He added that “the UK continues to wrongly blame

Johnson insists that the source of the “Newbie” can only be Russian

Johnson insists that the source of the “Newbie” can only be Russian LONDON, 12 APR — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. Foreign Minister of Britain, Boris Johnson insists that only Russia could be the source of the so-called “Newbie” — substances that have been poisoned Sergey and Yulia Skrypali, stated in his statement. On Thursday, the experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) confirmed that in the assassination of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia had used a substance “Beginner”. “There can be no doubt that it was used, and there is no alternative explanation as to culprit — only Russia has the means, motive, and a relevant past,” the statement said Johnson. The Minister stressed that Britain never doubted the results of the analysis of the substance, made by experts of laboratory in Porton Down, but now four of the laboratory confirmed these results.

The name of the substance that poisoned Skrobala, the report of the OPCW classified

The name of the substance that poisoned Skrobala, the report of the OPCW classified MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. The name of the substance, was allegedly poisoned ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, the report of the OPCW will be classified and available only to members of the organization. “The name and composition of identified toxic chemicals are contained in full and classified report of the Secretariat, is available only to members (organization — ed.)”, — stated in the report of the OPCW. Previously, the newspaper the Daily Mail, citing the British foreign Ministry said that the OPCW experts has completed its review of the incident in Salisbury, gave their report of the UK on Thursday would send it to all members of the organization. Relations between Russia and Britain deteriorated sharply against the background of the incident in the British Salisbury, where he was poisoned Sergei

Closed mode: as Sechin was interrogated on the case speaker

Closed mode: as Sechin was interrogated on the case speaker The head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin gave evidence as a witness in the appeal case of former Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev. In court he appeared at the request of prosecutors. The Moscow city court is currently considering the appeal against sentence on a bribe former Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev. The interrogation of the main witness on the case of Igor Sechin, was held behind closed doors. At a closed interrogation insisted the Prosecutor, referring to the fact that the testimony of the main witness regarding the purchase of “Bashneft”, will constitute a commercial secret of the company “Rosneft”, but the protection of the former Minister of economic development pushed for an open interrogation. This was the first time the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin, appeared in court to testify — however, journalists

Lawyer: testimony Sechin force protection speaker to change the position

Lawyer: testimony Sechin force protection speaker to change the position MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. The testimony of the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin in the case of former Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev, the data on the closed session of the Moscow city court, forcing the defense to change its position. On Thursday in the Moscow city court said the lawyer Darejan, Queeze. The defense asked for postponement on Monday to clarify the position, but the court gave time only until 14:30 GMT Thursday, April 12. “Defence motion to meet in part, to provide lawyers speaker time to prepare positions until 14:30 Moscow time”, — announced the decision of the judge.

Sechin came to the court in the case of speaker

Sechin came to the court in the case of speaker The Prosecutor asked to question the head of “Rosneft” in the closed mode. Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU — the Head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin came to the meeting of the Moscow city court, which considered the appeal on a sentence eks-to the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev. As expected, Sechin will testify in the case. The Prosecutor asked the court to interrogate him behind closed doors. Earlier, the prosecution did not rule out calling the head of “Rosneft” at the appeal hearing on the complaint of lawyers on the sentence to former Minister of economic development. While the trial itself Sechin was not, although he directed the summons several times. The Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow in December last year, Ulyukayev sentenced to 8 years in a strict regime colony and a fine of 130 million rubles. Attorneys and the

One shadow businesses by nine banks. Judge plunderers 37 billion

One shadow businesses by nine banks. Judge plunderers 37 billion As it became known””, in the Zamoskvoretsky district court of Moscow began the trial of an organized crime group led by former shadow owner of Antalbank Magomed Achievem. According to investigators, the citizens who have invested their money in nine controlled credit institutions, was stolen more than 37 billion rubles In the dock are eight people, six of them — the merchants, on account of firms which have withdrawn money from banks. Yesterday in Zamoskvoretsky regional court, two representatives of the Prosecutor’s office announced the indictment. From this it follows that the investigation of this criminal case began in December of 2015. After contacting law enforcement representatives of the Central Bank, reported the massive theft of depositors ‘ funds, the interior Ministry opened a criminal case under part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code (fraud in especially large