The commander was putting out “Winter cherry” fire link was six reprimands

The commander was putting out “Winter cherry” fire link was six reprimands According to prosecutors, the accused, in particular, commits a breach during the evacuation of people. A fire in a shopping centre in Кемерово11 of apresski opened a criminal case on the fact of negligence when extinguishing a fire in the Kemerovo TTS32фотографии32фотографии32фотографии Moscow. April 13. INTERFAX.RU — the Prosecutor’s office of the Kemerovo region the court described the actions of the chief fire guard of Sergei Genin, accused of negligence in extinguishing a fire in TTS “the Winter cherry”, how unprofessional, and also reported that six reprimands issued to him for violations. “After receiving a signal about the fire Genin got a plan, “Winter cherry”, had a design for each floor. According to the Charter, rescue of people on fire is the earliest, but the Genin ignored the eyewitnesses about being in the cinema people”, — said the

The source reported a helicopter crash in the Baltic sea

The source reported a helicopter crash in the Baltic sea MOSCOW, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. The helicopter crashed in the Baltic sea, on Board were two crew members found the body of one victim, told RIA Novosti on Friday a source in the emergency services. “In the Kaliningrad region crashed helicopter in the Baltic sea. On Board were two crew members”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Discovered the body of one of the deceased, conducted search and rescue operations.

The court should not mitigate the sentence Ulyukayev, said the lawyer

The court should not mitigate the sentence Ulyukayev, said the lawyer MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Lawyer Alexander Karabanov believes that the court should not mitigate the sentence of ex-Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev in terms of opportunities to work in the civil service, in his opinion, this practice should be eradicated. The Moscow city court on Thursday confirmed the eight-year term in prison and 130-million fine for speaker but withdrew the penalty of a ban to hold positions in the civil service. As has explained a press-the Secretary of Moscow city court Ulyana Solopova, the speaker has the right to hold office in municipalities and state agencies, but can not perform the functions of representative government. “Such persons who compromised themselves by theft and other acquisitive crimes, will occupy positions in the state apparatus, have huge labor problems and if we do not eradicate this practice, I

The health Ministry said the number of victims at accident in Moscow

The health Ministry said the number of victims at accident in Moscow MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. In an accident in the Pushkin district injured 13 people, including 8 children, 9 were hospitalized, the press service of the Ministry of health of the Moscow region. “The accident in the Pushkin district injured 13 people, including 8 children. Hospitalized 9 people, including 7 children and 2 adults. They are delivered in the Pushkin district hospital”, — the press service quoted the words of the Minister of health of Moscow region Dmitry Markov. Publish a list of affected children in a terrible accident with a bus in the suburbs: — REN-TV | news (@rentvchannel) 12 April 2018 During the download an error has occurred.

The Moscow city court has upheld a prison sentence Ulyukayev

The Moscow city court has upheld a prison sentence Ulyukayev The court rejected the complaint of protection on a sentence eks-the head of the Ministry on charges of bribery. MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. Entered into force indictment of the former Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, who was sentenced to eight years in a strict regime colony and a fine of 130 million rubles for receiving a bribe of $2 million, reports the correspondent of TASS from Moscow city court. Board of appeals withdrew from the speaker limit for public office for eight years after leaving the colony. “The remainder of the sentence of the court of first instance to leave without change,” reads the court’s decision. The Moscow city court rejected the complaint of protection against the sentence to Alexei Ulyukayev on charges of bribery. Protection ex-the Minister of economic development appeal against the decision of Moscow city court

The foreign Ministry urged Britain to prove that Skrypali not involved in the production

The foreign Ministry urged Britain to prove that Skrypali not involved in the production MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. The Russian side calls on the UK to provide information about what Skrypali not involved in the production, said Thursday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Recent developments all the more strengthen us in the fear that we are talking about the isolation of the Russian citizen. We have every reason to believe that it could be either deliberate retention, forced, Russian citizens, or about their possible participation violent, in fact the compulsion, in a dramatization of” Zakharova said at the briefing. “We are doing everything in order to obtain this information through the British foreign office by sending diplomatic notes, publicly calling for the UK to give information, to make it so that we could ensure that Russian citizens are in no danger, …to make the

The speaker in the last word on the appeal against the verdict stated that he was appointed guilty

The speaker in the last word on the appeal against the verdict stated that he was appointed guilty The former head of the Ministry added that the case is based on the principle of “one grandmother said.” MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. Former Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev, who was sentenced to eight years in prison on charges of corruption on Thursday in the last word in Moscow city court said that was pre-assigned guilty of receiving bribes, and the case itself is based on the principle of “OBS — one grandmother said”, the correspondent of TASS. The sentence based on unproven assumptions, I assigned guilty. The sentence built on the principle of OBS — one grandmother said.Alexei Ulyukayev According to the former Minister, the criminal case against him discreditied judicial system. “The court was not presented any evidence demands my money, but it was a lot of

The Prosecutor came to the conclusion about the veracity of the testimony of Sechin in the case of speaker

The Prosecutor came to the conclusion about the veracity of the testimony of Sechin in the case of speaker Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU Prosecutor Boris Neporozhny said the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin gave truthful testimony in the case of the former Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, and the criticism of protection is a fictional version of the lawyers and the defendant. According to him, the fault of the former Minister confirmed including the “truthful testimony Sechin, which are entirely consistent with other objective evidence in the case.” The representative of the Prosecutor General also called invented version of the speaker and his lawyers that he could not refuse Sechin arrived in the office. “Why is a Federal Minister could not refuse a visit? It might, but did not. Our version is obvious and clear that the speaker went to “Rosneft”, because greed took its toll, he laid aside

The court has charged a former top Manager of “Rostelecom”

The court has charged a former top Manager of “Rostelecom” MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. The former top Manager of “Rostelecom” and co-owner of NTS Alexei Nasekina charged with damage to more than 1 billion rubles, the correspondent of RIA Novosti from the audience Basmanny court of Moscow, which deals with his arrest. A former top Manager of “Rostelecom” the General Director of “National telematic systems” nashchekin, is accused of committing a crime under part 5 of article 33, part 3 of article 285 of the criminal code. According to the materials of the case, Nasekina charged with abuse of office that caused grave consequences. The result gives him the role of accomplice. “Nasekina charged with damages in the amount of 1 billion rubles and 300 thousand Nashekina is charged that he passed on information, but he didn’t do it. This is slander,” said the lawyer. Two other accused

Sechin said the inability of the speaker to influence the privatization of “Bashneft”

Sechin said the inability of the speaker to influence the privatization of “Bashneft” Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU. The head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin confirmed at a meeting in Moscow city court that the former Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev did not have the authority to influence the privatization of “Bashneft”, said the latest lawyer Timothy Gridnev. “Today happened something amazing came to testify as a witness Sechin. He confirmed here in court that the speaker could not affect the privatization of “Bashneft”, he had no such authority,” the attorney said in the debate of the parties in the case. According to Gridneva, the head of “Rosneft” confirmed his testimony against the former Minister. “Sechin said that they talked with him ten minutes, during which the speaker extorted a bribe”, — said the lawyer. He said that conversation happened at the summit in Goa. He Ulyukayev said in court that