One of the Vice presidents of Russian Railways was fired after the Prosecutor General’s audit

One of the Vice presidents of Russian Railways was fired after the Prosecutor General’s audit MOSCOW, April 17 — RIA Novosti. One of the Vice presidents of Russian Railways, was dismissed after verification of the General Prosecutor’s office, during which it became clear that the top Manager of the company has entered into contracts with a commercial structure for the enrichment of his sons, says the report of the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika to the Federation Council. As noted in the text of the report about the General Prosecutor’s office said the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “During the inspection of law enforcement on combating corruption in JSC “Russian Railways” established that one of the Vice-presidents of the society personally took decisions related to contracts with a commercial organization, in order to enrich their sons as members of the Board of Directors of this organization and its ultimate beneficiaries.

The Prosecutor General’s office has requested the arrest of Bank accounts of Russians abroad to 1.3 billion euros

The Prosecutor General’s office has requested the arrest of Bank accounts of Russians abroad to 1.3 billion euros Moscow. April 17. INTERFAX.RU. The Prosecutor General’s office of Russia has sent to several countries, requests for seizure of the Bank accounts of suspects of Russians, which provides the vehicle a total of 1.3 billion euros. “In 2017, the competent authorities of foreign States additionally sent requests for seizure of cash in banks of Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Singapore, the cook Islands, totaling 1.3 billion euros, and at three of the immovable property and movable property in France and Spain”, — stated in the annual report of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika sent to the Federation Council. As noted by the attorney General, “for the first time, the judicial authorities of France granted the request on confiscation in favour of Russia two real estate objects with a total value of 200 million euros (to date

In Salisbury complete the clean-up of contaminated toxic places

In Salisbury complete the clean-up of contaminated toxic places LONDON, April 17 — RIA Novosti, Denis Voroshilov. In the town of Salisbury completed work on cleaning up the places where have been found traces of the toxic substance after the incident with the ex-GRU officer Sergey Skripal and his daughter Julia, is told in received RIA Novosti news Agency the joint statement of several British ministries. “The cleaning work was started after an attack involving nerve agents in order to return contaminated sites (cities) for safe operation of residents and guests. The transmission (closed during the investigation) plots from the investigation group to restore. Among these sites, the Maltings pub, restaurant Zizzi and a complex compound of Ashley Wood. A total of nine plots, three of which are located in the city centre, was identified as having a special cleaning”, — is spoken in the statement signed by, in particular,

Firefighters were in the shopping center “Winter cherry” in seven minutes after the call

Firefighters were in the shopping center “Winter cherry” in seven minutes after the call MOSCOW, April 17 — RIA Novosti. Firefighters arrived to a burning TC “Winter cherry” as quickly as possible, and began to extinguish the fire in 7 minutes after a call to emergency services, said the acting Director of readiness of forces and special fire protection of EMERCOM of Russia Maxim Maksimenko at a press conference devoted to the work of firefighters during the tragedy in Kemerovo. A fire in a shopping Mall in Kemerovo “We have the information about how the fire came to our unit. Call system 112 received in 16.03. Within less than a minute, 16.04, he was transferred to the MES, within a minute were sent forces and means of fire garrison of the city of Kemerovo at a premium, the second room of the fire, all the cars were sent out, and

The business Ombudsman decided to look into “the wildest stories” about the death of a businessman in jail Petersburg

The business Ombudsman decided to look into “the wildest stories” about the death of a businessman in jail Petersburg Moscow. April 17. INTERFAX.RU — the Commissioner of the Russian President for human entrepreneurs Boris Titov has received the address of the Deputy of the state Duma about the death in the detention center in St. Petersburg businessman Valery Wheat. “State Duma Deputy Igor Igoshin (fraction “United Russia” — if) sent me a request on this subject. We will, of course, understand,” wrote Titov on his Facebook page on Tuesday. 56-year-old Wheat, the owner of the company “Novit Pro”, was charged under part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code (fraud in especially large size) in the case of embezzlement during the construction of the submarine “Varshavyanka”. On 5 February it became known that his body was found in SIZO-4 UFSIN of Russia for Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region. “Novaya Gazeta”

Started a trial about the death of “the Russian Elon musk” in prison

Started a trial about the death of “the Russian Elon musk” in prison The investigators find out the circumstances of the death in jail of the businessman Valery Wheat, nicknamed the “Russian Elon Musk”. On Tuesday, April 17, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the press service of the FSIN. On the death of a Wheat, who was detained in SIZO-4 UFSIN of Russia for Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region, under investigation by staff of the Investigative Committee. Simultaneously, the FPS conducts official investigation. Entrepreneur and engineer Valery Wheat found dead in prison on 5 February. As reported by “Novaya Gazeta”, was originally the prison officials gave him the death look like suicide, but examination showed that the cause suffered injuries. The arrested man beaten, tortured and raped. His wife told reporters that shortly before the death of Wheat gave her three notes, which told me nothing to pay. Wheat was

Media reported about poisoning Skrobala liquid

Media reported about poisoning Skrobala liquid Moscow. April 17. INTERFAX.RU. The substance that was used in the poisoning of ex-GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia was delivered in “liquid form”. About it reports on Tuesday, the TV channel Sky News, citing the British Department for environment, food and agriculture. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Previously, the newspaper Mail on Sunday wrote that the attack on Skrobala used substance in the form of a gel. On March 4, former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia was admitted to hospital in the British city of Salisbury in critical condition after interaction with an unknown substance. 12 March, Prime Minister Theresa may told Parliament that they were poisoned nerve substance like “Beginner”, developed in Russia. Moscow strongly denied the accusations, Recalling that all chemical weapons destroyed Russia in 2017 under the supervision of the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons. 6фотографий6фотографий

The owners of the group “the Sum” was arrested a million dollars

The owners of the group “the Sum” was arrested a million dollars Moscow. April 17. INTERFAX.RU. The owners of the group “Sum” Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov were arrested, more than $ 1 million. “Provisional arrest was imposed at the request of the investigator on the funds seized from them during a search. The amount of cash that is seized is more than $ 1 million”, — said Tuesday the “Interfax” press Secretary of the Tver court Anastasia Jurco. Earlier in April Dzurko reported the seizure of cash from Magomedov, but did not specify their amount. Charges in the theft of 2.5 billion rubles. The owners of the “Amount” brothers Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov, Artur Maksidom was arrested on 30 March, they were later arrested on suspicion of theft of 2.5 billion rubles. They deny their guilt. According to the investigation, “in criminal activities of the organizers was attended by a

Thai court acquitted Leslie Fish in the case of illegal work

Thai court acquitted Leslie Fish in the case of illegal work PATTAYA (Thailand), April 17 — RIA Novosti. Court the Thai resort of Pattaya met Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie), Anastasia, Vashukevich (nasty Fish) and six Russians and Belarusians arrested for conducting illegal “sex-training”, in the case of illegal business and employment in Thailand, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday, the lawyer Atthaphon of Siyatha. “The court acquitted my clients in the case of illegal business and labor in connection with the recent entry into force of amendments to labour legislation”, — said the Agency lawyer. They were still subject to deportation to their country of citizenship, but to leave Thailand until you can, as in them there is a consequence in the case of an organization providing services of a sexual nature in a criminal group.Natthaphon Sootheaway “Details, I will inform later”, — added the lawyer, released from the temporary detention

MOE’s called a short circuit in the lamp the cause of the fire in the “Winter cherry”

MOE’s called a short circuit in the lamp the cause of the fire in the “Winter cherry” Moscow. April 17. INTERFAX.RU. A short in the wiring of the lamp was the cause of a fire in the Kemerovo TC “Winter cherry”, said Tuesday the Director of Department of Supervisory and preventive activities of EMERCOM of Russia Rinat Enikeev. A fire in a shopping centre in Кемерово15:04 (MSK)Fire was in the shopping center “Winter cherry” in seven minutes after the call32фотографии32фотографии32фотографии “Yes, indeed, in our view, we are dealing with a large short-circuit transition resistance and overload parts of the lamp. We don’t know what exactly, but the reason is there,” said Enikeev at a press conference on Tuesday. He added that the led lamp was the lens after reflow which fire drops fell into the foam pit. “The true reason will be named the Investigative Committee of Russia”, — said