Victoria Skripal confirmed to Business FM that the dogs of her cousin Julia in Russia, paid a woman

Victoria Skripal confirmed to Business FM that the dogs of her cousin Julia in Russia, paid a woman The daughter of Sergei Skripal allegedly Yulia is worried about her dog, left in Russia at the time of her departure to the father. In mass media there was information that the girl got in touch with the canine centre and asked yet no one to give the dog. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Julia Skripal allegedly called the Russian cynological center in Podolsk, where they would leave your pet when you left in Salisbury to the father. As writes MK, Julia made a few calls asking what was going on with the dog, and asked anyone not to give. This black mongrel dog named Noir. We don’t know if it’s called. We were told that Julia called and said the dog nobody to give. Called two or three times. Called the girl. She talked with

The foreign Ministry said that the opposition and “An-Nusra”* to create autonomy in Syria

The foreign Ministry said that the opposition and “An-Nusra”* to create autonomy in Syria MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russia has information that the Syrian opposition and grouping “dzhebhat an-Nusra”* (banned in Russia) with the support of the United States are trying to establish autonomy in the South of Syria, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Informed military-diplomatic source reported that the militants “Jabhat EN-Nusra and the free Syrian army” expand controlled territory in the South of Syria to create an autonomy under the auspices of the United States. “I can say that I saw these comments. I can say that we also possess that information. I can say that indeed you mentioned the information is true, and we capture these trends,” Zakharova said at a briefing on Thursday. As noted by the military-diplomatic source, the militants were planning coordinated attack against government forces in

The court arrested the former Vice-President of group “Rosgosstrakh” Sergey Khachaturov

The court arrested the former Vice-President of group “Rosgosstrakh” Sergey Khachaturov Earlier, the FSB has carried out investigative actions in the Central office of “Rosgosstrakh Life” on Kadashevskaya embankment in Moscow. MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. Lefortovo court of Moscow arrested the former Vice-President of group “Rosgosstrakh” Sergey Khachaturov on charges of embezzlement. About TASS reported the press service of the court. “The court has satisfied the petition of the investigation on detention for Sergei Khachaturov,” — said the representative of the court. Khachaturov is suspected under part 4 of article 160 of the criminal code (“Embezzlement”). Previously TASS with reference to the insurer’s representative reported that the FSB had carried out investigative actions in the Central office of “Rosgosstrakh Life” Kadashevskaya embankment, not associated with the operations of the company. “Rosgosstrakh Life” previously included in the same group with versatile retail company “Rosgosstrakh”, but in 2017 unprofitable “Rosgosstrakh” under the

Massacre at mount Carmel. As the FBI struggle with the sect turned into a nightmare

Massacre at mount Carmel. As the FBI struggle with the sect turned into a nightmare April 19, 1993 ended in a confrontation between FBI agents and members of the sect “Branch of David.” In the spring of 1993 the name of Waco and David Koresh became known to all the world. Nearly two months, the leader of the sect with his flock was under siege by American forces. The denouement of this drama, and to this day is considered one of the biggest failures of the Federal service of investigation of the United States. Breakaway Adventist Nowhere so widely spread fashion the new religious movements in America. Since the nineteenth century in the New world of enterprising people declared themselves “Messiahs” and, in its own interpreting the Bible, collected hundreds and thousands of followers, eager to rescue. In the 1930-ies the Church of seventh day Adventists, originated in the first

Police detained four employees of the Kamchatka Bank

Police detained four employees of the Kamchatka Bank MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. Policemen and employees of FSB of Russia with the support of fighters SOBR Regardie detained four officials of the Kamchatka Bank suspected of fraud in especially large sizes. According to investigators, the attackers stole more than four billion rubles, told TASS on Thursday in a press-service UMVD of Russia on the Kamchatka edge. “Detained intruders simultaneously in several cities — Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Moscow and Kaliningrad. The group included 62-year-old branch Manager of the Bank, its 48-year-old Deputy, 39-year-old owner of a group of companies which includes the credit institution, as well as his / her proxy”, — noted in press service. The attackers for several years on the basis of forged documents was carried out by the issuance of non-performing loans. In the end, stole more than 4 billion rubles. The Ministry of internal Affairs to the correspondent of

Serebrennikov arrest extended

Serebrennikov arrest extended Basmanny court of Moscow extended the house arrest of the artistic Director of “Gogol-center” Kirill Serebrennikov until July 19. About it reports “Interfax”. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий A similar decision the court made in the case of the Director of the Russian academic youth theatre (RAMT) of Sofia Apfelbaum. The court left under house arrest until may 24, the former Director General of the Autonomous nonprofit organization “the Seventh Studio” Yuri itina and extended until June 19 arrest of the former Director of the “Gogol-center” Alexei Malopolski. Serebrennikov, Apfelbaum, itina and Malopolska accused of stealing 133 million budget allocated for the implementation of the art project “Platform” in 2011-2014. The case of the former accountant, “the Seventh Studio” Nina Massieu allocated in separate manufacture as it has entered into an agreement with the investigation and testified against former colleagues. Former General producer of the “Seventh Studio” Ekaterina Voronova arrested in

SK reported the first results of the investigation in the “case Skrypalia”

SK reported the first results of the investigation in the “case Skrypalia” The investigative Committee of Russia reported about the first results of the investigation into the assassination of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in English Salisbury. The Agency has published on its YouTube channel a video details the work carried out. Investigators have traced the path of Yulia Skripal from home to the airport where she departed on 3 March in London. They have established the identity of the taxi driver who brought her in the Sheremetyevo, and also interviewed flying with her passengers. It turned out that the signs of intoxication, none of them felt. The investigation Committee added that it had asked the British side to give permission to question Julia, but the answer yet has not received. During the download an error has occurred. Sergei Skripal and his daughter was found unconscious

USA told about the revival of the IG in Syria

USA told about the revival of the IG in Syria In Syria, increased activity of the cells of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). This was announced by the representative of the US-led coalition against ISIS Ryan Dillon, writes the Washington Examiner. “In some areas West of the Euphrates river, which are controlled by the Syrian authorities, marked a revival of, or even the return of the cells of the “Islamic state”,” said the Colonel. According to Dillon, previously it was thought that 98 percent of Syrian territory liberated from the terrorists. Recently, however, the situation worsened and now we can talk about 90 percent outside the control of the IG of the country. As writes the edition, earlier about such figure said General Joseph Votel, head of the command of the armed forces of the United States in the middle East. The President of the

The TFR reported on the multi-year bans by the Prosecutor’s office checks the shopping center “Winter cherry”

The TFR reported on the multi-year bans by the Prosecutor’s office checks the shopping center “Winter cherry” The Prosecutor of the city of Kemerovo and his assistant have been questioned. A fire in a shopping centre in Кемерово17 prespore was in the shopping center “Winter cherry” in seven minutes after the call21фотография21фотография21фотография Moscow. 18 APR. INTERFAX.RU the Investigation finds out why the Prosecutor’s office several years forbade the inspection of fire safety in the Mall “Winter cherry”, reported “Interfax” on Wednesday the official representative of the Investigative Committee, Svetlana Petrenko. The Committee has documents of the Prosecutor’s office of the Kemerovo region and the city of Kemerovo on the need to exclude from the planned inspections of enterprises belonging to the category of small and medium business.Svetlana Petromaterials representative of the Investigative Committee “In the circumstances of the inclusion in this category of enterprises, the owner of the building SEC

Representatives of the Ministry of culture asking the court to extend the measure Serebrennikov

Representatives of the Ministry of culture asking the court to extend the measure Serebrennikov MOSCOW, April 18. /TASS/. The aggrieved party in the face of representatives of the Ministry of culture of Russia asked the court to extend the measure to the artistic Director of “Gogol-center” Kirill Serebrennikov Director on the case of plunder of budgetary funds. About it the correspondent of TASS from the audience Basmanny court. “We are asking to join the petition of the representatives of the victim, who asked to extend the measure Serebrennikov, Apfelbaum, Itino and Malopolska,” said the investigator. The court has studied the petition and decided to attach it to the case. “According to the rule of adversarial proceedings the petition is on file,” said judge Arthur Karpov. The court on Wednesday will consider the petition of the investigation on the extension of house arrest Serebrennikov and producer Yuri itina, Director of the