In Armenia stated on the prevention of explosions

In Armenia stated on the prevention of explosions According to special services, was detained six people, discovered explosive devices. Moscow. April 21. INTERFAX.RU — Two Armenian citizens involved in the group “Sasna tsrer” was planned to organize explosions, which were to die officials, arrested six people who discovered the explosive devices, criminal case, said on Saturday the national security Service (NSS) of Armenia. “Two citizens involved in the Jirair Sefilyan and members of the armed group “Sasna tsrer” (captured in the summer of 2016 police regiment in Yerevan — if), creating a criminal community, had planned to organize explosions in the number of transport stations, shopping centres, avenues, which should have died a number of officials of law enforcement officers. All of this should lead to a General atmosphere of fear that must have caused some pressure on state agencies and adherence to specific requirements”, — claim in Department. In

On the East without change

On the East without change From Baikonur launched the all new criminal cases. As it became known “Kommersant”, the Investigative Committee according to the materials of the FSB of Russia opened a criminal case about frauds at the cosmodrome East. As part of the investigation was taken into custody by the acting head of FSUE “Spetsstroytekhnologii” when Spetsstroy of Russia Alexander Nikitin. He accused the TFR in abuse of office and causing damage amounting to 775 million rubles. Acting head of FSUE “Spetsstroytekhnologii” Spetsstroy of Russia Alexander Nikitin, accused the Central investigation Department of the TFR in the damage in especially large size and abuse of office that led to grave consequences (part 2, paragraph “a” and “b” of article 165 of the criminal code and part 3 of article 285 of the criminal code) in the construction of Vostochny cosmodrome. The actions of Mr Nikitin, according to investigators, the

The victims of the accident in the Kirov region were five people

The victims of the accident in the Kirov region were five people Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU — Two cars collided in Song district of the Kirov region on Friday evening, there were casualties. The chief a press-services UMVD across the Kirov region Sergey Barantsev has informed Agency “Interfax” that the accident occurred at 19:30 Moscow time near the village of Combs. According to preliminary data, the car “Volkswagen” has faced the car VAZ. Killing all five of them were in a Vase: four adults and one child.Sergei Branchinella a press-services UMVD across the Kirov region According to him, the driver of “Volkswagen” was previously denied a driver’s license. On-site work the traffic police, the circumstances of the accident are established.

In the laboratory militants in the Duma found hexamine for the production of chemical weapons

In the laboratory militants in the Duma found hexamine for the production of chemical weapons DUMA (Eastern ghouta, Syria), April 20 — RIA Novosti. The Russian military found in the Duma, another proof of manufacture by militants from the grouping “Jaish al-Islam” of chemical weapons, told reporters on Friday, the specialist troops of radiation, chemical and biological defense Colonel Alexander Rodionov. “During the examination of the chemical laboratory of the militants was discovered in a large number of substance hexamine, which is another proof that the militants engaged in the manufacture of chemical weapons,” — said Rodionov. He added that the substance used in the manufacture of explosives, but also for the production of chemical warfare agents of the type Zorin. Earlier the defense Ministry reported that on 13 April, was completed the withdrawal of militants from the Duma, only there were exported more than 21 thousand fighters and their

The case against the generals of SK Michael Maximenko and Denis Nikandrov. Dossier

The case against the generals of SK Michael Maximenko and Denis Nikandrov. Dossier TASS-FILE. April 20, 2018. The Moscow city court found the former chief of interagency cooperation and private security Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia major-General Mikhail Maksimenko guilty of receiving bribes. He was sentenced to 13 years in strict regime colony and a fine in the amount of 165 million rubles. Editorial from the guardian, the DOSSIER has provided a background about the history of the criminal case against high-ranking employees of the Russian IC. Shootout on Rochdelskaya street in Moscow 14 December 2015 in Moscow, Rochdelskaya street near Elements restaurant skirmish. According to investigators, the organized criminal group led by Andrey Kochanova (nicknamed Italian), acting on behalf of a crime boss Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Young), extorted 8 million rubles. the owner of the restaurant Jeanne Kim. During the conflict, the lawyer Kim, a former operative of the

In the case of former Deputy head of the Nizhny Novgorod administration arrested two people

In the case of former Deputy head of the Nizhny Novgorod administration arrested two people The court took into custody the two defendants in the case of the former Deputy head of administration of Nizhny Novgorod, who is accused of receiving a bribe of 17 million rubles, reports the United press service of courts of General jurisdiction in Nizhny Novgorod region. According to investigators, the former head of Nizhny Novgorod Oleg Kondrashov and his Deputy Vladimir Privalov in 2012-2013 received from the businessman a bribe of 17 million rubles. The money was transferred to them, in particular, for the allocation of land for the construction of the crematorium, says Investigative Committee. A criminal case was initiated. Kondrashov wanted, Privalov and intermediaries in bribe — entrepreneurs Sergey Muravleva and Yuri Grishin — arrested, he was charged. Privalov was arrested on Thursday. “From criminal case materials follows that the detainees are accused

Officer TFR Maksimenko was sentenced to 13 years in prison for bribery

Officer TFR Maksimenko was sentenced to 13 years in prison for bribery Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU. The Moscow city court on Friday sentenced to 13 years in strict regime colony head of Department of own safety of Investigatory Committee of the Russian Federation Mikhail Maksimenko for a bribe, the correspondent of “Interfax”. “Recognize Maksimenko guilty of committing two crimes under part 6 of article 290 of the criminal code (receiving a bribe by the official in especially large size), on set of crimes by partial addition of punishments definitively to appoint to it punishment in the form of 13 years of imprisonment with punishment serving in a corrective colony and a fine in the amount of 165 million rubles”, — stated in the verdict of the judges Oleg Muzychenko. In addition, the court denied Maksimenko special rank of Colonel of justice, and for three years forbade him to occupy positions

Media: more than 30 people were injured in collision of trains at station Salzburg

Media: more than 30 people were injured in collision of trains at station Salzburg According to preliminary estimates, the majority of the victims received minor injuries/ TASS, April 20. Two trains collided at the Central railway station Salzburg on Friday morning. According to preliminary data, suffered from 35 to 40 people, reports the newspaper Die Presse. According to her, the incident occurred at 04:46 local time (05:46 GMT). Shunting locomotive hitched a wagon to the lineup, EN route Zurich — Vienna, and crashed into standing on the tracks a passenger train. According to preliminary estimates, the majority of the victims received minor injuries. They were given medical assistance. The cause of the accident is established. According to the newspaper Salzburger Nachrichten, interruptions in the movement of trains. Austria train smash leaves up to 40 injured after two trains collide — Irish Sun (@IrishSunOnline) 20 APR 2018 Im Hauptbahnhof #Salzburg:

In the TFR said the death toll in a fire in TTS “the Winter cherry”

In the TFR said the death toll in a fire in TTS “the Winter cherry” Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU — IN case of fire in the Kemerovo shopping centre, “Winter cherry” was lost in total 60 people, all of them identified, said the official representative of the Investigative Committee (IC) Svetlana Petrenko. A fire in a shopping centre in Кемерово17 prespore was in the shopping center “Winter cherry” in seven minutes after the call20фотографий20фотографий20фотографийрезультаты work to test all cases of the missing in the fire people, and received expert opinion allowed the investigation to determine the final number of those killed in the fire — they are 60.Svetlana Petromaterials representative of the Investigative Committee She noted that investigators obtained conclusions genetic evaluations for the dead, all of them identified. “Investigators obtained the conclusion of all genetic examinations on criminal case about a fire in Kemerovo. All the victims identified, issued

“Komsomall” bankrupt

“Komsomall” bankrupt The founder of DVI Group Vyacheslav Kaminsky arrested in absentia. As it became known””, the international wanted list and in absentia arrested the founder of the holding company DVI Group Vyacheslav Kaminsky. Initially the Metropolitan police were looking for in the group fraudulent theft of $260 million of investment loans issued by Alfa-Bank, but in the end, Mr. Kaminsky was accused of deliberate bankruptcy were holding LLC “Logisticenter”, dostraivalos shopping center “Komsomall” in Krasnoyarsk. According to the calculations of investigators, the damage caused to Alfa-Bank amounted to 2.6 billion rubles. the Representatives of the businessman believe that the arrest in absentia of the desired investigation so that he could not return to Russia and to solve their financial problems. Employees of the head investigative Department of GU MVD in Moscow, Mr. Kaminsky is accused of deliberate bankruptcy (article 196 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation), OOO