Truckers blocked the road to save a potential suicide

Truckers blocked the road to save a potential suicide According to police, the first time the call for help has responded to so many drivers. In the United States on the track outside Detroit, it was possible to observe an unusual scene: under the bridge lined up 13 trucks. But it was not protest — so the truckers set out to rescue a potential suicide, who was on the bridge. There is some confusion with the photo taken this morning. This is not an MSP photo as we don’t share law enforcement tactics. This photo was taken by a photographer at @FOX2News that was also doing their job this morning at the scene. — MSP Metro Detroit (@mspmetrodet) April 24, 2018 The signal is about a man who was allegedly preparing to settle scores with life, truck drivers handed over to the local police — in the US, this

A court in Ukraine for two months have arrested a confidant of Putin in the elections

A court in Ukraine for two months have arrested a confidant of Putin in the elections KIEV, April 25 — RIA Novosti. Kherson city court two months arrested a confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin on election of Russian President in Crimea, said on Wednesday the press-Secretary of Prosecutor’s office of Crimea (structure, established in the Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine after the reunification of the Peninsula with the Russian Federation) Tatiana Tihonchik. On Monday, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said that the security Service of Ukraine detained on the border with Crimea Putin confidant on the Peninsula in the last presidential election. After that, the Deputy of the state Duma of the Crimea Andrey Kozenko, said that the Crimean people should refrain from traveling to Ukraine. “Kherson city court has satisfied the petition of Prosecutor’s office of Autonomous Republic of Crimea and chose suspected of committing treason a

Danish inventor Madsen condemned for life for the murder of the journalist

Danish inventor Madsen condemned for life for the murder of the journalist STOCKHOLM, 25 APR — news, Lyudmila Bozhko. The court of Copenhagen has sentenced the famous Danish inventor Peter Madsen is accused of killing Swedish journalist Kim Vallee, to life imprisonment. On Wednesday the Chairman of the court, she Burke read out her verdict was broadcast by many Danish and Swedish media. The prosecution insisted on life imprisonment Madsen. The lawyer of the accused Betina Hald, Engmark believes that the prosecution failed to prove the guilt of her client in the murder of the journalist. See also: the Murder of Kim vallée: on the disk suspect found video of torture of women

Developer “Newbie” was hit by a car

Developer “Newbie” was hit by a car One of the developers of a family of toxic substances “Rookie” Vladimir Hydrocarbon, which gave several interviews after the poisoning of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the British Salisbury, was hit by a car in Anapa. On Wednesday, April 25, reports “Interfax” with reference to an informed source. “Yesterday, in one of the towns of Anapa, an elderly resident on the car has not time to slow down before crossing the road Coal and hit him,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the man was hospitalized with minor injuries to his leg and head, his life is not in danger. As the source added, at the present time the question of the involvement of the driver to administrative responsibility. Alerted about the incident by Russian journalist and writer Natalia Gevorkyan said “Interfax” that Uglev “today, plans to

The former Director of the “Gogol-center” Malopolska transferred under house arrest

The former Director of the “Gogol-center” Malopolska transferred under house arrest TFR asked to change the measure of restraint taking into account his age and state of health. Moscow. April 25. INTERFAX.RU — Investigation on the case of plunders in “the Seventh Studio” is going to soften the measure of restraint former Director of the “Gogol-center” Alexei Malopolski from detention to house arrest, reported the official representative of the Investigative Committee, Svetlana Petrenko. “Given the age and state of health of the Malopolska consequence of the decision on easing him of a measure of restraint from detention to house arrest,” he said on Wednesday “Interfax”. She noted that the corresponding materials are directed for consideration to the Basmanny court of Moscow. As reported by “Interfax” press Secretary of the Basmanny court Juno Tsarev, “a hearing to consider the request of the investigator on house arrest Malopolska will take place on

Five students wounded in a school shooting in Mexico

Five students wounded in a school shooting in Mexico MOSCOW, 25 APR — RIA Novosti. Five students were injured in a shooting in the territory of one of the secondary schools in the North-East of Mexico, according to the newspaper, citing local authorities. The incident occurred on Tuesday evening, in Ciudad Victoria, in Tamaulipas state. According to the newspaper, two women and a man came to school by car and opened fire on teenagers. The victims were taken to a nearby hospital. According to media reports, the state of one of the wounded students is estimated as heavy. #SDR ? A 5 Reportan personas heridas por arma de fuego al interior de la Preparatoria Federalizada #1 #CdVictoria #Tamaulipas Published HTHOYTamaulipas April 24, 2018,At boot time the error occurred. According to local information portal Hoy Tamaulipas, police arrested three attackers and two possible accomplices in the attacks. The motive of

The star of the show “Smallville” tried to lure Emma Watson in a cult

The star of the show “Smallville” tried to lure Emma Watson in a cult Last Friday, the actress Allison Mack was arrested on charges of slave-trading. The star of the television series “Smallville” was a member of the sect in which women were forced to engage in an intimate relationship and used them as slave labor. One of the victims almost became the actress Emma Watson. Allison Mack, the actress, known for the cult series from the early 2000s “Smallville,” was arrested by the FBI a year after the arrest of the leader of the project NXIVM (pronounced “nexium” — “Газета.Ru”) Keith Ren’er, who was charged with multiple charges of abusing dozens of young women, sex trade and forced labor. According to the Bureau, Allison Mack was the right hand of the Ren’er and lured future slaves, assuring them that they join an organization that fights for the rights and

In the Sverdlovsk region, four people were injured in the accident

In the Sverdlovsk region, four people were injured in the accident EKATERINBURG, 25 APR — RIA Novosti. Four passengers were injured in the bus rollover on the highway in Sverdlovsk region, reports the traffic police of the region. Previously the regional Glaucus MOE informed that on Wednesday morning, an accident involving passenger bus on the highway in the town of Berezovsky. “In Berezovsky at 5.45 local time (3.45 GMT) on 45-m kilometre of a highway Ekaterinburg-Dir-Alapayevsk from the town of Dir in the direction of the city Ekaterinburg there was a rollover bus. According to preliminary data, the driver has not considered weather conditions, has not coped with management, has allowed the exit the roadway and rollover” — informs traffic police. According to authorities, the bus was 30 people. “Injured four passengers”, — stated in the message. Traffic police said that they received injuries. The circumstances of the accident are

SK started checking information about bullying at the orphanage in Stavropol

SK started checking information about bullying at the orphanage in Stavropol PYATIGORSK, April 24 — RIA Novosti. Investigators started checking information about bullying by employees of an orphanage in Stavropol over the 8-year-old boy, according to the investigative Committee for the Stavropol territory. “One of the Internet portals revealed the post 8-year-old boy placed in an orphanage “Solnyshko” in the Novoaleksandrovsk district, the video talks about bullying. According to him, the teachers tied him to a chair, kicked, given medicine, after which he sleeps “three days”, and commit against him and other illegal actions”, — stated in the message. As noted, the head of the investigatory management SK across Stavropol territory Igor Ivanov requested to register identified in media reports and to carry on procedure check.

Trutnev asked to intervene in the situation stuck in UAE seafarers

Trutnev asked to intervene in the situation stuck in UAE seafarers VLADIVOSTOK, April 25 — RIA Novosti. The authorities of Primorye appealed to the presidential envoy in the far Eastern Federal district Yuri Trutnev and the leadership of Gazprombank with the request to resolve the situation with the Maritime sailors from the ship “crystal East”, arrested in the UAE, reported on the website of the regional branch of the Russian trade Union of seamen. Tanker “crystal East” of a bankrupt company “Nakhodka-Portbooker” is in UAE from June 2017. On the ship “Gazprombank” seized. Initially on Board were seven crew members, who could not leave because of lack of passports and money. In December 2017, the crew of the ship “crystal East” back in Primorye. Later, in the UAE they flew in a replacement. New crew since last week asks for help with the return home, as sailors sitting on the