The officers detained the suspect in the kidnapping of paintings Kuindzhi

The officers detained the suspect in the kidnapping of paintings Kuindzhi MOSCOW, January 28. /TASS/. The staff of the Ministry of internal Affairs together with FSB of Russia detained a suspect in the theft of paintings Kuindzhi from the Tretyakov gallery. About TASS said the official representative of the Ministry Irina Wolf. “As a result quickly-investigation actions employees of the Main criminal investigation Department of the MIA of Russia jointly with the FSB of Russia detained a suspect in the theft of paintings by Kuindzhi,” she said, noting that he was detained in the village of Zarechye, Moscow region. In addition, according to the Agency, discovered the painting itself. A suspect in the crime turned out to be 31-year-old man. According to Wolf, he told investigators that he hid the stolen painting on the territory of construction object in the Odintsovo district. The police found out and confiscated it. Wolf

In the regions of Siberia check calls about a mining of schools and hospitals

In the regions of Siberia check calls about a mining of schools and hospitals Emergency services Khakassia Republic, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions check information on a mining of schools, hospitals and administrative buildings, reports “Interfax”. After calls with threats, the people had to be evacuated. “At 9 am, unfortunately, has received four reports of mining hospitals, evacuation is held”, — said the Minister of health of the Novosibirsk region Konstantin Halzov. In Khakassia also “mined” the hospital and school, reported the press service of EMERCOM in the Republic. In Kemerovo, in addition to hospitals, schools and kindergartens, threats about a bomb scare touched and administrative buildings, said the Agency interlocutor. In total, the region presented about 30 signals about mining. January 25, from anonymous threats sent by e-mail, suffered the Irkutsk and Amur regions, Buryatia and Zabaykalsky Krai. The message on a mining was false. Earlier in the week, was

A monument to the “Polite people” in Crimea spilled paint

A monument to the “Polite people” in Crimea spilled paint In the center of Simferopol vandal poured paint over a monument to “Polite people”. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to regional management of the Ministry of interior. The man who ruined the monument, was detained. He is in a state of alcoholic intoxication. Currently solves a question on excitation of criminal case under article “vandalism”. Police arrested the vandal, poured paint over a monument to “Polite people” in Crimea: TV channel Zvezda (@zvezdanews) 27 Jan 2019. Bronze monument to the “Polite people” was opened in the Crimea in June 2016. The composition consists of a warrior in full gear, girls with flowers and rubbing at the feet of the cat. The author of the sculpture — academician of the Russian Academy of arts, people’s artist of Russia Salavat Shcherbakov. The term “polite people” or “little green men”,

The car fell into the 80-foot chasm in Chechnya

The car fell into the 80-foot chasm in Chechnya In the mountains of Chechnya fell into an 80-foot chasm the car. This was stated Sunday, January 27, in the emergency Department of the region. Car moving on the road Shatoi — Itum-Kali between settlements Nikolai and Vashendaroi, fell off a cliff. “Depth is about 80 meters. According to preliminary information, there are victims”, — quotes TASS. In the search works employed 18 people and four pieces of equipment. January 15 it became known that in Grozny district of Chechnya was an accident involving car and minibus, which was carrying the load. In this case, three people were killed, another was injured.

Oil painting: the Tretyakov gallery in broad daylight stole work Kuindzhi

Oil painting: the Tretyakov gallery in broad daylight stole work Kuindzhi The potential cost of the blade can be tens of millions of rubles. To sell stolen from the Tretyakov gallery the picture is almost impossible. Most likely, the crime was committed on the order or it was the work of people not planning to capitalize on the masterpiece. So consider interviewed by “Izvestia experts. The potential cost of the blade can be tens of millions of rubles. The Painting “AI-Petri. Crimea” has stolen on Sunday at the exhibition Arkhip Kuindzhi in the Engineering building of the Tretyakov gallery. The Director of the museums Department Ministry of culture Vladislav Kononov has declared “news” that the Agency is waiting for details about the incident from the gallery. Launched an internal investigation. Not immediately understood According to eyewitnesses, at 16.30, the picture was still in place. And after 18 hours in social

There was a video with a suspect in the theft of paintings from the Tretyakov gallery Kuindzhi

There was a video with a suspect in the theft of paintings from the Tretyakov gallery Kuindzhi Surveillance cameras in the Tretyakov gallery captures the alleged kidnapper paintings by Arkhip Kuindzhi “AI-Petri. Crimea”. The footage was published by the TV channel REN TV. The Painting “AI-Petri. Crimea” has stolen from the exhibition in the Tretyakov gallery on Sunday, January 27. The offender took the picture from the frame and disappeared. During the download an error has occurred. About the theft of the painting, insured value of which is estimated at 12 million rubles, the police found out by accident. Law enforcement officers arrived at the Museum on the call about the missing fur coats. It is assumed that the criminals stole the top clothes out of the closet to divert attention. The police suspect of involvement in the kidnapping of the picture one of the employees of the Tretyakov gallery.

The cinema Fund has demanded to collect from the producer of “Smeshariki” 82 million rubles

The cinema Fund has demanded to collect from the producer of “Smeshariki” 82 million rubles Federal Fund for social and economic support of domestic cinematography (cinema Fund) has addressed in court with the requirement to recover from OOO “Smeshariki” 82,2 million roubles, follows from the filing of arbitration cases. The first meeting is scheduled for February 21. According to the materials of the case, the lawsuit was filed in November last year and was accepted for production in early December. Today the attention it drew Telegram-channel Mash. The requirements of the cinema Fund, as indicated in the statement relate to three contracts from 2014, 2015 and 2016 According to the first Fund wants to obtain from the producer of the animated series “Smeshariki” “pre-payment” in the amount of 30 million rubles and interest in the amount of almost 740 000. under start II, the cinema Fund requests to collect interest

The work of Banksy was abducted with the front door

The work of Banksy was abducted with the front door Who could be behind the crime. In Paris, stole the work of Banksy. The most mysterious contemporary artist made a sketch last year in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack at the Bataclan concert hall. This graffiti: Banksy painted it on the door of the rear exit of the hall, where in 2015, the year terrorists took hostages. The work of the artist deliberately left free on the street, only in this form it makes sense, it is written on the page in Facebook the concert hall. Agence France-Presse, citing its sources reported that a door with graffiti stole a group of people in hoods, who have had a “grinder”. Then the thieves put the work into the truck. They got on surveillance cameras, police opened a criminal case. A Banksy has been stolen from Paris’ Bataclan Theatre:

The details of the theft of paintings from the Tretyakov gallery

The details of the theft of paintings from the Tretyakov gallery The protection of the paintings in the Tretyakov gallery are employees of the security service of the Museum said “the” Advisor to the Director of Regardie Valery Gribakin. “Safety issues in the Tretyakov gallery is split. Our employees provide protection of the external perimeter of the building and inspection of all incoming — to prevent the bringing into the building any dangerous items. The safety of the paintings and the control of the inside rooms in our area of responsibility does not come”, — he said. According to the official representative of the Ministry, all in the Tretyakov gallery are 11 posts of Regardie, including the corps of engineers is one. Source “” said that the exposure-control and monitor the behavior of visitors, that is, everything that happens inside the rear of the Tretyakov gallery’s responsibility for the

In the Tretyakov gallery in front of the visitors stole the picture

In the Tretyakov gallery in front of the visitors stole the picture From the engineering building of the Tretyakov gallery stolen painting Arkhip Kuindzhi “AI-Petri. Crimea”, said “the” a source in law enforcement bodies. According to him, the abduction was carried out very boldly: unknown approached the painting, removed it from the wall, was removed from the frame and disappeared. All the surrounding were absolutely sure that this is done at the Museum, and only a few minutes, it became clear that what happened is theft. ?”Ay-Petri.Crimea”~Arkhip Kuindzhi,Russian painter of Greek origin, born 27(15): — Vladimir Borisoff (@vlb091) 27 Jan 2019. In the Main Department of the MIA of Russia in Moscow to the correspondent “” reported that information about the incident is checked, and from other comments have refrained. In most of the Tretyakov gallery has promised to make a statement, but now from comments also abstain.