In Marseille masked men opened fire with machine guns

In Marseille masked men opened fire with machine guns One person injured, reports the newspaper La Provence. PARIS, may 21. /TASS/. A group of unknown men in masks opened fire on Monday at one of the city of Marseille in the South of France, leaving one person injured. This was reported by local newspaper La Provence. According to the newspaper, the incident occurred at about 17 PM local time (18:00 GMT) in a residential area Busseron on the Northern outskirts of Marseille. Unknown was “men, armed with Kalashnikov rifles and dressed in masks”. As noted, the perpetrators of the incident traveled in three cars. They drove into the quarter and opened fire on a group of young men standing near the local house of culture. ? Des hommes armés de kalachnikovs et cagoulés ont ouvert le feu sur un groupe de jeunes dans le quartier de la Busserine (14e arrondissement

Japanese climber died in the eighth attempt to climb Everest

Japanese climber died in the eighth attempt to climb Everest Japanese climber Kuriki Nobukazu died in the eighth attempting to climb Everest — the highest mountain in the world. Kuriki last nine years, tried to go to Everest without using supplementary oxygen. Kuriki had to go to Everest to complete the program “7 summits” — to go to the main peaks of the seven continents. Climb Everest without bottled oxygen — a lot of the elite of mountaineering and still managed only a few dozens of people. Found in tent The body of 36-year-old climber on Monday morning found the tent at an altitude of 7 400 meters the accompanying Sherpas. It was the eighth attempt Kuriki to conquer the highest mountain in the world. His body was found in the second camp at 1400 meters from the summit. In 2012, Kuriki spent several days in a snow cave to

The desire for a selfie on the Golden gate bridge has turned Russians into deviants

The desire for a selfie on the Golden gate bridge has turned Russians into deviants The most frequent violation of the rules of traffic on the Crimean bridge became a stop in order to take a selfie. It is reported by RBC, citing data of the information center “Crimean bridge”. According to experts, most drivers stop the car to take a picture on the arch span and at the entrance of the Taman shore. Employees of divisions of transport safety do preventive work. The first violation of traffic rules was recorded on the bridge on may 16, said “Kryminform”. Then, dozens of bikers stopped at an arched passage and made a joint photo. According to the rules of the road, stopping on the bridge is prohibited if the movement is less than three lanes. The Golden gate bridge in two lanes in each direction. Vehicular traffic on the Crimean bridge

In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk declared a state of emergency because of a fire in a high-rise building

In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk declared a state of emergency because of a fire in a high-rise building Moscow. May 21. INTERFAX.RU — emergency Mode is entered in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk due to heavy fire, which occurred on Monday afternoon in a ten-storied building, the press service of the city hall. “The fire completely destroyed the roof of the house. In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk entered emergency mode. The situation on elimination of consequences, as well as providing assistance and support to people whose apartments are located in this house, is controlled personally by the mayor Sergey nadsadin”, — stated in the message. The municipal authority “is urgent work, aimed at providing temporary housing.” The residents of the house were asked to write statements on social assistance. Authorities also reported that emergency workers will help the residents to go to their apartments about two hours, when they are convinced of the safety of the entrance. To clear the

Mathematics was replaced by the administrator

Mathematics was replaced by the administrator Presnensky district court of Moscow under the petition of the Main investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (GSU SKR) arrested a new person involved in resonant business about appeals to mass riots. Stopping the prosecution of mathematics Dmitry Bogatov, the investigation began a native of Stavropol Vladislav Kuleshov. It is assumed that he was speaking in various forums under the name Airat Bashirov, offered to organize pogroms and arson. As reported a press-the Secretary of Presnensky regional court Alexey Chernikov, having satisfied the petition of the GSM TFR in Moscow, the court before June 30, have arrested a 33-year-old native of Stavropol Vladislav Kuleshov. Database administrator-JSC “Energomer” Kuleshov was charged with committing crimes under part 2 of article 205.2 of the criminal code (public calls for terrorist activity, public justification of terrorism perpetrated using the Internet) and part 3 of article 212

Former Deputy Director of the FSB have died after crash landing the helicopter in the Khabarovsk territory

Former Deputy Director of the FSB have died after crash landing the helicopter in the Khabarovsk territory Former Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia Anatoly ezhkov was on Board the helicopter, who in the night of may 21, made a hard landing in the Khabarovsk territory. He died of a heart attack after the accident. About this “Interfax” reported in the administration of the Tuguro-Chumikansky district. According to the Agency, Mr. eskow arrived in Khabarovsk Krai fishing. The helicopter performed a hard landing in the forest about 600 km from Khabarovsk. As a result of the accident, he collapsed and caught fire. On Board were the pilot, the General of FSB and the owner of the Khabarovsk territory. After a crash landing, all three got out of the helicopter and headed to the hunting Lodge, about one kilometre from the place of incident. On the way the General was

In the Crimea revealed an extremist group established by the assistant to the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada

In the Crimea revealed an extremist group established by the assistant to the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada MOSCOW, may 21. /TASS/. FSB stopped the activities of extremist groups in the Crimea, created by the assistant to the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. About TASS reported in the Center of public relations (TSOs) FSB. “The Federal security service jointly with the interior Ministry uncovered an extremist group created by Erol Valiyev — the assistant to the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine M. Dzhemilev at the direction of the wanted leader of the banned in Russia, the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar R. Chubarov with the support of SBU”, — reported in TSOs FSB. The group, formed in Kharkiv, according to the FSB, in addition to Veliyev includes former athletes-boxers A. Steshenko, and A. Tretyakov. Extremists planned the Commission of crimes on motives of political hatred in

Flying from Antalya to Chelyabinsk liner sat down in Volgograd due to depressurization of the cabin

Flying from Antalya to Chelyabinsk liner sat down in Volgograd due to depressurization of the cabin Moscow. May 21. INTERFAX.RU the Plane flying from Antalya to Chelyabinsk, extra villages on Sunday in Volgograd, have informed “Interfax” on Monday the press-Secretary of the Volgograd airport Diana Bakulina. “”The air bus-321″ Turkish airline Onur Air, which was flying from Antalya to Chelyabinsk, extra sat in the airport of Volgograd yesterday at 22:40. The reason was the depressurization of the cabin,” said Bakulin. According to her, passengers were placed in airport terminals “C” and “C2”, and passengers with children in the hotel. “The airport officers worked ambulance, passengers were subjected to psychological assistance”, — said the Agency interlocutor. On Monday morning in Volgograd airport arrived reserve Board. His departure is scheduled for 8:45, check-in has been completed. As the press service of the southern transport Prosecutor’s office, all on Board the plane were

Sergeant of the Ukrainian army threw a grenade into the crowd of villagers

Sergeant of the Ukrainian army threw a grenade into the crowd of villagers MOSCOW, may 21 — RIA Novosti. In Ivanovo-Frankivsk region Sergeant APU threw a fragmentation grenade at civilians. About this on his page on Twitter said the Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov. The incident occurred on may 20 in the village of Lisna tarnovytsia. The Sergeant, who was at home on vacation, during the conflict with the villagers threw at them fragmentation grenade. As a result of the explosion nine people were injured by shrapnel. Detailed data about their condition yet. Avakov in connection with the incident, urged the commanders of army units to ensure that military did not take with you on vacation ammunition. “Commanders, grenades — not a souvenir the soldier in the road!” — wrote the Minister. Earlier, the Deputy Minister of the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine