Money Colonel Zakharchenko did not reach the budget

Money Colonel Zakharchenko did not reach the budget I suspect in the theft of bankers and law enforcement officers. Yesterday it became known that the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) conducts a preliminary examination on the fact of theft of money seized from Colonel Guebipk Dmitry Zakharchenko. According to the decision of Nikulinskiy district court, satisfied the claim of the Prosecutor General, the Federal Treasury had to RUB 374 million, $140 million and €2 million, however, after the start of enforcement proceedings it became clear that missing confiscated in rubles and foreign currency for the sum about 120 million roubles In the theft suspect the bankers, the police and the investigators themselves. According to the Kommersant’s sources in law enforcement, unaccounted money and conversion turned into the income of state assets of the former Sakhalin Governor Alexander Horoshavin. Pre-investigation check is conducted by senior investigator for particularly important cases under

FSB and the interior Ministry stopped the supply of weapons in 14 regions of Russia

FSB and the interior Ministry stopped the supply of weapons in 14 regions of Russia MOSCOW, may 31. /TASS/. FSB together with the Ministry of interior conducted a large-scale operation against the underground gunsmiths to curb the channels of illegal arms supplies to Russia. As reported TASS in the Center of public relations (TSOs) FSB, may 29 in 14 regions of the country carried out quickly-search activities and investigative actions in respect of 32 the citizens involved in the acquisition, production, modernization and sales of weapons. The result is seized 83 firearms (machine guns RPK, Degtyarev, “MG-34”; AK-103, AK-74, AK-47, pistols-machine guns “PPP”, “MT-38” rifles and carbines SVD, Mosin, Mauser, Winchester, TOZ, pistols and revolvers of PM, TT, Colt, Walter, Stalker, Tangfolio, Smit&Visson, system of a Revolver), 19 fragmentation hand grenades, three mortar mines, 23 of the fuse of various modifications, about 4 thousand cartridges of various caliber, more than

Weinstein charged with rape

Weinstein charged with rape Producer Harvey Weinstein will be tried on charges of rape and criminal sexual act. This decision was made by the Grand jury in new York. “The Grand jury voted to indict Harvey Weinstein charges of rape in the first and third degrees and sexual offense in the first degree”, — TASS quoted the district attorney of new York Manhattan Cyrus Vance. He added that this decision brings the punishment of the producer for their actions, because “the case will be tried not in front of the press,” and in front of a jury, as it should be. May 25 Weinstein, is accused of raping two women, was released on bail of $1 million from the courthouse in new York. In addition to bail, the man was obliged to wear an electronic bracelet and not to leave limits of the state of new York and neighboring Connecticut.

Saratov Minister resigned after a trip with a drunk employee on a company car

Saratov Minister resigned after a trip with a drunk employee on a company car SARATOV, on may 30. /TASS/. The Saratov region Governor accepted the resignation of Finance Minister Alexander Vyskrebentsev after reports that he was driving after hours on a company car, at the wheel which was the drunk employee of the district administration. About TASS said the press Secretary of the Governor of Nina Popova. Earlier media reported that in Saratov the traffic police detained the car, owned by budget organizations. Driving the car was the girl who was presented with employee of the administration, Minister Alexander Vyskrebentsev allegedly slept in the car on the back seat. According to the Moi, may 25 at 5:30 by the traffic police in the city of Saratov were stopped car Suzuki, car driver a citizen born in 1994 refused to undergo a medical examination. It was made the administrative Protocol under

Contact with money Zakharchenko will check on the lie detector

Contact with money Zakharchenko will check on the lie detector The investigators will check on the polygraph everyone who came into contact and was carrying money taken from the apartment of Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, the TV channel REN TV. May 30, it became known that part of the funds arrested in a criminal case against former Deputy head of the “T” Guebipk Zakharchenko, was kidnapped. According to the channel, lost more than $5 million Check will the major-General of justice, the investigator for particularly important cases under the Chairman of the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia Konstantin Krivorotov. Colonel of the interior Ministry of Russia Dmitry Zakharchenko was detained in September 2016 on charges of receiving a bribe in the amount of 7 million rubles, then he was charged on several more episodes. During the search in the apartment of his sister, the investigators found a warehouse with almost 9

MOE extended the emergency warning about the strong wind in Moscow until Thursday

MOE extended the emergency warning about the strong wind in Moscow until Thursday MOSCOW, may 30. /TASS/ — Expected wind speed of 15-20 m/s. Now in Berlin: Berlin: +18° 83% 757 mm Hg. article 2 m/s Capital Glaucus MOE extended the emergency warning about the strong wind up to 20 meters per second until may 31. The met office predicts Moscow on 30 and 31 may the wind increase to 15-20 m/s. rain.the representative of GU Ministry of emergency situations. In the Chapter I advise you not to Park cars under trees and flimsy structures. Earlier, the emergencies Ministry warned about the strong wind may 30 to 22:00 GMT. Earlier, a source in emergency services told TASS that eleven people were injured by strong wind in Moscow and other cities of the Central and Volga Federal districts, five of them children. Emergency services noted that the strong wind gusts recorded

Poroshenko instructed to provide the protection of Babchenko and his family

Poroshenko instructed to provide the protection of Babchenko and his family KIEV, may 30 — RIA Novosti. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko instructed to provide the protection of the Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko and his family. “Instructed to give Arkady and his family security”, — wrote Poroshenko on Twitter. Earlier in Kyiv said that the journalist was shot in the stairwell of his house. But on Wednesday he appeared at a press conference the head of SBU Vasiliy Gritsak. Babchenko said that he was told about received it “order” a month ago and offered to take part in the RAID.

“Murder” Babchenko was a re-enactment of the SBU

“Murder” Babchenko was a re-enactment of the SBU MOSCOW, may 30 — RIA Novosti. Journalist Arkady Babchenko alive, and his “murder” was a special operation of the SBU, said the head of the Department Vasyl Hrytsak. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий SBU received the information on preparation of murder of the journalist and prevented him, he said. Hrytsak argues that Babchenko “ordered” recruited by Russian security services Ukrainian. “The quest of the Russian special services citizen “G” he offered his friends among the former Volunteers for a reward of 30 thousand dollars to commit a terrorist act — the murder of the Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko,” — said the head of the SBU. #Babchenko alive!!!!! — Anastasia Magazowa (@anastasia_maga) May 30, 2018 He noted that the contractor of the assassination attempt began to cooperate with the investigation and will pass on business as the witness. Now investigative actions proceed with this citizen, and

The hurricane blew the roof of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was the cause of the fire

The hurricane blew the roof of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was the cause of the fire A strong hurricane in Nizhny Novgorod tore roofs off homes, knocked down trees and caused a fire in the business center (the fire was liquidated), reports The hurricane started around 12:40 local time. Reports of destruction come from all parts of the city, as well as Dzerzhinsk, Bor and other municipalities. The wind was hurt and the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin: the demolished part of the roof adjacent to the Ivanovskaya tower. In Nizhny Novgorod the wind slowly destroys the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, in Moscow the wind brings down trees and only in Sunny St. Petersburg, as always, all is well and the sun is shining — Dmitri (@dibart1) 30 may 2018. As they say eyewitnesses, the disaster knocked down trees, fences, on one of the streets destroyed the veranda cafe, and plastic

Disappeared 3 million euros seized from Colonel Zakharchenko money

Disappeared 3 million euros seized from Colonel Zakharchenko money Moscow. May 30. INTERFAX.RU — Investigation checks on the fact of disappearance of about 3 million euros from the money seized from ex-officer of anti-corruption Central Directorate of police of Dmitry Zakharchenko, reported “Interfax” informed source. “The investigators, in particular, will test implicated in the transport of money of the organization and agencies for establishment of all circumstances of the disappearance of 3 million euros (200 million) of the money that was previously seized from Zakharchenko,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that he also checked the conditions of carriage of money and security compliance. Zakharchenko is accused of several counts of bribery (part 6 of article 290 of the criminal code) and obstruction of justice (part 3 of article 294 of the criminal code). From 10 September 2016 he is in custody. In December 2017 Nikulinskiy court of Moscow