Detained Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov

Detained Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS/. The Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov on Wednesday were detained in the conference room of the Federation Council, told TASS a source involved in the meeting of the upper house. “They agreed to the detention and search of the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Arashukova. He was arrested and taken out of the room,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that Arashukova accused of several crimes, including organizing a criminal community. “There’s a whole bunch of charges. Even the article 210 of the Criminal code of Russian Federation (“Organization of criminal community (criminal organization) or participation in it (her),” — said the Agency interlocutor. Before the arrest of 32-year-old parliamentarian plenary session of the Federation Council unexpectedly was transferred to the press closed, and the entrance to the hall was blocked by the staff of the Federal security service. Arashukov was

In Volkhov teenagers lit the cap on the schoolgirl. The girl in the hospital with burns

In Volkhov teenagers lit the cap on the schoolgirl. The girl in the hospital with burns Teenagers in masks beat up 12-year-old schoolboy and lit the cap on his girlfriend. The attack took place in Leningrad on the evening of 29 January. As it became known “Fontanka”, on the Volkhov in the hospital were hospitalized two — a boy and a girl, both born in 2006. They said that about six in the evening in Volkhov at the house number 25 on the street, they were attacked by three teenagers in masks. The boy got some blows with hands and feet to the body, and his companion hooligans set fire to the hat. In the end, the boy was hospitalized with a bruise of a thorax and a girl — with thermal burns of the person in a condition of average weight. This, alas, is not uncommon in recent years.

Media: group IRA has claimed responsibility for the explosion in Northern Ireland

Media: group IRA has claimed responsibility for the explosion in Northern Ireland TASS, January 29. The group, acting under the name ceased 20 years ago, the terrorist activities of the “Irish Republican army” (IRA), claimed responsibility for the bombing in the Northern Irish city of Londonderry on January 19. On Tuesday publication reports the Derry Journal, a version of which received a letter from alleged terrorists. The statement claimed that members of the group placed a car bomb near the courthouse on Bishop street in Londonderry more than a week ago. Police had to evacuate several hundred people in the area ten minutes after the receipt of reports about the bomb. As a result of explosion nobody has suffered. According to the newspaper, followers of the nationalist IRA threatened in this letter, a new violent actions against the British security forces, civil servants and cooperating with the authorities of the

Flying from Saint Petersburg to Antalya the plane landed in Sochi because of a brawl on Board

Flying from Saint Petersburg to Antalya the plane landed in Sochi because of a brawl on Board It is expected that staged mess, the passenger was drunk and behaved provocatively. SOCHI, January 29. /TASS/. The plane flight Saint Petersburg — Antalya made an unplanned landing at the airport of Sochi because of the fact that one of the aboard passengers staged a riot, told TASS on Tuesday in a press-service of airline “Russia”. Aircraft flight FV5863 from St. Petersburg to Antalya made an emergency landing at the airport of Sochi because of the destructive behaviour of one of the passengers. Presumably, the passenger born in 1985, was in a state of intoxication, insulted and provoked a fight with the flight attendants.The representative of the airline According to him, the rowdy on arrival handed over to the police. The plane landed in Sochi at 13:35 GMT. Estimated time of departure is

In Udmurtia fraudsters tricked the pensioner, vowing to invest her savings in bitcoins

In Udmurtia fraudsters tricked the pensioner, vowing to invest her savings in bitcoins IZHEVSK, January 29. /TASS/. Retired from Udmurtia transferred 3 million rubles to fraudsters, who promised to increase her income by turning her money in bitcoins. On Tuesday the press service of the MIA for the Udmurt Republic. “The duty of the inter-municipal Department of the MIA of Russia “Igrinskaya” I addressed 58-the summer inhabitant of village a Game with a message about the theft of her 3 million rubles. According to the victim, she was called by the unknown man and, posing as an employee of the brokerage company, has proposed to increase the income by transferring funds into bitcoin,” — said in published on the website of the message. According to the press service, the first woman transferred to the account of 1 million rubles, then in a few days sent another 2 million rubles, taking

Late seventh graders forced to sit out lesson in the masks

Late seventh graders forced to sit out lesson in the masks In one of the schools in the city of Ulan-Ude late to class seventh graders, the teacher was forced to sit in gas masks. This was reported in the office of the Commissioner for children’s rights in the Republic of Buryatia. The incident occurred during a lesson on the basics of health and safety. Later, the students complained to parents, they reported to the school management, however, measures to restore the rights of children were not accepted. As a result, the staff of the Ombudsman found that the teacher used non-pedagogical methods of education, he announced the disciplinary action. The school administration also recommended among teachers outreach on the mandatory observance of the rights of learners to dignity, protection from all forms of violence and abuse, protection of life and health. 28 January it was reported that children in

VTSIOM called the priority of the Russians version of the explosion in Magnitogorsk

VTSIOM called the priority of the Russians version of the explosion in Magnitogorsk All-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) presented survey data of Russians on the causes of the collapse of the entrance of a house in Magnitogorsk. The majority of respondents associated the incident with explosion of household gas (74%), more than half of them (44%) believe that the reason for the negligent treatment of residents with equipment, another 30% of the opinion about the failure of gas networks, said the poll. A gas explosion in Magnitogorsk20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий Almost all respondents (98%) know about the explosion in Magnitogorsk, said in a statement. Every tenth Respondent is of the opinion that the incident was a terrorist attack, is the same. In addition, 3% said “other” and 12% were undecided. The version of the attack, actively promoted by mass media didn’t trust the Russians, given in the message words of

The Bank of Russia has warned about the increase in the number of counterfeit notes

The Bank of Russia has warned about the increase in the number of counterfeit notes According to the statistics of the Bank of Russia, the number of counterfeited banknotes of the nominal value of 2000 rubles began to increase. This was reported on January 28 in the press release received “news”. It is noted that new banknotes were introduced in October 2017, and the first fake was discovered in 2018. By December the number had increased to 384. In Goznak explained this trend to the gradual entry of money of this denomination in circulation. However, their share in the total number of fake signs is small — 1%. According to the Bank of Russia, 41% of those identified last year, fake Bank notes with nominal value of 2000 rubles banks independently discovered and referred to internal Affairs bodies. The total number of counterfeit ruble banknotes, discovered financial institutions last year

Vitali Klitschko was hospitalized in Austria

Vitali Klitschko was hospitalized in Austria Former world Boxing champion and Kiev mayor Vitali Klitschko delivered for examination to the clinic in the Austrian town of St. Johann in Tirol. This was reported by his press Secretary Oksana Zinovyeva. According to “RIA Novosti”, the Austrian hospital Klitschko was taken January 26 from Switzerland after the economic forum in Davos. According to Zinovieva, the reason for hospitalization was the worsening effects of an old back injury that he suffered in 2007 during training for a fight with American Jamil Makklajnom. In Austria it passes the examination and rehabilitation. 25 January in the Internet appeared the video, which Klitschko could not pronounce the word digitalization (“digitalization”) during a conference at the world economic forum (WEF) in Davos.

More than a hundred Saratov villages were isolated due to snowfall

More than a hundred Saratov villages were isolated due to snowfall SARATOV, January 28 — RIA Novosti. Heavy snowfall that hit Saratov oblast on Monday, interrupted automobile communication with 117 villages and towns in the region, the press service of the regional Governor. Now in Berlin: Berlin: +2° 93% 739 mm Hg. article 3 m/s According to the regional Central Board MOE, on Monday in the Saratov region there is heavy snowfall, the expected loss of up to 19 millimeters of rain, wind gusts reached 15 meters per second. Snowfall will continue in the region, according to forecasts of Agency, at night and in the morning Tuesday. “According to the Governor, as of 16.00 (15.00 GMT) today due to the snow travel is limited to the 117 settlements in almost all districts of the region. Currently closed by the Federal highway Syzran — Saratov — Volgograd, Saratov — Ozinki in