Ukraine wanted to kill the son Avakov, said the participants of the “case Babchenko”

Ukraine wanted to kill the son Avakov, said the participants of the “case Babchenko” KYIV, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The suspect in the organization of the assassination in Kiev of the Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko businessman Boris Herman argues that the list of people he planned to kill after a journalist was Alexander Avakov — the son of the Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine. According to the Agency “UKRINFORM”, Kyiv court of appeals on Monday began to consider an appeal on the measure of restraint Herman. Earlier, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said that the police have a list of people who allegedly wanted to kill customers attempt to Babchenko, it is mostly Ukrainian and a former Russian journalists. It is reported that, in addition to Babchenko, planned the murder of journalist Yevgeny Kiselyov and Matvey Ganapolsky. “The list was Avakov Jr., and Babchenko was not

The former co-owner of “Mosoblbank” Andrzej Malczewski died in the colony

The former co-owner of “Mosoblbank” Andrzej Malczewski died in the colony The former co-owner of “Mosoblbank” Andrzej Malczewski died in the hospital at the colony, where he was serving a term of four years especially for large-scale fraud. About it RBC was told by his lawyer Andrew Straw. The cause of death of the prisoner is not yet established, but the lawyer said that Mr. Malczewski “died from disease”. “He felt bad, he was transferred to the hospital. I am not going to comment on (the cause of death.— “B”), because documents still not received an autopsy today. Data on violent death is not” — said Mr. Straw. The death of the entrepreneur RBC confirmed the National horse Park “Rus” belonging to structures Andrzej palchevskogo. According to the employee of the Park, Mr. Malczewski died on the 16th day. FSIN also confirmed the death of Mr. palchevskogo and stated that

Reckless tourist nearly lost his arm, patting the lion

Reckless tourist nearly lost his arm, patting the lion Ranger believes the man is lucky to be alive. A tourist on Safari in South Africa patted the king of beasts from the open car window. Leo growled and made a movement like he wants to attack. The tourist is so startled that he almost dropped the camera and went to close the window. Ranger Safari Park Naas Smith said the tourist was lucky that the predator grabbed him and pulled out of the window, reports the Daily Mail. During the download an error has occurred. “Only people working in the environment of wild animals, you know the speed of a lion, he could tear the hand of the man concerning it. He easily could have caught the camper and pull out through the open window, and jump into a jeep and to deal there with all. They were lucky to

In China, the passengers stopped the bus from falling into a swoon by the driver

In China, the passengers stopped the bus from falling into a swoon by the driver MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. In China, two passengers stopped the bus driver who lost consciousness behind the wheel, reports the Global Times. The incident occurred in Wenzhou city of Zhejiang province. Timely rescue: A passenger saved nearly 30 lives by taking over the steering wheel of a speeding coach after finding its driver suffering from a sudden stroke. All passengers are safe and the driver is now in stable condition. — Global Times (@globaltimesnews) 18 Jun 2018 Installed in the bus camera caught the driver faints, involuntarily twisting the wheel to the right. After a few seconds, run up to him two men, one rushes to the driver’s seat, align the wheel and stops the bus, and the other inspects the driver. The incident resulted in none of the 30 passengers was

Son-in-law of the king of Spain was to serve his sentence in a women’s prison

Son-in-law of the king of Spain was to serve his sentence in a women’s prison MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The husband of the Spanish Infanta Cristina, Inaki Urdangarin, who was convicted for corruption, was in jail, where he will begin to serve almost six-year sentence, the newspaper Models. Son of king Felipe IV on Sunday returned to Madrid from Geneva, and the next morning arrived in prison “Brieva” in Avila, 100 kilometers from the Spanish capital. It is noted that Urdangarin chose the penitentiary in more than 80 prisons in the country. According to the publication, “Brieva” is a female prison with a separate housing, five chambers, a courtyard, a dining room and the chambers for meetings. Urdangarin will serve his sentence in a special module for men. The Spanish Supreme court on June 12 issued a final verdict in a corruption case Noos. The court sentenced iñaki

The names of more than money

The names of more than money Hackers targeting personal data. The number of incidents of cyber-attacks in Russia increased in the first quarter by almost a third. Meanwhile, an increasing proportion of the attacks with the aim of obtaining information and not an immediate gain, including using social engineering techniques. Data resell on the black market or used for further attacks. The number of cyber incidents in Russia in the first quarter of 2018 grew by 32% compared to the same level as last year — up to 312 cases, says the report of Positive Technologies (“b”). In this case, attackers were more likely to attack with the aim of obtaining data: the share of such attacks in the first quarter increased to 36% compared to 23% in 2017. Data can be sold on the black market or use to continue the attack, analysts explain: for example, information about customers

In the Netherlands, the van crashed into pedestrians during the festival

In the Netherlands, the van crashed into pedestrians during the festival Reuters, citing police reports one of the victims. TASS, June 18. The minibus crashed on Monday into a crowd of pedestrians at the PinkPop festival in the Netherlands, resulting in one person was killed and three were injured. This was reported by Reuters with reference to police. @PolLimburg zoekt getuigen van de aanrijding. De bus (en dader) zijn nog niet gevonden. #Pinkpop — Nick Rompelberg (@NickRompelberg) 18 Jun 2018 According to him, the driver of the white vehicle fled the scene.

The number of victims of the earthquake in Japan has exceeded 200 people, three of them died

The number of victims of the earthquake in Japan has exceeded 200 people, three of them died On it informs TV channel NHK. Among the dead 9-year-old girl, which struck a fence at the school. Three people were killed and at least 217 were injured during the earthquake of magnitude 6.1 in Osaka Prefecture. The earthquake also raised in Hyogo Prefecture, Kyoto, Shiga and Nara. In the city of Takatsuki burst water pipe destroyed the road. In Osaka and other cities stopped operation of the plant. Interrupted by the movement of high-speed intercity trains. Temporarily suspends the local airports. In Osaka there were numerous cases of fire.

In Japan due to a powerful earthquake killed three people

In Japan due to a powerful earthquake killed three people Three people were killed in the earthquake of a magnitude of 6.1, occurred in the South-West of the Japanese island of Honshu. On it informs TV channel NHK. Only injured more than 40 people. About 20 people were trapped in elevators, stopped because of the element. A strong earthquake occurred in the Prefecture of Osaka, led to a halt of high-speed and conventional trains, but also broke the air traffic in South-West Japan, said the TV channel. In particular, the earthquake affected the movement of the 60 high-speed trains on the railway line between the cities of Tokyo and Osaka. Power company Kansai Electric Power announced that the operation of nuclear power facilities element is not broken, the background radiation in the two nuclear power plants near the earthquake is normal. According to the National meteorological administration, hearth tremors lies

American coalition struck the Syrian army

American coalition struck the Syrian army BEIRUT, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Force of the international coalition headed by the USA attacked Syrian army positions in the province of Deir ez-Zor, there are dead and injured, according to Syrian national Agency SANA. The incident occurred in the settlement of al-Hari, South-East of al-Bukamal. There are dead and wounded among the soldiers of the government forces. Preparation of provocations On Monday, the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov said that in several channels the “free Syrian army” (FSA) and special operations forces of the U.S. are preparing a provocation with the use of toxic substances in the province of Deir ez-Zor. In turn, the Syrian human rights defender Mr Ahmad Kazem said that US intelligence agencies are preparing a provocation with chemical weapons near Al-TANF. According to him, it is likely the real use of toxic