The HRC sent to the Prosecutor General conclusion on the matter of human rights Ouba Titieva

The HRC sent to the Prosecutor General conclusion on the matter of human rights Ouba Titieva The presidential Council for civil society development and human rights (HRC) has sent to the Prosecutor General of the scientific-Advisory opinion on the case of the head of the Chechen “Memorial” Ouba Titieva. In this investigation into the circumstances of his arrest called “incomplete and ineffective”. “The decision on refusal in satisfaction of the petition for carrying out of inspections, seizure of storage devices and the computer-technical expertise is evidence of the incompleteness and inefficiency of the audit”, — the document says. We will remind, the defender was charged with possession of drugs on a large scale (part 2 of article 228 of the criminal code). Mr. Titiev pleads not guilty and asserts that drugs to it were thrown. In the “Memorial” is associated his prosecution with their investigation of mass disappearances in Chechnya

The explosion occurred in a subway station in London

The explosion occurred in a subway station in London A small explosion occurred on Tuesday at the station, Southgate London underground, according to Scotland Yard According to police, the incident occurred at 19:03 local time (21:03 GMT). The cause of the explosion turns out, however, as explained in the police, the incident is not considered as a terrorist act. “The investigation is ongoing, but currently we do not view [this incident] as associated with terrorism”, — reported in Twitter of Scotland Yard. The explosion injured several people, they were assisted at the scene. In connection with the incident temporarily closed the subway line “Piccadilly”, where the station is located.

The court arrested the former Deputy Minister of defense of Armenia

The court arrested the former Deputy Minister of defense of Armenia YEREVAN, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. A court in Yerevan on Tuesday arrested a former Deputy defense Minister of Armenia MP Manvel Grigoryan, who is accused of illegal possession of weapons and embezzlement, reports the “Satellite of Armenia”. “The court arrested him for two months”, — stated in the message. Grigoryan, who heads the Union of volunteers Yerkrapah, was detained by national security Service (NSS) on Saturday. In the press center of the NSS reported that during a search in belonging to him buildings was discovered tens of thousands of cartridges, grenades, explosives and small arms, but also a fleet with dozens of vintage and modern vehicles and storage of food, hygiene products, medicines and military uniforms with the inscription “for the soldiers.” The Armenian Parliament allowed Tuesday to prosecute Grigorian.

Three people were killed in a road accident with a minibus in the South of Petersburg

Three people were killed in a road accident with a minibus in the South of Petersburg Moscow. June 19. INTERFAX.RU Three people were killed in road accident in the South of St. Petersburg, another six were hospitalized, said the Vice-Governor of the Northern capital Anna Mityanina on Tuesday. “Today in an accident on the Peterhof highway near Golf club has faced bus “Audi” and “Honda civic,” said mityanina V his Twitter. Today in an accident on the Peterhof highway near the Golf club faced a Shuttle bus, Audi and Honda civic: 3 people were killed in a car 3 adults hospitalized in the 26-th city hospital; 2 Institute of emergency care; 1 child was hospitalized in Children’s hospital K. A. rauchfuss. — Anna Mityanina (@A_Mitjanina) 19 Jun 2018 According to her, three people died on the spot, hospitalized five adults and one child.

In the Board of “inter RAO” found Romanian spy

In the Board of “inter RAO” found Romanian spy Member of the Board of JSC “inter RAO” Karina Tsurkan was arrested in Moscow on charges of espionage. The defense appealed the court ruling, insisting on the innocence of Mrs. Turcan. According to “Kommersant”, she is charged with cooperation with the businessmen allegedly linked to foreign intelligence of Romania. PJSC say that a member of the Board Turcan is on vacation. According to “Kommersant,” Ms. Turcan was arrested by operatives of the FSB, which for a long time secretly watching her contacts. PJSC “inter RAO” she is in charge of block trading, that is in charge of the export and import of electricity. Also, according to “Kommersant,” Ms. Turcan responsible for the business “inter RAO UES” in Moldova Moldavskaya GRES in Transnistria and the supply of electricity from the station of Chisinau. Historically — even when RAO UES export-import operations was

The court in Moscow arrested a suspect in the espionage the citizen of a foreign state

The court in Moscow arrested a suspect in the espionage the citizen of a foreign state MOSCOW, June 19. /TASS/. Lefortovo court of Moscow sanctioned the arrest of a citizen of a foreign state Karina Tsurkan, suspected of espionage, said Tuesday TASS in court. “The court has satisfied the petition of the investigating authorities and chose against Karina Tsurkan’s V. a measure of restraint in form of detention for a term until August 13”, — said the representative of the court, refusing further comment due to the fact that the case is marked “confidential”. According to her, advocates filed a complaint against the arrest Turcan, “but the date of consideration in Moscow city court is not appointed”. Turcan is charged with article 276 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Espionage”). The maximum punishment — till 20 years of imprisonment. According to the criminal code, the article on charged with

The request of the Prosecutor General on the deprivation of immunity Belousov arrived in the state Duma

The request of the Prosecutor General on the deprivation of immunity Belousov arrived in the state Duma Representation of the state office of public Prosecutor about deprivation of immunity of the Deputy from “Fair Russia” Vadim Belousov arrived in the state Duma. About this TASS said the head of the profile Committee for the control and regulation Olga Savastyanova. According to her, Prosecutor General’s office also wants to get permission to excitation of criminal case concerning the Deputy. As explained Ms. Sevastyanova, the Committee has not yet considered the request, because it examines the received information. That the state office of public Prosecutor asked to deprive of mister Belousova immunity, on the eve of the media reported. As found “Kommersant”, the Deputy appears in the criminal case of especially large bribes for providing contracts for road construction in the Chelyabinsk region, but does not yet have status because of their

Deputies are looking for a deal on the Chelyabinsk roads

Deputies are looking for a deal on the Chelyabinsk roads Inquiry Alexander Bastrykin was lost between the attorney General and the state Duma. As it became known “Kommersant”, the Deputy of the state Duma from “Fair Russia” Vadim Belousov appears in the criminal case of especially large bribes for providing contracts for road construction in the Chelyabinsk region, however, does not yet have status because of their immunity. The head of the RCDS Alexander Bastrykin for three months trying to get permission for the prosecution of the MP, however, necessary in such cases, the agreement with participation of the Prosecutor General and the state Duma was delayed. On Monday it became known about the “disappearance” of one of the Prosecutor’s submission: supervision sent him, and the lower house of Parliament has not received. Source “Kommersant” reported that the head of the Supervisory Department Yuri Chaika has sent to the speaker

The former head of Dagestan Abdulatipov has denied reports about the detention of his brother

The former head of Dagestan Abdulatipov has denied reports about the detention of his brother Moscow. June 19. INTERFAX.RU — the Former head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov has denied information about the detention of his brother Rajab Abdulatipov in Moscow. “My brother now, frankly, is with me in the Altai mountains. Information about his detention is widespread especially his detractors. It is false,” said Ramazan Abdulatipov “Interfax”. Earlier an informed source told “Interfax” that Rajab Abdulatipov, who from 2006 to 2016 was the head of the Federal migration service of Russia in Dagestan, was detained in Moscow while trying to leave the country.

The court fined the Petersburger who has stolen from the exhibition of the Maine Coon

The court fined the Petersburger who has stolen from the exhibition of the Maine Coon SAINT PETERSBURG, June 19 — RAPSI, Michael Telehov. For stealing cat breed “Maine Coon” a resident of the city of Pushkin Alexey Rykalin fined on 35 thousand rubles, said on Tuesday RAPSI in United a press-court service (OPS) of St. Petersburg. “Rykalin admitted guilt, repented sincerely. Pushkin district court of St. Petersburg considered the petition of the accused on conclusion of the settlement agreement, but the victim disagreed. However, a civil action by the cat owner is not stated”, — said in the OPS. As follows from the materials of the case, in April Rykalin, being in the pavilion of the Congress-exhibition complex “Expoforum”, stolen from the exhibition tent cat named Evangelist of breed “Maine Coon”. The owner estimated the cost of a cat in 80 thousand roubles. Two days later, the police found a